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Xuska Sh. Samaale

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Inkastoo xaalka murugeysan yahay, wargelintaan iyo ogeysiiskaan hoos ku qoran qasab igu noqotay inaa idinla wadaago.



Ogeysiis Reer bini Caqiil:


Meel kasta ay joogaan in lagu qabandoono wadanka Sweden, magaalada Gothenberg siyaaradii Sh. Samaale waxaana looga hadli doonaa tariikhdiisa iyo dadkii uu la kulmay ...


Sheekh Samaale Maxamed oo ah reer
Aala bin Caqiil bin Abi Dhaalib
] oo ah aabaha ay ka soo farcameen somaali badnankeed in ka badan 60%.


Siyaarada waxaa la qabandoona malinta ay taarikhdu tahay 1 Maj [May/Maajo] 2007.


Sheekha ayaa waxaa ka soo farcamay 9ka Samaale oo kala ah ...


Sheekh Samaale waxaa lagu siyaarta Yurkud, gobolka Bakool. Sheekha Samaale waa aabaha Soomaalida waana halka magaca Soomaalida uu ka soo jeedo.


Waxaa lagala soo xiriiri karaa siyaaradaasi guddiga qaban qaabada oo kala ah Sheekh Cabdi Cali iyo Sh. Fu'aad Xaaji Maxamed Aala Alcaqiil iyo Axmed Sheekh Kalaay.


Dad ayaa wali saan u fikiraayo oo aaminsanba waxaas. Sheekh Samaale kulahaa. :D:D:D


Anyway, qofkii Iswiidhan joogoo, ha moogan xuskaas.

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waxaan Nacaa marka reerkasta oo Soomali ahi Carab sheegtaan, War duulkaas maxaa lagu arkey? Cid leh african baanu ka soo jeedna, oo dun ku leenahay arki maysid. :mad:

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Dabshid, the Arabs trace their lineage back Adan via Qhahtan. In other words, the oldest of the arabs and the forefathers of the arabs are the Black Arabs populations in southern arabia.........the people mentioned in the Quran ie Ad, Thamud,...these were the superior civilizations eg seba(the sabaens) the Northern asiatic arabs in Mecca were just nomadic with littel civilization. Even habashida used to control southern Arabia.........

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Originally posted by Geel_Jire12:



m.m.a, is there a tomb, for "samaale"?

According to ogeysiiska kor ku dhigan, waxee leeyihiin meel Yurkud, Bakool, la yiraahdo ayuu ku duuganyahay odeyga Samaale.


Now, Samaale may or may not have existed -- and it is quite plausible to have existed in someway or other -- waxa igu kalifay to open this thread was that 'sheekh' title and the whole hoopla of Abiidhaalib connection. It is just nonsense, as it is nonsense other insecure people who claimed on this very site to belong that same lineage.


Hadduu Samaale noolaan jiray, wuxuu noolaa intee diinta nasoo gaarin. Waaba hadduu.

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Its quite amusing how all Somali clan families end up with the same ancestor.

Is it that the story was popular a few hundred years back and so because we are an oral people we just copied each other until we ended up with the same nonsence.


They are all Arab ancestors, all Shiekhs, all came and brought the religion, all married local women and all are great and so on and so on..


A good threat..

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Cheerleader of whom? Of Samaale? Sure, if he existed. :D I don't miss xus, not because of those honoured, but because of qof sab'uriye ayaan ahay.


Meel bariis laga kariyo ma la iga waayo, bun iyo qaxwana ku dar iyo canbuulo. :D


Of course believing "Sheekh Samaale," it is ridiculous, and those waxaan aaminsan themselves wax aan dhaho ma aqaano ka ahayn ceebtooda ha asturtaan.

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