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What somali men really find romantic

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Girls thnx for all your reps, looking back, the story is funny now than that dreadful night walaahi, my face turned blue and I couldn't believe he had the audacity to do what he did. I guess some dreams never come true!


Uma, I wish there was a prerequisite romance class only for somalis before entering any kind of higher education.


Layziegirl sis, I told him to take my *** home and to never dail my # again, there is somethings that is unforgivable (xataa haduu noqdo nabi soodaahiray). You are right, this guy been here long enough to know the diff b/w motel 6 and 5 start hotel yet failed, all I can say is cheap cheap cheap f'cker!


Chocolate/honey you have to share the story girl. you made my day. lol


Abaadi for your info, he didn't picked me up off the street, so get your mind out of the gutter sxb.

Naagwaba meeshay is dhegtaa lagu qalaa plus I would rather give to a white dude than to a somali guy anyday. The only thing they good at is talk behind you like he wasn't the a sharmut. By the way, some of the wadaado ar worst than Faraah cabsan.


Castro, Zu, & Rudy you just prove my point, water & oil dont mix. so thnx.


Anyone whose taking finals this week or next week wish you the best of luck.

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Originally posted by Rowda:

Naagwaba meeshay is dhegtaa lagu qalaa plus I would rather give to a white dude than to a somali guy anyday. The only thing they good at is talk behind you like he wasn't the a sharmut. By the way, some of the wadaado ar worst than Faraah cabsan.

Atheer don't get mad. I thought your story was funny and your date to be a moron. But do remember, you're the one who brought the story to us. We each gave you a piece of our minds. It comes with the risk of posting on the web. Next time, be careful what you write on here. It may come back to haunt you. I'm speaking from experience here. :D


P.S. And no giving out candy to anyone, Faarax or not. It's haraam. ;)

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Miyaad carootay mise anaamoday?

Castro I was attacking Abaadir not you. Second, I actually find nice your kind words but you did said, it would of been bit romatic if he was Mahram date, sxb pls motel 6? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Aniga? xanaaq? never, sharing is good for your heart and mind.

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Posted by Xaaji Faro badne

Slow motion kabeebey'




Ladies and Gentlemen

The above quote is the end product of BET Uncut. :D

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Rowda Sis, after the final exams get your gumber and i'll share some of my stories. prepare to lough hysterically, and avoid crying at any cost for this will give a preview of what the future is like. if you ain't married yet, and your hoping to bundle with a somali brother, some of the stories are guaranteed to upset your sensitive hearts :D


Get Up, Up Even the best fall down sometime

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'The only thing they good at is talk behind you like he wasn't the a sharmut.' Girl you had me falling of my chair, thats so funny.



I think for a guy to pretend to be a certain way to 'attract' a girl to be with him, eg. 'romantic' is so shallow. If it's not in him and he has to go out of his way, it doesn't mean sh*t. Either way, romance is overated, How many of us wouldn't gag at the cliched presentation of choclates/red roses? That's not romantic, its following other ppl's ideas of what romantic is.

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I would rather give to a white dude than to a somali guy anyday

Rowda, does it really matter whether you give it to a faarax, white dude or to some Cali-Beysteyn guy for that matter? Its not whom you give it to, rather whether you should even give or not. I see you singing that old song which goes something like--->>


Aniggaa u loogow

Nin-gaxa ugga qaadee

Nafteydaney lululka igga-daaaa!

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Originally posted by Rowda:

You are right, this guy been here long enough to know
the diff
b/w motel 6 and 5 start hotel yet failed, all I can say is
cheap cheap cheap

The difference...? :confused: So if your date took you to Hilton Hotel and offered cash, you'd do him? A most facinating twist to the tale.

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I was attacking Abaadir not you.

Calm down ina abti, I am in no way or form suggesting that he picked you off the street. You have been dating this guy for two months and must at least have some ideas what his intentions are guur or gaabsi. I hear some guys can not keep their hands to themselves…touching is the first stage.. kissing may be next….. so who knows what led this faarax to invite you to Motel 6. Plus would you feel any better if he would have taken you to 5 star hotel?


