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General Duke

The political reality of Somalia Today: Job posting..

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The above job posting highlights the political realities of Somalia today. There are three regional states, Puntland, Somaliland and the South and Central of Somalia.


Those who argue otherwise are deluding themselves, and one loves how the secessionists are put in the middle of the two equal other blocks, noting their lack of specialness.

Its time towake up, smell the coffee and rebuild the motherland.

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US $2,500 and $3,000 (depending on experience)



Is this typo, 25K? if not, This is too low, considering the danger on that part of the world.

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Somali not if you are inside Somalia (you will live like a king for 2 years) or jobless or on welfare in the west. I hope the UN gives these jobs to Somalis inside Somalia who really need it.

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I think it mean $2500-3000 per month, Som@li.


I'm clutching at my hair for not training in education, this position sounds like a dream :D

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Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

$3000/month is not a great pay indeed. But then again it all depends on your situation.

Are you kidding? $3000 is GREAT if you don't have expenses to pay. As a public, international job its also tax-free. That's $36,000 year straight, with zero expenses. For a typical person that's $36,000 as a bonus since they usually spend their entire income every year.

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Originally posted by Peace Action:

I hope the UN gives these jobs to Somalis inside Somalia who really need it.

Totally, agree

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Well Duke and others, this is known as ICDSEA projects on educational development assistance in order to establish or upgrade the school systems already in place.


It does not mean Somalia is divided into three parts. For instance, agencies like UNDP, Horn Relief and Development and OCHA use Sanaag Region, N. Somalia, whereas they use Bari Region, Puntland, or Awdal region, Somaliland.


Besides, According to the UN, Puntland is in reality made up of three regions: Bari, Nugal and North Mudug.

Maakhiris of Sanaag Region, N. Somalia also settle western Bari region, Puntland and Lower Juba region, S. Somalia.

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Actually most UN reports refer to Sanaag as Eastern and Western Sanaag. They actually warn people from travelling there as it is one of the few disputed regions in Northern Somalia. Even the U.S State department does as well.


The Sanaag and Sool Regions in eastern Somaliland, bordering on Puntland (northeastern Somalia), are particularly unsafe due to ongoing border disputes and inter-clan fighting.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

Actually most UN reports refer to Sanaag as Eastern and Western Sanaag. They actually warn people from travelling there as it is one of the few disputed regions in Northern Somalia. Even the U.S State department does as well.




The Sanaag and Sool Regions in eastern Somaliland, bordering on Puntland (northeastern Somalia), are particularly unsafe due to ongoing border disputes and inter-clan fighting.

Thankful, you can't even differentiate the U.S state department press releases on travel from the UN field reports?



Sanaag has been the most peaceful region of Somalia

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