Game changer

Muuse biixi : dimuquradiyada kuma jirto waa markaygii, bahashu Maaha baaskeel

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On 8/20/2023 at 11:29 PM, Game changer said:

The faraq always dictates the rules of the game.  And he ends up begging (shaxaad)  the cadnaan when he grows up.    I would say cirro should accept any thing This faraq suggests,  kaadi badane waa loo Gogol badiya. I believe ururo elections is good for wadani.  Why ? Because faysal is going to fail which is good for cirro . Then you have the Hjs fragmenting into 3 political groups.   Because HJ  officially own all national parties ( kulmiye, wadani and the upcoming  kaah)  cirro can kill one stone with two birds ,    getting rid of  Faysal waal and   jeegaan ,    all at the same time. 

This looks more like a gambling strategy. Siyasadu iyo kursigumarka Hadii er khamaar noqotay, Kaah iyo Kulmiye iska iloow ku odhan lahaa, both wa la khaarajaniyaa, wax kale meesha kasoo socda. 

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58 minutes ago, Arafaat said:

It’s all good, but where is the law that should guide the direct party elections? 

We don't have a law for direct party elections . But we have a law that clearly  forbids  extension for the parties. Their time is expired.  An expired party can't run for president.   They have to renew their license in one way or the other.  

Some how I agree with talaabo , he suggested that we can do guuurti elections instead of the direct one.  I think it's not bad idea at all. It will only require few amendment in the previous laws. 

Qaadis iyo jiidis waa Isla halkii uun.   Marwalba waxa khasaba in ururadu tartamaan ama guurti haku tartamaan ama toos haw tartamaane.   Madaxwaynuhu sharci buu Ku taagan yahay.  Meel laga maraa jirin.

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The angry monkeys are not easy,  muse is threatened  by one of his best loyalists. During the next coming days , Cirro and  maxamuud xaashi will collect all the bananas in the market to appease the the monkeys.  😄   Samatar and Mujaahid dirawal will also do the same.    Meanwhile in burco we didn't accept ina kaahin , he is Old  and has no political future.  In gebiley , the JB s are also questioning their stake.   Muuse is about to die at the hands of his supporters. 



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So, political parties have to renew their licences, if no, they cease to exist, which technically therefore makes political parties businesses of interest, and of the private type. How do they then acquire and exercise political power? From where their authority stem, and with whom does it rest?

Of all the sane and healthy people in the region, all the beloved Republic could come up with are:

  • Cad (Cirro), who could not bite even if a finger is being fed into this mouth,  
  • Cille (Muuse), who would rather bite off his tongue out of spite, and whose answer to any problem is to reach for the hammer,
  • Caami (Faysal), who speaks as if in early adolescence, or on the opposite, where he is regressing in his twilight years.

The only man left, who exhibits 'odaynimo' is ina Jirde, and he does not seem to be engaging, and from the sound of it, even Cali Gurey has gone terribly quiet.

In peace time, any twat could mount to the coveted seat, but in troubled times, men of wisdom could only pass the muster.

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They have 10 years lifespan.  Every 10 years it's open for all citizens to create Their own political organizations. to legally  acquire or exercise  power  you need to  first compete with other political organisations.    The other alternative way is to take the  whole country  by force .  Only the leaders of the army can do the later option.   

Muuse biixi arrogance is needed for the war ,   at the same time we want to get rid of him . Odaygu waa condom Ku haboon markay somaliland wax xumaynayso. Laakiin nin  dadkayaga inuu usii taliyo Ku haboon maaha , aakhirka anagu madaxa isu kaayo gelinaya.   Inuu waashayna waa macquul.  Maalmahan sidii hore maaha.

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You might have missed the nub of the query: why does a political party have a life cycle as if a product with a shelf life, or need to expire? Should not voters be the ones determining, or deciding whether a party, and by extension its leadership, is electable, or not?

On the matter of his being unfit to govern, why not rise, and support the Gacan libaax resistance?

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Waxayagu xisbiyo maahee waa dukaamo  dadkayaguna waa wada  ganacsato madax banaan , Nina ma rabo in dukaankiisa lagula dhuuqo .xisbi walba gudoomiyaha  muddo badan iska haysta.

  Si aanay dhawr qof weligood talada u  haysan baa loogu talo galay In every 10 years liisanka xisbiyada tartan loo galo.  Ofcourse dadka ayaa kala doorta ururada..  Waxan u arkaa  qodob fiican oo fursad siinaya muwaadiniin badan  oo talent hogaamineed leh.  

Why do we have to rise when we are dealing with external enemies.  That's a treason.   If I don't like the leader , I have my card to replace him. 

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It is good you recognise wherein lies the quandary.

Besides ina Mooge, as the mayor of Hargeysa, who comes across as possessing the right ingredients and potential, has there been a bona fide young talent being elected, admitted in politics? Jamal Cali Xuseen, C/raxman C/Qadir were the only two, with a couple of other hopefuls, who tried, and we all remember what came of them.


Did it occur to you the reason there are 'external enemies', as you put, is due to dim politicking, and poor leadership? 

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29 minutes ago, Illyria said:

It is good you recognise wherein lies the quandary.

Besides ina Mooge, as the mayor of Hargeysa, who comes across as possessing the right ingredients and potential, has there been a bona fide young talent being elected, admitted in politics? Jamal Cali Xuseen, C/raxman C/Qadir were the only two, with a couple of other hopefuls, who tried, and we all remember what came of them.


Did it occur to you the reason there are 'external enemies', as you put, is due to dim politicking, and poor leadership? 

Dad  karti badan  oo wadanka hogaamin karaa waa buux ,  ee afmiisharada baa Ka xoog batay, laakiin way soo dhiiran doonan, waaqica khasbaya inay dhiiqada siyaasada madax madax isugu tuuran.

Reerkaa nagu soo duulay weligayaba waanu is haynay ilaa marku cigaal joogay, cigaal cidina kama hogaamin fiicnayn.  Waxaanu isku haynaana waa qabyaalad iyo kala duwanaanshaha isir kayaga oo keliya.   Fidnaduna marwalba dhinaciinay Ka socotay.


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Cigaal had no 'caqli', was only familiar with a 'divide to rule' type of politics, and by far was one of the worse evils to have befallen on the Somalis, but that is a conversation for another day.

Now, why do not you rally behind GXJS to lead the State? After all, they are your educated class, natural leaders, have the population mass, fought and died for it, and have shown they could from S Sanaag to Hargeysa, their de facto, legacy stronghold. By the way, I know what I am talking about, am familiar with the history of Habraha, their struggles, and the region, as it is not some tookh I read on the Internet, or " aan bawsaday", so before you respond, pause, and think.

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On 8/21/2023 at 6:32 PM, Game changer said:

It seems the berbera based community  are leaving muse biixi after they failed power struggle withing the kulmiye party.  They will definitely consider to to join forces with samatar.  

I doubt that very much on what do u base that  did any one say anything  for u to make such conclusion 

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3 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

I doubt that very much on what do u base that  did any one say anything  for u to make such conclusion 

They are not included in  the league of successors samaale is the next leader of kulmiye.  Trust me they are jumping out  but they are looking for partners.   Since samatar is the only non beesha dhexe Candidate I believe he is the only person who can offer them a meaningful position in his party I am mean the vice presidence.  


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2 hours ago, Illyria said:

why do not you rally behind GXJS to lead the State? 

Do you mean cirro ?  If he vows to keep karbaashing  huwanta I am with him .  

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GXJS will, and can choose their leaders, and if they opt for Cirro, so be it. Just rally behind them, for your own survival.

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