Ina abti… never give away free goods to a Somali faarax or a white dude for that matter. Hadii kale way kuu gabyi oo waxay oran:


Naag yahay danood baa u weyn harada dooloode

Duunyadu haday soo gasho oo saalo lagu daadsho

Waa lugu diqoodaa hadaan la isku deynayne

Dowgii la marayaa dhexduu dari ka yeeshaaye

Darin taan la laabine dhaqsay duug u noqotaaye


intaas baan gabaygaas ka aqaan.

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Hear me out, most guys I've known eagerly point out that fact in the first or second conversation (like that's gonna win me over...sheesh) but I've yet to have any cook me a simple spagetti & tomato sauce meal. I won't even mention the possibiltiy of the impossible (gourmet meal) thereby leading to the obvious and logic hypothesis; an urban When I see the tell all marks of spagetti strands on their kitchen walls then and only then will I become a believer.

I don't know about that katrina.This farax I knew cooked fabulously(ofcourse when hefelt like it) and was romantic too! ;) I guess miracles are possible in Faraxland ;)

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Chocalate sis I cant wait!


Castro, thanks bro.


"The difference...? So if your date took you to Hilton Hotel and offered cash, you'd do him? A most facinating twist to the tale."


Gadaal kagaar goobdumis waaye. Sxb read not only what I wrote but also the repl & then take it as you please. Mise meel xumbaan kaataabtay?


Abaadir I don't understand your somali nor your attentions. Guur or Gaabsi? You really fishing to get the whole story but somethings are better left off. I share the story cuz its funny and ghetto at the same time, so fill in the blank spaces.

Qosol sxb cuz that was my attetion and stop analyzing the nature of that relationship.


Why are Somalis so quick to judge??

Xaaraan this xaaraan that who can tell me they are free from xaaraan?

Dee waa wadaadkii yidhi, haraacina falfalxumadayda laakiin raac waxaan aniga kuu sheegayo, waayo wadaad? Dee waa xaq! lol



waan kaxumahay in aan ujeedadaadii kaa afduubnay hase yeeshee hal qur'ah oo somali brother jawaab fiican mabixin, so sister I felt the need to share the romance side of some of our brothers.

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Originally posted by Rowda:


waan kaxumahay in aan ujeedadaadii kaa afduubnay hase yeeshee hal qur'ah oo somali brother jawaab fiican mabixin, so sister I felt the need to share the romance side of some of our brothers.

Mid Qudha dheh?... No Kidding :D orgilaqe tried..altho he failed miserably!


Sheekada hadda waa is bedeshay...We Somali Faraxs are asking them xaliimos " what they get to offer?" "maxaad isku haysaa xaajiyo" The Endangered farax species are on the brink of extinction... Thus our natural selection for mates/potential brides is getting restrictier (I hope there is a such word)... :D


So Rowda..tell me Why should I share? giving away my secrets?



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what i find romantico


looking into each others eyes gives you the most amazing feeling, unbelievable.


when a girl sticks up for me when my friends tell jokes about me


sneaking up behind her, then grabbing her by her side with both arms, gently pulling her towards me and kissing her neck and whispering sweet words to her. (she might think you're a freak stranger before she turn around, but doesnt happen often..)


holding hands and hugging everytime you meet


when a girl tells you her dreams


feeding the ducks or pigeons together in the park


telling me i still look great even tho i seriously overdress for job interviews


when she wears my shirts


going to the movies and letting her decide which movie to watch


always singing her fav song to her (even if its a backstreet boys song)


wiping the bit of ketchup left on her chin (im not saying she eats like an animal)


saying sweet words in different languages


and by replying with 'i love you too' while looking into her eyes...not 'me too babes' while checking what time it is

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xamarweyne....u know waan ka xanaaqaa markaan dhaho i love you oo la iigu jawaabo me 2. shidhis ka dheh! Even hadii ey hoyadiis ee ag-fadhiso oo aan soo waco me 2 ma igu jeceylkaaga aa laga shiixaa? meel sare inuu i gaarsiiyay baan dareemaa markuu igu dhaho waan ku jeclahay cadeey in front of his ma or pa. waxaas aa jaceyl lagaa dhahaa. laakiin xamarweynoow, aniga maku dhici hooyadeey horteeda inaan waxaas ku hadlo...laakiin thank god igama xanaaqo. waxaa ku filaan ogaanshaha oo ogayahay inaan jeclahay.

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