
HY rising to arm and liberate themselves

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8 minutes ago, Illyria said:

Hadahaabay ku meeraysataa 'waa reerka isku kaaya haya'. Oi twats, at first stop denying their grievances, acknowledge their contributions to the project, accept their being core stakeholders with their shares set aside, and start addressing their concerns. They made some major political mistakes, the first being listening to that naive ina Tuur (how does one let ina Cigaal, a daanyeer from Dacadhbuluq run ina Tuur out of his city in a broad daylight, what a twat, I do not even want to bring up the coup), but they are true "gob ay gunni baalaha ha riftay".

By the way, I know more about their history, contributions, and grievance than your online minions could possibly fathom. Hargeysa was traditionally HY city before HA migration, reer Ahmed literally taking over their properties, ilma Madar (Yonis Nux)  claiming "Sheikh al belad", not to mention Gama'diids and J Abokor from Galbeed squeezing them out, and reduced to mere guests on their own turf with even HJ now claiming as if amongst its traditional inhabitants (just 'cos we do not delve into your nasty internal affairs does not mean, we do not know, we just could not care less except in these instances).

Now, quit regurgitating your usual nonsense, recognise the shifting ground, and educate yourselves of the new reality.

what a nonsense its clearly u dont know anything about SL demographics  really first of all u  now want to play a lawyer for a certain Somaliland community and we have to believe that u as an open enemy of Somaliland clearly now deeply cares for the SL country , u want us to believe that u care for one people of the Somaliland impossible sxb , u should know ur lane.  first of al the H town had to ceel let me school about h town ,  the two ceels was ceelka herer which was an ceel owned by  the abdi issa clan of the sandwellers and they were lording over that place. the other ceel of Hargeisa is ceelka haraf which was owned and lorded over by the said ismaciil branch the subclan of Muuse bixii and the The Sultan of his clan. not the Yoonis nuux or the Ahmed nuux as u want us to believe , they came to Hargeisa from bulaaxaar and berbera after the 1860s because a war broke out in berbera they were orignally the original reer berbera . But ceelka hargeisa was solely owned by the abdi ciise branch of the sandwellers and the saciid ismaciil of xaraf. these were the co founders of what is Hargeisa., Surely yes later when  the yoonis nuux and the Ahmed nuux ,  and the Isaac branch of the HY came also to the town.  that tells u dont know anything about the city as a whole and its identity or its inhabbitants.




having said that who ever now is the town of Hargeisa is now reer hargeisa walaga gudbay wixi hore its now our capital the jewl of the nation and it now belongs to every landers we dont have the so called unuka mentallity or the walanweyn isku dhex leenayo magalaada or like ur clan did over kismayo  dhaqankaas anagu ma lihin

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20 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

what a nonsense its clearly u dont know anything about SL demographics  really first of all u  now want to play a lawyer for a certain Somaliland community and we have to believe that u as an open enemy of Somaliland clearly now deeply cares for the SL country , u want us to believe that u care for one people of the Somaliland impossible sxb , u should know ur lane.  first of al the H town had to ceel let me school about h town ,  the two ceels was ceelka herer which was an ceel owned by  the abdi issa clan of the sandwellers and they were lording over that place. the other ceel of Hargeisa is ceelka haraf which was owned and lorded over by the said ismaciil branch the subclan of Muuse bixii and the The Sultan of his clan. not the Yoonis nuux or the Ahmed nuux as u want us to believe , they came to Hargeisa from bulaaxaar and berbera after the 1860s because a war broke out in berbera they were orignally the original reer berbera . But ceelka hargeisa was solely owned by the abdi ciise branch of the sandwellers and the saciid ismaciil of xaraf. these were the co founders of what is Hargeisa., Surely yes later when  the yoonis nuux and the Ahmed nuux ,  and the Isaac branch of the HY came also to the town.  that tells u dont know anything about the city as a whole and its identity or its inhabbitants.

Dear lad,

I know a lot more than you could possibly fathom, and was only lancing the boil to slap you with a bit of an old history, not so much spoken in your fanciful sand castles, so let the grown-ups speak, will you?

