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Reposted: Yay some say and others nay

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You misunderstand my gist. That said, your points are duly noted. Could say more but about time this thread expired. Thanks for the vote of confidence.


Hallmarks of any successful entity: Clarity and Transparency.

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I said it a long time ago: remove Miskiin-Macruuf from his moderating position.


However, it is not my call, but I am glad the majority of contributers are waking up to the reality.

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Originally posted by S Slash:

However, what I personally found it confusing here is when you have a moderator (MMA) offending and abusing his power that be, when you have an admin (LSK) never responding to complaints sent by a forum user

It is one of the most hypocritical things around here. It sometimes makes you ask if the admin/ almost agrees with this individual. I myself have sent a complaint to Libaax several times concerning Miskiin and he chose to ignore it, even when Miskiin, as a moderator,was going around the politics section writing explicit tribal denunciations such as this:



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Miskiin is entitled to his opinion. I give him credit for opposing everybody when they step out of bounds. I was put to task myelf once before by Miskiin and felt irritated, called him names and apologized to him afterwards. Beyzaani waaye duqa halaga wareegsado. He is no qabiiliiste. He is open to criticism as well and I noticed often people express their disagreements with him. What else do people want?

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Qualities of MMA!


1- He is a nationalist to the core.

2- He has no clannish consciousness


Let me continue with my Arabic mode today and say: khali alkilaaba tanbax wa nawaafilu tamshii :D…uninterrupted that is!


MMA: adopt that terse and concise putdown as your signature.

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Adeer Kismaayaad wax walba ka urisaa, waa gartaa, la yaabna ma lihid. A leopard doesn't change his spots and neither will you no matter how hard you try. Lately I have noticed how you prance around convincing yourself of a mythical objectiveness that grants you the right to make judgment calls. It is only cyber Xiinoow, you shouldn't try so hard!




What about being a moderator and breaking the laws you are supposed to uphold is too difficult for you to comprehend? Who said he is not entitled to his own opinions? How does that justify breaking the forum rules? Ileen adeer, waxa waad iska akhrisaaye maba damacdid inaad fahantid?

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wooow.. and MMA is still moderator after he wrote that piece about Baardheere. I think it high time for him to go. It is also equally disturbing that some of you think he has no clannish consciousness.

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I think MMA should be left alone as moderator. I disagree with the dude and the fakeness of his messages on SOL, we all make mistakes.


Thus I Duke say leave the man alone, Horn you do have some points, but lets not stick the dagger in, just yet. ;)

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Horn, ninweyn ma dacwoodo. Haddii wax nacsanyahay waa iskaga tagaa. You have been complaining for along time now about MMA.


Know when to quite the whining saaxiib and leave MMA he is my inadeer! If you must insist then read my quote from Al Nasir's famous putdown.


I must say that I liked the fact you slipped Kismayo issue in there but i am disappointed you did not in the same breath mention adeer Hiiraale!

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^ :D


I think people should just move on and let senseless stuff go...Macangagnimada ma fiicno marmarka qaarkood...Meesha dad waaweyn baala yahay hebel saan buu qoray, heblaayo saan bey qortay, ani la iima soo jawaabin waalaga fiican yahay...


As I said before, no one is being forced to be here...No has a gun (a bit extreme, but fits) to anyone's head...Everyone comes here at their own will...If someone says/posts something you don't like, move on, it ain't the end of the world...


As for MMA's MOD role, I think he is one of the few mods that keep this place decent...Though sometimes, it may seem inuu iska seexdo :D , he does his best to maintian this section of SOL...With all the fadhi kudirir here, I think he is doing a very good job...I couldn't see myself reading some of the nomad's posts, marhoraan delete, delete, delete kujiri lahaa...I think magaceyga 'delete' baaban u baxsan lahaa...LOL...So let's give credit where credit is due, hal wax oo sanad kii Cali Yuusuf ahaa yaan lagu dhaganaan...


MMA keep up the good work, and hope all this makes you a better MOD than you already are, god knows we can always improve...Keep it up!!! smile.gif

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You guys grow up and leave the man alone.MMA this MMA that.He is entitled to his opinion.Seriously it takes a man with patience to moderate half the BS written on these forums.Hadaan anigu MOD ahaan lahaa iga walee waa xaggi reer waqooyige half the dimwits on this forum would not only see their posts deleted but like the Al Shabaab hit and hit hard tacticskeyga ayey arki lahayaan.Qaarna brush xaar leh baan afka ka meydhi lahaa.UK to Canada to the USA I would hunt anyone down who wrote anything that I do not understand or find offensive to read.Waar ilaa moderatorska kale ayaan raadsaan lahaa.Adminka wajiga baby leh iga walee sidaan u tumayo ayaan odey u eekeysiin lahaa......... smile.gif

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LoL @ Gediid...ha na soo marin.


Drama-laden thread! I have previously wondered why the fastest-moving and most contentious section of SOL is being manned by a lone moderator? That's too much work for just the one person surely? Maybe MMA should get some help?

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^Good call.


Now join me fellas if u would. This place needs extra set of eyes in addition to MMA’s piercing ones.


Gediid for Moderator post :D


Reasons he qualifies for the post:


* He’s no pansy.

* He hails from the north (bud-wielding nutcase :D through and through).

* He’s biased against niicle, doc-ka-yeer, naago-shaneeye et al.

* He won’t put up with dhoocil-like talk where foodleey-style tit for tat passes as debate.


PS: Hats off to MMA and his boss Admin for taking slag from ya know who. Wise ones understand how difficult it is to do what ya guys do day in and day out - moderating nomad politicking - and at the sometimes come across as objective, impartial, and what have you.

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