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Somali women held for wearing Muslim veil...???

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March 27 2004 at 03:57PM


Mogadishu - Seventeen women have been arrested in southern Somalia's Middle Shabbelle region for ignoring a decree banning women from wearing veils, a spokesperson for the the area's administration said on Saturday.


"Seventeen women have been arrested for defying a decree that banned women from wearing the Muslim veil," spokesperson for the region, controlled by warlord Mohamed Omar Habeb, said on condition of anonymity.


Independent sources in Jowhar, 90km north of the capital Mogadishu, confirmed the arrests.


Habeb banned the Islamic veils on Thursday in a bid to foil male would-be attackers who could be disguised as women.


He has also banned vehicles with tinted windows from operating in his fiefdom, his spokesperson said.


"Any vehicle with tinted glasses will be impounded from Monday. This is a security threat that can undermine peace in Jowhar and neighbouring areas," he added.


In his decree last week, Habeb pointed out that he was a devoted Muslim but was compelled to act to avoid bloodshed by religious extremists, such as those who allegedly killed a Kenyan aid worker in the self-declared republic of Somaliland this month.


The decree is the first of its kind since Somalia was founded in 1960.


The predominantly Islamic country has lacked an effective government since the dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991, descending into armed clan-based conflicts and widespread anarchy.



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I think this is new low for somalis everywhere, and new low reached by another ethopian stooge, what disgraced using unfortunate incident that happened in somaliland to carry Ethopian orders.


It seems he has already arrested some woman for obeying islam


:( :mad:

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I can understand that he is under some sort of pressure. But isn't the way to handle the situation. What are the locals doing about the situation? I'd expect some form of an up rise from the practicing Muslims at least.. Does anyone know?



The decree is the first of its kind since Somalia was founded in 1960.

I thought, Siyad banned the Hijab from schools in the 1980' is this decree any different?


In his decree last week, Habeb pointed out that he was a devoted Muslim but was compelled to act to avoid bloodshed by religious extremists, such as those who allegedly killed a Kenyan aid worker in the self-declared republic of Somaliland this month.

Is it I, or have the 'militant' Muslim groups become everyone’s scapegoat these days. From America to China - every little thing that goes wrong seems to be the work of a militant Islamic group...soon they'll be blamed for causing bad weather: rolleyes:


I'm rather disgusted at how most Somali politicians (including those of SL) are repeating the west’s anti-Islamic sentiments – I don’t see how this is favouring their regions - they are only drawing more attention to themselves and attesting to the claims of terrorist activities in the horn. Wouldn’t that give America a reason to attack Somalia and meddle in our affairs? I really hope these people start thinking about the consequences of their statements and actions --- Somalis are having enough trouble as it is without the added problems of being liked to Al-Qaeda and Americas BS!

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Originally posted by Ameenah:


I'm rather disgusted at how most Somali politicians (including those of SL) are repeating the west’s anti-Islamic sentiments – I don’t see how this is favouring their regions - they are only drawing more attention to themselves and attesting to the claims of terrorist activities in the horn. Wouldn’t that give America a reason to attack Somalia and meddle in our affairs? I really hope these people start thinking about the consequences of their statements and actions --- Somalis are having enough trouble as it is without the added problems of being liked to Al-Qaeda and Americas BS!

yup, not only that, but each rival clan/ warlord can just point a finger at so and so and just SAY hes a terrorist or has links to terror organizations as a means to continue their ridiculous fights, and big brother USA will attack and say they found the 6th (3rd, 4th im not paying attention) september 11 hijacker.

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Nothing more?


When there paranoia reachs a level where innovent Muslim women are being imprisoned for wearing the veil, you get a situations where Muslims are being opressed by wotless Muslim ku sheegs - I really don't want to call him/others a munafiq but his acting like one.


This anti-Islamic sentiments is becoming a daily ritual with Somali politicians. On one hand they are handing over Muslims thought to be connected to terrorist groups, then they satrt attcking Islam in their journals by hiding behind the preserve our dhaqan bull and now - sisters can't wear niqab... and get arressted for it .. in Somalia of all places.




They think America is their friend! But yaa u sheega uncle Bush has other plans :D


Don't worry though, Allah will deal with them in the end ....

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