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Somaliland : Reality on the ground Vs its Outlook

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Somaliland : Reality on the ground Vs its Outlook

Mar 02, 2005


Where there is a confusion 3C will be in action to shed a light, where there is a history in the making 3C will be a credible witness. That is 3C philosophy of its existence and this article is an attempt to shed a light over the confusion surrounding Somaliland, in doing so 3C will explore Somaliland geographical coverage as an administration Vs rest of Somalia and the reality on the ground Vs dreams many hold dearly in their hearts.



In order to explore Somaliland’s span of control and compare to that of the rest of Somalia will enable us to understand the extend of their power and influence, therefore I start with Somali geography – The former Somali Democratic Republic, currently known as Federal Republic of Somalia is made up of 18 regions, some regions are bigger in size and have more inhabitant than others. Somaliland administration claims the territorial integrity of what once was a former British Somaliland – existed prior to 1960 independence.




The timing in this context is crucial because history has it, the geography in Somalia changed numerous times depending on who colonised where and when, it is also relevant to mention that once the British colony was in charge of Somalia including what later become Italian Somaliland – meaning one Somalia under one colony.




Going back to the subject, former British Somaliland consists of 5 regions out of 18 regions in Somalia. I don’t know about you, but to me given the above figures things are not looking so good for Somaliland in terms of size. In percentage wise this makes up just fewer than 28% of Somalia. However low 28% may seem, what is even more shocking is that this 28 percentage is based on Somaliland’s claims (of land that they do not either have control or the support of the local people), which like many other claims in history i.e. Saddam Hussein claim of Kuwait is simply claim and claiming is one thing turning it into reality is a whole new ball game, with huge risk and consequences.




1991 SNM (made up of one tribe and not included other inhabitants in former British Somaliland) hastily and unilaterally declared ill-thought independence from the rest of Somalia, since then Somaliland’s quest for international recognition produced nothing other than never ending disappointments and failures. In the domestic front, the promise of a just and democratic Somaliland also failed. Leaving Somaliland administration to barely have a control of Hargeisa and its immediate surroundings.


Hargeisa and its immediate surroundings “eeheeheeh†that doesn’t even represent one region in Somali/land; let us go back to our calculation, 1 region out of 18 regions in Somalia. May God maths is performing magic today, in percentage wise Somaliland administration controls BIG 1/18 = 5.5% of Somalia or 1/5 = 20% of Somaliland – Even though in reality Somaliland administration scarcely have control in less than one region, yet it constant claims the territorial integrity of whole of former British Somaliland territories. My advice to Somaliland – claim parts of Australia as well (Ku qabso ku qadi mayside), reason being: they have more or less the same weather, it used to be under the British and you are quite good with claiming land doesn’t belong to you.




Somali/Land Fact Sheet


Regions %


Federal Republic of Somalia




Former British Somaliland

5 out of 18 regions



Somaliland Administration controls

1 region out of 18



Somaliland Administration within former British S/L

1 region out of 5






Recognition for (one city country) Somaliland




Even though recognition for my tiny Somaliland is mission unattainable, nevertheless, it would hit the international headlines should it happen. What could be more interesting to read or sell newspapers than an article named “Recognition for One City Countryâ€, this is certainly how 3C & other newspapers will cover the historic event: -




BREAKING NEWS - (date 3C/Location) Today the world community have LOST the PLOT once again as it increases the financial burden on the international community by granting recognition for my tiny Somaliland, the country is made up of one city and couple-surrounding villages, Gross Domestic Product = 2% (virtually non-existence), administration wise - corrupted and mismanaged, Freedom of the Press – Free as long as they uphold/fully comply with the general law namely do as you are told rule – any breach of the do as you are told rule carried imprisonment i.e. the recent arrest of Jamhuuriya (Local Newspaper) chief editor. Democratic front, democracy is normally defined as by the people for the people. In S/L they defined it as by the elite for the elite other than that it exists in the minds of some dreamers and in reality it is purely militaristic type of authority (inherited from former regime) hiding behind the sham claim of democratic status. This is deliberate done knowing that the world community don’t seem to care the internal affairs of failed nation. In short Somaliland brings one more mouth for the world community to feed with what is already an inadequate resources.




Couple Minutes Later – having received complaints from the international community the UN gets its sanity back and takes its recognition for my tiny Somaliland back as well. By then Somaliland achieved its long-waited goal of becoming recognised nation as it enjoyed 2 minutes as sovereign country. This puts S/L in a better position to pull maximum benefits from the talks with the new Transitional Government of Somalia and in the end settles with deputy Prime Minister and lived happily ever after




3C congratulates Somaliland for their achievement of 2 minutes fame and equality welcomes them back to Somalia (Lama huraan waa – cowska Jiilaal). Remember you were not the only victims of the former military regime lead by late President Siad Barre (May Allah rest his soul in peace).


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