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female circumcision

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I am writing my BA Anthropology dissertation on female circumcision and am desperately looking for women's opinions on the subject, so I can assess whether campaigns against it are justified or ethnocentric. If anyone is interested in giving me their opinions - and also if you can let me know how widepsread it is, especially in Europe or America - please email me on Thanks, Farrah

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Hi Farrah,

Great topic! I have written much on the topic-mainly from a health perspctive. I have a BA and MA in Anthropology too. Everywhere in the world you will find sympathisers and opponents of the practice. I can bring you into contact with different research progs on the topic and give you some European contacts and links etc.


However if it's mainly our opinions that you are interested in, then perhaps it'd be a good idea to provide us with some 'guiding questions', never know where the mind will go.....


Good luck with your research and your BA thesis!


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Can't you make up your mind without any woman's opinion?

FGM is not rocket science,and you really don't need to waste u'r time looking for opinions.But if u must, let me say fgm sucks and its unislamic and i won't let my daughters to go through it.Now is that enough for five pages worth of report?

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The whole point of my thesis is not to 'make up my mind' about the subject - I already have my own views on female circumcision - but to simply let women speak for themselves, instead of being told what is good or bad for them from a Western perspective, or by aid agencies. All I am after is the reasons why women are for or against it, and to determine how widespread it is.


Thanks Browny, if you could email me the links I would be grateful.

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