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New Ambassador to Sol: Sheikh Sakhar 89th unofficial member of the UIC-Shuura!

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I, as the representative-elect(appointee)to Sol, appointed by his (supreme)leader of the consultative council of the Islamic republic of Somalia, Al-Amiirul Mu'mineen fii ardul Soomaal Sheikhuna Ash-Sheikh Al'Alim Al Hassanu bin Sheikh Dahir bin Al-Aweysow Aala Airo (hafidhahullaah) may Allaah preserve him, herby notify:


My unofficial appointment as the chief promoter of the courts agendas and views, which the Amiir felt needed explaining to a wider audience because of mistrust and suspicioun from certain aspects of the Somali society and international community.


In order to do so, the Amiir has clearly adviced (ordered) me to open a new Islamic court in here, which will be joining the umbrella organisation of the Union of Islamic Courts of Somalia immidiately inshallaah after it takes full control.


The official title of the maxkamad will be 'Maxkamada Islaamiga ee SOL' (Islamic Court of SOL).


We will wage jihaad (cyper) to all our enemies inshallaah, in order to join up being 'relgious' will not be a pre-requisite to join, the new maxkamad of Sol. In fact we actually welcome questionable characters as long as they hail from the Amirs immidiately family ofcourse!


Take one of these Islamic headgears and all your sins will be immidiately put aside! Whether you deal with substances or have thousands of people's blood on your hands, it doesn't matter as long you're from the 'tribe'.



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