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AT was right, Sharif not a leader

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Heestan ayaan Faroole uga dalbaday barnaamijka imaqashii-imadadaali:


Maahee, maahee, maahe ka daa

Maahee, maahee, maahe ka daa

Sidaad mooday Federalku, maahe ka daa


Meeshayda yaan la iigu iman, maaha

Meel kale ka macaasho, maaha


Amuuraha dibadaan maamuli, maahaa

Muqdisho shaqo iguma leh, maaha


Dirin!Dirin!diririn!drin! dirin!

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Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up! Sharif spoiled his chances of reconciling with the opposition when he went to Addis. He severely failed and refused to get up.



This was my take, back then:


Originally posted by Farancab:

Forget about the man If he steps in to Adisabab's door before he does Moqadisho's.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Abwaan waa adigii Cabdilaahi Yusuf aflagaadeyn jirey bal Sharif maxuu maanta ugadu wayanyahe. Tabar la,aan tala xumo iyo gaal haku waardiyeeyo beey labaduba isla wa daagaan. Sharif munaafiqnimo kusii darsadey.


Midakale shaley waxaad dadka ku ceeneyse hadaad maanta ku dhax dabaalaneysid hadee say cid waxa uga sheegi kartaa.


Laakin we can agree far kaliya foolma dhaqdo. Taladu Shariif waxee ka xu maantey when we went to Addis right after he get elected.He should have gone to Xamar, Garowe and any other "friendly" Somali town to seek people's support.

Originally posted by The Zack:

Abwaan, in one sentence, tell us what Shekh Sharif has accomplished so far? I say 0, do you agree?

Si aan uga jawaabo su'aalihiina iyo waxa uu Sharif ku dhaamo atleast odaygii ka horreeyey. Qabaa'illada Soomaaliyeed iyo ragga xaasaskooda ma caayo, dagaal joogto ah iyo tartan kulama jiro Ra'iisal-wasaarihiisa oo weliba waxaa marag ah inuu khaladkiisa saxay sheegayna inuu ka cudurdaaranayo, lacag cad ma boobo welina ma maqlin iyadoo la leeyahay rag la xidid ah ayuu lacag ii soo sameeya yiri oo warqado u qoray balse wasaaradaha ku shaqada leh ayaa howshaas loo xilsaaray, dad warqado iska wata oo safiirro iyo lataliyeyaal sheeganaya ma dhoobna maqaayadaha Soomaalida, Inkaar-qabe ayaan ahay oo dad baan laayey haddana waan laynayaa maalin walba kuma celceliyo, Inkastoon aaminsanahay inay intaan ka badan qaban kareen atleast laguma eedeeyo inay lacag badan daldasheen.

Haddii dooddiinnu tahay Yugaandhays baa Muqdisho jooga, Yugaandha ma dhul bay naga haysataa mise Soomaali bay gumaysataa? Teeda kale Yugaandhays waxay inta badan deggan yihiin dekkad, ayroboorka iyo Madaxtooyada ee Suuqa xoolaha, Warshadda Baastada iyo Ceel Cirfiid dadka kuma deldelaan sida Itoobiyaanku yeeli jireen qof kasta oo ay arkaanna madaxa kama toogtaan xaafadahana subax walba kuma faafaan sidii Itoobiyaanku yeeli jirey, baabuurta rayadka ma baartaan kamana qaataan taleefonnada gacanta iyo waxay wataaanba. Nimankaan gafuurka duuban baa madfac ku garaaca soona weerara goobaha ay joogaan marka ma waxaad ku doodeysaan yaysan is difaacin. Runtiina waa wax laga xumaado in shacab khasaare ku gaaro madaafiicda ay Yugaandhaysku ridaan qaarkood oo taas lama dafiri karo balse waxaa la yiri "meeshii laba maroodi ku dagaasho caws baa ku baaba'a".


Bal is weydiiya oo war ma u haysaan in atleast dadka ka ag dhow xaafiiskiisa aysan qabiilkiisa ka soo jeedin balse ay yihiin dad ay ku wada socdaan fikir Aala Shiikh (for example his chief of staff C/Kariim Jaamac, Chief of Protocol Mursal Saney) Can you name qof Soomaalida kale ka soo jeeda oo Xaafiiska AY ka shaqayn jirey?


You know inuu Salaad Jeelle, Maxamed Dheere aysan wax xil ah ka hayn. Gobolka Banaadir oo beeshiisu u aragtay inay xaq u leeyihiin inay maamulaan inuu u dhiibey Tarzan oo ka soo jeeda beel kale.


Ma illowdeen Darwiish, Maxamed Aadan Bidaar, Idamaale.


I am wondering inaad aragtaan waxyaabahaas iyo inaad indhaha is tiraysaan. Soomaaliyana waad ogtihiin sixitaankeedu sannado badan iyo maamullo badan ayay u baahan tahay Insha Allaah.

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Originally posted by Thierry.:

The man received empty support from the masses and empty support from the international community.


That is true and I think if the International Community sees that you are trying to fix your problem they do not want to support you, but if you give up like his precessor and keep on repeating "na qabsada dhulka iyo cirka la wareega" like Geeddi used to say lacagta will come from left and right and of course inta badanna iyagaa cunaya. Do we really understand waht is going on in Nairobi and how the the likes of UNDP behave?

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The Zack   

Abwaan, u understand that 70% of sharif's cabinet are Yey's ex-cabinet? We all know that the Sharif is not as bad as Abdullahi-Xabashi but we also know that he is not capable of leading this country, its been proven.

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You know inuu Salaad Jeelle, Maxamed Dheere aysan wax xil ah ka hayn. Gobolka Banaadir oo beeshiisu u aragtay inay xaq u leeyihiin inay maamulaan inuu u dhiibey Tarzan oo ka soo jeeda beel kale.

:D Tarzan is from what clan again? Adan Ade's family and Sharif hotel are the same clan, off by one father.


But Yarisow, Dahir Gheele are from a different clan? Right :D


Oh I forgot. The Minister of Interiror, Minister of Security are also from a tottaly different region huh? :D


Anyhow 200,000 civilians fled Mogadishu this past few months, success it is not. ;)

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The Zack   

Duke, for someone who was raised in the west, you know too much about clans. It looks you have been spoon-fed with the clan disease. Looool@they are the same clan, off by one father . U probably know all your neighbors' clans.

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Abwaan, runta iska sheeg Adiga & Duke isku sabab buu midba midka kale Madaxweynihiisa u diidanyahay!, Waxa aad ku eedeysay A/Y kanna waa qabaa ee adaan arkin for some reason!. Lakin Cabdullaahi lacag ma dhaco, taas waa been cad.


Dooddan The Duke baa hoggaaminaya!.

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^^^I know these clans very well because they are my family. Not all of us have a village mentality adeer, nor can one be easily fooled by such statements as the one I was responding to.

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The Zack   

^with all the hatred you have for that whole clan I doubt that they are your family. You are expert on the clans and sub clans, admit it.


P.s. What's Maaddeey's clan? :D:D

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^^^I have no hatred on any clan least of all my uncles. I detest ******, individuals fake liberation clan fronts and religious nonses. But my reer Abti, I have said on many an occasion are the best.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

P.s. What's Maaddeey's clan?

Duke is a *********. :D He asks, seeks and chats about clans. He barely knows the customs of Somali clan apart from his kinsmen.


Knowing and learning the clans is different from tribalism. Duke is **************


That said, he can't tell Maddey's tribe. icon_razz.gif


[ July 23, 2010, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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