
Insane voices of SL

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It is very true people in North Korea, believe their dear leader  does not urinate, and is God, 

Human experiment is going on, in SL needs years of research to understand, multiple phD thesis 

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8 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Dad wada waalan meel iskugu habar wacday. Literally.


It’s called group therapy, it’s quite healthy actually to process things and find ways to connect with reality .  

Waryara, tolkeyga ha ku xad gudbina waxbaa ba na heysta oo la yaab nagu abuuray, buuqan arkisiina wexe ka mid tahay sida isku daweyno. Ha hadlaan, ha doodaan, laabta ha sii dayaan, cafimaad waaye camal.

Hadii la aamusi lahaa ayaa aniga  warwar Iga gali lahaa. 😆 

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Madness continues, why the hell would AS be welcomed when SSC won the battle for their region and wouldn’t they straight go to Sanaag instead of making a pitstop in Las Anod.

Seems more like the old tactics professed by Puntland, trying to smear every group that defeats them with the terrorist card and solicit for military project support and funds. 

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2 hours ago, Arafaat said:

Madness continues, why the hell would AS be welcomed when SSC won the battle for their region and wouldn’t they straight go to Sanaag instead of making a pitstop in Las Anod.

Seems more like the old tactics professed by Puntland, trying to smear every group that defeats them with the terrorist card and solicit for military project support and funds. 

It is a damage control, and a respond to this report from the UN Security Council.

The UN Security Council held a special session yesterday on the situation in the Sool region & the new organization of SL engaged in another war in those areas, and the forum decided on 7 points.

1- In Somaliland, it has been admitted that it has targeted medical facilities and workers in the city of Lasanood, which is a war crime, while the leaders of the WHO and MSF organizations have spoken on the forum.

2- Somaliland has been accused of refusing to send medical supplies to the Sool region, including medical aid to prisoners captured in the last war.

3- The special envoy of the UN in charge of Somalia, said in the forum that the attempt to attack SL & the angry words of creating war can lead to genocide and destruction of property.

4- The special envoy, she also said that the delay in the elections in SL, caused conflicts between Somaliland-Central Community (Isaaq).

5- The Security Council called on Somaliland to comply with the UN related to the war in the Sool region, and there will be follow-up.

6- The Security Council has agreed to investigate the individuals involved in the export of illegal weapons or involved in the conflict in Sool, and then impose sanctions.

7- The Security Council called on both sides to allow humanitarian aid, and those who obstruct it will be sanctioned.



Golaha Ammaanka ee QM ayaa shalay fadhi gaar ah kayeeshay xaaladda gobalka Sool & abaabulka cusub ee SL ku howlan tahay dagaal kale oo ka dhaca deegaanadaas, waxaana madasha laga go'aamiyey 7 qodob.

1- Somaliland, waxaa lagu qiray in ay bartilmaameedsatay, Xarumaha iyo Shaqaalaha caafimaadka ee magaalada Laascaanood, taas oo ah dambi dagaal, iyadoo ay madasha ka hadleen madaxda Hay'addaha WHO iyo MSF.

2- Somaliland, waxaa lagu eedeeyey in ay diiday agabyada caafimaadka in la geeyo gobalka Sool, oo ay ku jiraan gargaar cafimaad oo loo fidin lahaa maxaabiista looga qabtay dagaalkii u dambeeyey.

3- Ergayga gaarka ah ee QM u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, ayaa madasha ka sheegtay in isku dayga weerar ee SL & hadalada xanafta leh ee abuurida dagaal ay horseedi karaan xasuuq shacab & burbur Hantiyeed.

4- Ergayga gaarka ah, waxay kale oo sheegtay in dibu dhaca doorashooyinka gudaha SL, ay keenen iska horimaadyo u dhaxeeya gudaha Somaliland-Beesha dhexe (Isaaq).

5- Golaha Ammaanka waxay ugu yeereen Somaliland in ay u hoggaansato QM ee la xariiray dagaalka gobalka Sool, ayna ka dhalan doonaan dabagalo.

6- Golaha Amniga ayaa isku raacay in baaritaan lagu sameeyo shaqsiyaadka kashaqeynaya soo dhoofinta hubka sharci darada ama ku lugta leh colaada Sool, ka dibna cunaqabateyn lagu soo rogo.

7- Golaha Amniga ayaa ugu yeeray labada dhinacba in la ogolaado gargaarka aadanaha, cidii hor istaag ku sameysana la cunaqabateyn doono.


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9 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Is tolka having a collective mrental breakdown?


They can not understand the West ended the so call war on Teror. Dawaco meeley baruur kubaratay ayay macaluul ugu bakhtigaa. The idea of functioning  as Kurdish or Taywaan not gone bring any more fruits for them. West or Ethiopia do not need their services whether Adna and Waraabe cries in the churches or synagogues. The global geopolitics is going a different direction. It is in fact going to the Indian Ocean.  

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1 hour ago, Duufaan said:

They can not understand the West ended the so call war on Teror. Dawaco meeley baruur kubaratay ayay macaluul ugu bakhtigaa. The idea of functioning  Kurdish or Taywaan not gone bring any more fruits for them. West or Ethiopia do not need their services whether Adna and Waraabe cries in the churches or synagogues. The global geopolitics is going a different direction. It is in fact going to the Indian Ocean.  

Some wish and dream return of Tplf

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Governments negotiate on treatment and release of POW, instead Somaliland government showed they really don’t care what happens with the 300+ soldiers held captive. This official even stating that they don’t care if those soldiers get killed, ‘ha laayaan ciidankaa’. subxannalah 


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