
Proposed amendments: PL constitution

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Hoos ka akhriso 12ka Qodob ee ay dastuurka Puntland ka bedeleen:

1- Qodobka 7-aad: Dhulka & Soohdimaha Puntland
2-Qodobka 44-aad: Doorashooyinka
3- Qodobka 46-aad: Xisbiyada Siyaasadda

4-Qodobka 47-aad: Sharuudaha furashada Xisbiyo Siyaasadeed
5- Qodobka 56-aad: Hanaanka Dawladda
6- Qodobka 57-aad: Qaybaha Dawladda

7-Qodobka 62-aad: Sababaha lagu lumin karo xubinnimada Golaha Wakiilada
8- Qodobka 64-aad: Awoodaha Golaha Wakiilada
9- Qodobka 89-aad: Qaab dhismeedka Garsoorka

10- Qodobka 90-aad: Maxkamadda Sare
11- Qodobka 112-aad: Guddiga Doorashada (PEC)
12-Qodobka 113-aad: Nidaamka Doorashada Guddiga (PEC)









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Golaha wakiilada ee Puntland ayaa maanta oo taartiikhdu tahay 25 Luuliyo isku raacey in wax laga beddelo ilaa 7 qodob oo ka mid ah dastuurka Puntland, waxaa fadhiga soo xaadirey 60 Mudane oo kamid ah 66 Golaha Wakiiladu ka kooban yihiin.

Qodobka 7aad farqadiisa (1) Dhulka Puntland waxa uu ka kooban yahay gobollada Bari, Nugaal, Sool, Cayn, Karkaar, Mudug, Heylaan iyo Sanaag, waxaa lagu daray Raas Casayr oo horey loo oran jirey Gardafuu kaas oo la magacaabey sanadkii 2013 kadib markii dastuurka la asnixisyey.

Qodobka 44aad Farqadiisa (2) waxay u dhigney sidan: Xubnaha Golaha Wakiillada iyo Golayaasha Degmooyinka waa mansabyada dadweynuhu tooska u dooranayaan. Waxaa lagu daray in Madaxweynaha iyo ku-xigeenkiisu ay yihiin mansabyada dadweynuhu soo dooroanayaan.

Qodobka 46aad Farqadiisa (3) oo dhigneyd sidan: Saddexda urur siyaasadeed ee ugu codadka badan tartanka kowaad ee Golayaasha Deegaanka ayaa noqonaya saddexda xisbi siyaasadeed ee rasmiga ah. Qodobkan si weyn ayaa loo beddalay, waxaana muuqata in uu qabyo yahay, inkasta oo aan dastuurka wax kumeel-gaar ah lagu dhigin ayaa qodabkan laba fasiraad lee yahay waxaana wax ka beddelkiisi loo dhigey sidan: Ururada siyaasadeed ee doorashada kowaad ee goloyaasha deegaanka ka hela xubno ayaa noqonaya xisbiyada siyaasadeed ee rasmiga ah, waxaa lagu daray qodob afaraad oo oranaya: Doorashooyinka xiga xisbiyadu waxay noqonayaan shantii sanaba mar, waxaana xisbi noqonaya urur siyaasadeedkii hela 5% tirada guud ee goloyaasha deegaanada Puntland.

Qodobka 56 aad: Hanaanka Dowladda Puntland ee ahayd Baarlamaani waxaa loo beddalay, In aytahay Dimoqraadi dadweynhu soo dooranayaan Madaxweynaha iyo ku-xigeenkiisa.

Qodobka 62aad: Sababaha lagu dhumin karo Xasanaadda xildhibaanimo, waxaa lagu daray qodobkan farqad cusub (d) Marki Xubinta xildhbaan kamid ah Golaha wakiilada laga qaadayo xasaanadda waa in ay oggolaadaan 2/3 tirada guud ee xubnaha golaha wakiilada.

Qodobka 64aad Waxa uu ka hadlayaa awoodaha Golaha wakilada in ay ka mid tahay Doorashada Madaxweynaha, farqadda ka hadleysa ee (8) ayaa meesha laga saarey.

Qodobka 90aad: Maxkamadda Sare: Wuxuu ka kooban yahay shan farqadood, waxaa laga saarey hal farqad oo ka hadleysa muddo xileedka Maxkamadda sare in ay tahay shan sano, waxaana hadda laga dhigey muddo aan cayineyn waxaa xilka ka qaadi kara Golaha wakiilada oo ah cod haldheeri 1/2+1

Qodobka 112 ee ka hadlaaya dhismaha guddiga doorashooyinka, waxaa laga bedalay oo keliya muddada ay jirayaan oo ahayd 6 sano waxaa laga dhigey mid aan xili lahayn, waxaana ay xilka ku waayi karaan si lamid ah Maxkamadda dasuuriga ah qodobka 98aad:

b. Haddii ay lumiso shuruudihii lagu soo doortay mid ka mid ah.

t. Geeriyooto ama ay ku dhacdo jirro ay la gudan waydo xilkeeda.

j. Istiqaalo keento lagana aqbalo.

x. Ku xad gudubto Shareecda Islaamka, Dastuurka iyo qawaaniinta Dalka.

Kh. Maxkamadi ku xukunto fal dambiyeed culus.

Qodobka 113 ee isla Guddiga doorashada, waxaa meesha laga saarey tiradoodi ahayd 9, waxaana laga dhigey in 6 kamid ah ay soo kala magacaabayaan Madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, halka Xisbiyada jira oo aan tiradooda la aqoon midkastaa xubin ku soo daraayo.

Intaan waa nuxurka wax ka beddelka ee dastuurka ay ku sameeyeen Golaha wakiilada Puntland.

