Che -Guevara

Muse Must Resign

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On 8/30/2023 at 1:44 AM, maakhiri1 said:

I swear I puzzled  how the guy responsible for this calamity, disaster is still in office, and to stay in power, he still lying to masses, diverting the message, to more anger, hate, 

The world, Somalis, the Muslims, non Muslims, everyone beg him to remove his forces,  

It is possible because of the lack of one thing and one thing alone: accountability.  It seems this most basic of concepts if I can call it that, is entirely alien to those who live in Somaliland. 

In Britain, Tony Blair who was responsible for the UK's invasion of Iraq on dubious grounds is to this day vilified, hated, and above all tormented with questions about that war.

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10 hours ago, Arafaat said:

It kinda shows how lucky he has been to have been given all that unchecked power. Imagine if he would have used it for the positive, how much he could have achieved. 

With this  level unchecked powers, he could have done a lot of positive changes, and developments, I agree

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There is a skirmish today near Naaso Hablood involving land disputes. Both sides are accusing each other.

Dagaal sababay dhimashada 5 qof oo ka dhacay magaalada Hargaysa ee caasimada Somaliland

Talaado, December, 19, 2023 (HOL) - Inta la ogyahay 5 qof ayaa ku dhintay tiro kalena way ku dhaawacmeen kadib markii dad hubaysani ay weerareen qayb kamid ah Millateriga Somaliland oo dagan buuraha Naaso-Hablood ee Hargaysa galabta.

Xildhibaan Yaasiin Cumar Yare oo kamid ah Golaha Deegaanka Hargaysa oo waraysi siiyay warbaahinta KF, ayaa sheegay in ay ciidanka soo weerareen dad hubaysan oo sheeganaya in ay leeyihiin dhul kamid ah buuraha Naaso-Hablood ee waqooyi bari Hargaysa, oo uu ciidanku dagay, sidaana uu dagaal ku qarxay maanta.

"Muran dhul oo baryahanba sii xoogaysanayay ayaa sababay khasaaraha dhimashada iyo dhawaaca ah, dhulku waa dhul dan guud ah oo dowlada hoose gacanta ku hayso, niman millateri ah ayaa iska dagay nabad in ay kaga guuraan ayaanu rabnay lakiin may dhicin" ayuu yidhi xildhibaanku.

Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay in tirada guud ee ilaa hada dhimatay ay tahay 5 qof, isaga oo sheegay in dadka dhulka sheeganayaa ay weerar kusoo qaadeen xerada ciidanka millaterigu uu ka samaystay goobta, sidaasna uu ku dhacay khasaarahu.

Waxa uu sheegay in dadka soo duulay iyo ciidanka dagan meesha midna aanu lahayn dhulka, lakiin ay marar dhawr ah taliska guud u gudbiyeen in ciidanka meesha lagaga raro, lakiin aanu talisku ka aqbalin.

Xildhibaanku waxa uu sheegay in xaaladu ay dagantahay hada, isla markaana ay dowlada hoose iyo xukuumaduba xaalada gacanta ku hayaan.

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