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SSC traditional leaders warn Somaliland 'stay out'

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Garaad Jaamac “U dulqaadan mayno ciidamada ku sugan...."




Dharkengey-15.September.2006 Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo ka tirsan issimada gobolka Sool ayaa sheegay inaysan u dul qaadan doonin in ciidamo shisheeye

ay sii joogaan deegaamadooda.


Garaad Jaamac wuxuu ula jeedaa ciidamadaasi shisheeyaha ciidamo S.Land ka tirsan oo dhowaan gooyay wado isku xirta Laascaanoo iyo Buhoodle kuwaasoo diidan in madaxweynaha Puntland oo lagu wado inuu socdaal ku tago Degmada Buhoodle ee gobolka Sool uu maro halkaasi.


Garaadku wuxuu sheegay inay Odayaal u direen ay la hadlayaan, laakiin haddii ay arrintu ka gudubto si nabadgelyo ayuu wuxuu yiri in ay ka tashan doonaan go'aan midaysan oo tashi laga yeeshay laga qaadan doono.


Hadalkan ayuu Garaadku ka jeediyay maalintii shalay ahayd Tuulada Dharkey oo ka tirsan gobolka Sool mar uu shalay ku wehliyay booqasho uu madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Puntland Jeneraal cadde Muuse uu ku marayay ilaa 5 tuulo oo ka tirsan gobolka Sool.



C/fataax Jaamac Mire

SBC Laascaanood

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