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Naxar Nugaaleed

Third branch formed

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Although it has taken a long time, the third branch of the TFG was formed. No less important than the Golaha barlamaanka and Golaha Wasiirda, golaha garsoorka was sworned in today.


Baydhabo: Tiirkii saddexaad ee dawladda oo la dhamaystiray kadib markii la dhaarshay golaha garsoorka DFKG.

Saturday, July 08, 2006




Baydhabo (AllPuntland)- Magaalada Baydhabo waxaa maanta ka dhacday xaflad ballaaran oo lagu dhaarinayay guddoomiyaha maxkamadda sare ee Soomaaliya , xeer ilaaliyaha , garyaqaanka guud iyo golaha garsoorka.


Xafladdan waxaa kasoo qayb galay madaxda dawladda Soomaaliya sida madaxwayne C/laahi Yuusuf , raysulwasaare kuxigeenka ahna wasiirka arimaha gudaha Xuseen Caydiid , Wasiirka iskaashiga gobolka ahna raysulwasaare kuxigeenka Ismaaciil Buubbaa ,madax ka socotay golayaasha dawladda , ganacsatada , saxafiyiinta iyo fannaaniinta .


Xafladdii dhaarinta ahayd ayaa waxaa ugu horayn ka hadlay guddoomiyaha maxkamadda sare ee dawladda Soomaaliya Yuusuf Cali Haaruun , wuxuuna ka faallooday shaqada garsoorka , wuxuu kaloo ka hadlay fursado tabobaro oo u yaalla golaha garoorka.


Wuxuu uga mahad celiyay in hawlahan golaha garsoorka oo kaalin ka soo qaatay xubno ay kamid yihiin uqaybsanaha qaramada midoobay ee arimaha Soomaaliya Francios Fall iyo wasiirka qorshaynta C/risaaq Jurile iyo masuuliyiin kale.


Wuxuu sheegay guddoomiyaha maxkamadda sare in xeer ilaaliyaha , gar yaqaanka iyo guddiga garsoorka oo gaaraya 25 ay heli doonaan tabobaro lagu dhisayo aqoontooda.


Md: Haaruun wuxuu kaloo sheegay in waddamo dhowr ah oo ay kamid yihiin Suudaan, Masar , Talyaaniga , Jarmalka iyo Malaysiya laga filayo tabobar ay siiyaan golaha garsoorka.


Haaruun wuxuu intaasi ku daray in kharashaadka ay ku hawl galayaan golaha garsoorka uu gaarayo 48 kun oo doollar , haddii ay wax ka dhimanaadaanna ay dalban doonaan.


Intaasi kadib waxaa hadalka qaatay wasiirka arimaha gudaha Xuseen Caydiid oo sheegay in wax lagu farxo ay tahay inuu dhamaystirmo unugyadii saddexda ahaa ee dawladdu ka koobnayd.


Md: Caydiid wuxuu sheegay in haddii ay yihiin wasiirada Soomaaliya ay u heellan yihiin inay is garab taagaan lana shaqeeyaan golaha garsoorka.


Waxaa ii muuqata ayuu yiri in arintii lawada sugayay ee ahay dhamaystirka caddaalladda dalka in laga gudbay , muhiimna ay tahay in dastuurka dalka ay ilaaliyaan .


Madaxwaynaha dawadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa halkaasi hadal kasoo jeediyay wuxuuna tilmaamay in madaxwayne ahaan ay sharaf gaar ah u tahay in lasoo dhamaystiro tiirkii saddexaad ee dawladda oo ah golaha garsoorka , horayna ay u dhisnaayeen golaha wasiirada iyo baarlamaanka.


Wuxuu xusay madaxwaynuhu in golaha garsoorku uu baaxad iyo awood le'eg yahay labada gole ee dawladda ee jira , hawshooduna ay tahay midda ugu wayn ee la qabto.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu sheegay mar haddii saddexdii gole ee dawladda la dhamaystiray inay ku xigi doonaan in golayaashii caddaaladda loo sameeyo gobollada dalka iyo degmooyinkaba.


" Gobolladu shaqayn mayaan, boolisku shaqayn mayo, canshuurtu shaqayn mayso , hawsha dawladduna socon mayso , haddii aysan si hawl karnimo ah shaqadooda u wadan golaha garsoorku" ayuu yiri C/laahi Yuusuf.


Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu ka codsaday garsoorka inay gaar ka qabtaan (ilaaliyaan) , oo wixii khalad ah ay ka qabtaan , ama ay tallaabo ka qaataan.


Marka la isku soo wada duubo golaha garsoorka oo ahaa tiirkii saddexaad ee dawladda ayaa dhamaystirmay , waxaana u taalla mid kamid ah hawsha ugu wayn ee golayaasha dawladda oo ah caddaaladda bulshada.


CCC Farayaamo


Somalia: President says the government structure complete

Sat. July 08, 2006 09:43 am.


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Mohamed Abdi Farah



(SomaliNet) Somali interim president Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed said on Saturday the general formation of the government has been accomplished today since the members of supreme judiciary committees were sworn.


President Yusuf addressing at a ceremony in which the chairman of the supreme court of the transitional federal government Yusuf Ali Harun held in Baidoa, the capital town of Bay region in southwest of the capital Somalia, saying the supreme court can not operate if it is not built the lower courts, the regional authorities and prisons.


He said the law should be judged for fairness since the government officials may breach the rule and it is more needed the Supreme Court have to take tough measures against all officials who fall into foul.


"Today I can say that the structure of whole government institutions are complete but according to lower administrations are incomplete and they should be arranged sooner," president Yusuf said while he was participating an inauguration ceremony of the Supreme Court leader, the general judge and the general attorney of the government.



The chairman of the Supreme Court Yusuf Ali Harun who was speaking after under oath said he would work hardly to complete the rest mission of the lower courts.


"The supreme court can do a lot about restoring the law and order at the same time the Supreme Court will training the judges of the court to act their duty," Ali Harun said.


Meanwhile, a plane carrying the first part of the Somali police officers who have had three months training in Kenya landed in the Baidoa town airport. They were about 98 policemen who have finished their course.


They were trained to security laws and allotted to protect the government officials.


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Somalia: President says the government structure complete

Sat. July 08, 2006 09:43 am.


Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) Somali interim president Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed said on Saturday the general formation of the government has been accomplished today since the members of supreme judiciary committees were sworn.


President Yusuf addressing at a ceremony in which the chairman of the supreme court of the transitional federal government Yusuf Ali Harun held in Baidoa, the capital town of Bay region in southwest of the capital Somalia, saying the supreme court can not operate if it is not built the lower courts, the regional authorities and prisons.


He said the law should be judged for fairness since the government officials may breach the rule and it is more needed the Supreme Court have to take tough measures against all officials who fall into foul.


"Today I can say that the structure of whole government institutions are complete but according to lower administrations are incomplete and they should be arranged sooner," president Yusuf said while he was participating an inauguration ceremony of the Supreme Court leader, the general judge and the general attorney of the government.


The chairman of the Supreme Court Yusuf Ali Harun who was speaking after under oath said he would work hardly to complete the rest mission of the lower courts.


"The supreme court can do a lot about restoring the law and order at the same time the Supreme Court will training the judges of the court to act their duty," Ali Harun said.


Meanwhile, a plane carrying the first part of the Somali police officers who have had three months training in Kenya landed in the Baidoa town airport. They were about 98 policemen who have finished their course.


They were trained to security laws and allotted to protect the government officials.


News Category: Somalia

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