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Waar dhulmahantaw horta Gabiley Clan iyo West Burco Clan maxaa idinka galay,  cidad xuduuda leedihiin waad taqaaniine dagaalka anaga idinku wadna , weliba si badheedha oo qabyaaladaysan.  Cadaw aan anaka ahayna malihidin .  Ummada islaameed ee kale haku maraateynina , nuux taani Ka yaryar rida marku dhaho Ka waaweyn raga idiin miisa waa anaga   Waxad godob isaaq u haysaan oo dhan meel kale haka raadsanina, 

Isaaqa kale oo dhan walaahi waxaan wanaag ahayn idiinma hayaan ,  waxba haku sii fogaanina.  Anaga qudhayadu idinma nebcin laakiin we enjoy the thrill of taking land from dhiloos.  Weliba gabayo baanu soo wadnaa sidaanu Harti meesha ugu tumanay.  






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43 minutes ago, Game changer said:

Waar dhulmahantaw horta Gabiley Clan iyo West Burco Clan maxaa idinka galay,  cidad xuduuda leedihiin waad taqaaniine dagaalka anaga idinku wadna , weliba si badheedha oo qabyaaladaysan.

We are keeping guard, and have you holed up, know where you are and when to strike, are done engaging your brainless dhufadlayaal, and are now in talks with your de facto leaders.

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3 minutes ago, Illyria said:

That fat kid is well-fed on Xalwa Harisa, is from Galbeed, and is clueless as to what is at stake. No different from the minions here.

Here he is speaking in a different tone!

Makes sense. He is using the disrespectful and dismissive one as others did in the initial phase of LA uprising.

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1 minute ago, Che -Guevara said:

Makes sense. He is using the disrespectful and dismissive one as others did in the initial phase of LA uprising.

These people have never fought a day in their lives, are the original "Gidhiif", the quintessential Siyadists, and have not learnt anything from lessons of history.

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4 minutes ago, Illyria said:

These people have never fought a day in their lives, are the original "Gidhiif", the quintessential Siyadists, and have not learnt anything from lessons of history.

According to Jamaac Shabeel, Muse feels he has enough force to put up a fight for a while. My feeling is he already mapped out his getaway to Djibouti. 

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Muse fought afweyne  the man stood up for his people at their darkest hour his focus now is to destroy the terrorists  in bariga sool and they will be dealt with accordingly, jamac shabeel iyo dadka siyaasada ka retiregereoobay  ha dhagaysan 

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By the way I wonder how u guys get ur hopes up first it was the so called non existence awdal uprise and now u want to us to believe that duriyada started an uprise against their own government. Dadka warka ka qaata hebel bakayla waan la yaaba  have u forgotten how caare was dealth with guess where caare is now hargeisa .bal weynu eegi waynu u fadhina che and his cuzin illiyra believe that this is the end of somaliland  give it a few weeks


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4 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Muse fought afweyne  the man stood up for his people at their darkest hour his focus now is to destroy the terrorists  in bariga sool and they will be dealt with accordingly, jamac shabeel iyo dadka siyaasada ka retiregereoobay  ha dhagaysan 

LOL Muse was a cook for SNM much Baasto Taani for Barre.

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11 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

According to Jamaac Shabeel, Muse feels he has enough force to put up a fight for a while. My feeling is he already mapped out his getaway to Djibouti. 

He is out of his depth, and I do not think the is smart enough to leave.

3 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

Muse fought afweyne  the man stood up for his people at their darkest hour his focus now is to destroy the terrorists  in bariga sool and they will be dealt with accordingly,

Where did he fight? What exactly could a Navigator do in terms of fighting other than reading maps?

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4 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

By the way I wonder how u guys get ur hopes up first it was the so called non existence awdal uprise and now u want to us to believe that duriyada started an uprise against their own government. Dadka warka ka qaata hebel bakayla waan la yaaba  have u forgotten how caare was dealth with guess where caare is now hargeisa .bal weynu eegi waynu u fadhina che and his cuzin illiyra believe that this is the end of somaliland  give it a few weeks


I actually don't want to see an end to the admin in the North. But it must be noted Muse is in the wrong and has to go. Hold the presidential election in a fair and free manner. But the idea of holding an election for the parties so he can engineer the creation of toothless opposition is unacceptable.

He already did enough damage to Sool. He should spare his fellow clansmen who are angry.

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