Horseed Media

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I abhor Deni and his illbirth, tyrannical, zero sum game politics, and even loathe the pseudo opposition more.

These amendments do benefit the opposition even more, but will neither acknowledge nor admit.

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These are indeed all reasonable. Deni could have packaged his arguments better though that's against his nature. I am glad Pland is not adopting Sland political structure, the idea of only allowing three parties which all have expiration dates is simply disastrous. 

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He [Deni] is of the mindset that so long as he is doing the right thing, and the public considers his project acceptable, he could do no wrong, a delusional state of mind.

Here is a summary:
a) [46](3) No limitation as to the number of political parties, with any party, which garners 5% of the Local Council elections recognised as a political party.

b) [56] No longer Parliamentarian with the public electing MPs, President, and VP.

c) [90] Supreme Court justices have no term limitation.
d) [98][113] Permanent Election Commission has neither term limitation, nor preset numbers. 6 shall be appointed by Executive & Legislature, with each political party having a representation.

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4 minutes ago, Illyria said:


Here is a summary:
a) [46](3) No limitation as to the number of political parties, with any party, which garners 5% of the Local Council elections recognised as a political party.

b) [56] No longer Parliamentarian with the public electing MPs, President, and VP.

c) [90] Supreme Court justices have no term limitation.
d) [98][113] Permanent Election Commission has neither term limitation, nor preset numbers. 6 shall be appointed by Executive & Legislature, with each political party having a representation.

A lot better than HSM's tyrannical two-party system idea. I hope regions adopt this and put pressure on the center.

Thanks for the summary.

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Opposition don't like this even though it works in their favour because elections are time consuming and require deeper pockets. It easier to bribe dozens of MPs in the selection process than to ask votes to the people.

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3 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Dhibka wuxuu imaan doonaa guddiga doorashooyinka ma madaxbanaanaan doonaan, siiba tan lagu dooranaayo madaxweyne maamul goboleedka iyo ku xigeenka? Soomaali waa isnaqaan waala faragelinaa.

That is indeed the concern.

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3 minutes ago, Samafal said:

Opposition don't like this even though it works in their favour because elections are time consuming and require deeper pockets. It easier to bribe dozens of MPs in the selection process than to ask votes to the people.

True, and I also think their intent is dishonest.

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Deni signed constitutional amendments into law.


27 July 2023 (Puntlandes) Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni, ayaa soo saaray Sharci Lr. 02 ee 27-ka Luulyo 2023, kuna saabsan Sharciga Wax-ka-badalka 1-aad Dastuurka Dowladda Puntland.

Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland

Markuu arkay: Dastuurka Dowladda Puntland Qodobkiisa 80-aad farqadiisa 16-aad iyo Qodobka 139-aad.

Markuu arkay: Ansixinta Golaha Wakiilada Dowladda Puntland ee Summadeedu tahay XGGW/DPL/41/2022, kuna taariikhaysan 26-ka July 2023.

Wuxuu soo saaray Sharciga soo socda:

Qodobka 1aad

Golaha Wakiiladu waxay ansixiyeen Sharciga Wax-ka-badalka 1-aad Dastuurka Dowadda Puntland.


Qodobka 2aad

Nuqulada asalka ah (Original) waxaa lagu kala kaydinayaa Xafiiska Madaxweynaha, Xafiiska Xoghayaha Guud ee Baarlamaanka iyo Xafiiska Garyaqaanka Guud ee Dowladda


Qodobka 3aad

Dhaqangal Sharcigani wuxuu noqonayaa markuu Madaxweynuhu saxiixo laguna soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah ee Dowladda Puntland, Wuuna saxiixay Madaxweynuhu, sidoo kale waxaa lagu soo saaray faafinta rasmiga ah.











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Sensible changes!

Let's see if I am reading this right, the number of parties will depend on the number of political organizations that reach or exceed the 5% vote threshold.  

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*** Ku wax ay naga copy gareeyen wixii ugu darnaa bay faraha la galeen.    Nidaam kiinii horaa sax ahaa , Kan aad qaadateen waa kii aad Ku baabi,i lahaydeen , Weligiina muran kiisu dhamaan maayo.   Waalida ragii soo maraa laga waraysta.    4.5 Ku waa system ka ugu fiican somalida.    Wixii kaloo dhan waa disaster.

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9 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Sensible changes!

Let's see if I am reading this right, the number of parties will depend on the number of political organizations that reach or exceed the 5% vote threshold.  

This is how I read it:
a) In the current election, existing political associations, nine of them in total, are considered political parties, and shall compete in upcoming Parliamentary, and Presidential elections.
b) In the future, starting with the next election, there shall be no political associations, but any political party, which garnishes up to 5% of the Local Council elections, shall be a political State party. Further, there shall be no expired political parties, and if a political party ceases to exist, so it shall be, albeit if there were parties, which did not quite make up the 5% threshold, those might be allowed to compete. This requires revisiting. 

I consider the 5% cutoff rather taxing, if terribly high, and have no idea what it is based upon, yet am of the view, they shall do away with it in the years to come.

4 hours ago, Game changer said:

Nidaam kiinii horaa sax ahaa , Kan aad qaadateen waa kii aad Ku baabi,i lahaydeen , Weligiina muran kiisu dhamaan maayo.   Waalida ragii soo maraa laga waraysta.    4.5 Ku waa system ka ugu fiican somalida.    Wixii kaloo dhan waa disaster.

The current system works, but comes with a variety of limitations, is flawed, serves the interest of the larger tribes, yet is unfair to sections of the wider community incl. the young, women, minorities, implants i.e. IDPs etc. Alternatively, I have been looking at the Chinese system of government, and I think it might suit Somalis better than the coveted democracy. 

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