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19 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Saleebaan Gaal LITERALLY said the below


The current Guurti has lost the mantal long time ago, the true traditional elders who act as the moral compass seem to be outside system.

Check Boqor Buurmadoow apologizing for the grave gaffes uttered by Saleebaan Gaal. SL needs people like Boqor Buurmadoow in this chaotic and confusing times, someone needs to bring him back asap. 



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Emotions and fanning of clan-hatred is tragic. Since the collapse of the somali state in 1991 we learned the lessons of petty tribal feuds and shedding the blood of somalis is tragic and a redline and indeed xâaraan. We have in southern kharijite deviants killing innocent somalis and in northern somalia a war between somali tribes becouse of "borders" that the the british, the white man created. The white man came in 1880 and created "borders" that never existed. Its indeed a shame that some people are invoking the coloniser that we fought to legitimize that war. T

Then we have  the same people who built this extremist narrative of creating a state built upon petty tribal somali tribes and its sad and tragic to see that the only place that atleast did have some relative peace, mainly Somaliland is now fragmenting. Thats the least thing we need. A war between somalis in somaliland

Have people forgotten the likes of Maykal Maryama, the martys of died fighting the british and the italians?  The quest for the somali peninsuala to be liberated.? What happenneed?  While the white man is busy uniting his forces find further ways to exploite our resources we are so busy fighting each other?

In summary, I have said it before. The myth of "Somaliland" as a peacefull, democratic nation (a tribal 3 city state adminstration) has been exposed. The youth in the north are struggling, the economy is struggling. A small clique of buisnessmen have the whole countrey under seige.  Just look at the developmenet.  Those who are older know the truth. Since the collapse of 1991 not a single viable  state sponsored development has been implementented. The roads are pre 1991.  The ports are pre 1991. The Air-field are pre 1991.  Food is imported. Even in the the fertile south, protein as chicken is  imported. 

Some members of this forum seem to be extreme,  irrational and full of emotions. A reality check is that 31 years has gone since some extreme elements of the armed jabhads hijacked the agenda and created Somaliland.   Fine,  Fix your 3 city states but no somali should be killed.  Its sad that a man who engaged petty intra tribal sl-wars where blod was shed was elected to the highest post of the nation. That should be alarm call.  

Yaab! The video of those called elders, one dressed as indian maharaja, and one dressed najdi saudi arab and so called "culama" who were silent when others LC were opressed were full of fury. Where were they?

Rabbi dadka maankooda usoo celi?  Tribalism is indeed a disease. Look at the video of the hyeana cloaked man called Faysal Waraabe, the one who said an amxara from Addis Abeba is closer to me then a somali from Xamar? He said that in 2007 in order to span the hatred and teach this extreme tribal hatred to the somali youth  of Somaliland. Decades later the hyena who enriched himself by belonging the the the ruling "click" looks older and speaks of peace.

Somalilanders or what ever, no somali should be killed becouse of tribal hatred.  Wa billahi tawfiq.



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4 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:


Buurmadow says the right things, but how much sway he has over his peers?


I think that most of his peers (traditional elders) viewpoints aren’t to far from his thinking and neither have much of an alternative propositions.

But the stumbling block aren’t the traditional elders but the political leaders and perhaps as somewhat of an outlander who thinks outside of the box, might be able to break the deadlock. Remember that he has a track record and proven himself to be able during these sort of difficult crisises to bring parties together. 

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47 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Islaanta warka isii:

Shalay Reer Sool see ula hadli jirtay isma xasuusato. Madaafiicna markee sokeeye yihiin wey kulushahay.

Very sad

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Here she is insulting our intelligence, badmouthing Garaado, and justifying indiscriminate murder of civilians, shelling and bombardment of Las Anod. In her warped logic, and others of her ilk, it was a justifiable, and an acceptable collateral damage. Now, try to apply that same logic to Gacan libaax, or Oodoweyne, or Burco, and you shall hear their bellows from the seventh heaven. Yet, they speak of, and wish for a nation state built upon the principle of social contract and justice. 

'Laascaanood oo magaalooyinka maanta ugu qurux badan, haddii la dumiyo mid ka sii qurux badan baynu dhisan'.


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13 hours ago, Illyria said:

And then clans take leave of their senses advocating for intraclan war.


Sulaadiinta Beesha Ciise Muuse oo Raaligelin ka Bixiyay Hadal ka soo yeedhay Nin Suldaan sheegtay

by Qaran News | Aug 14, 2023

Sulaadiinta Beesha Ciise Muuse oo Raaligelin ka Bixiyay Hadal ka soo Yeedhay Nin Suldaan Sheegtay

Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Salaadiinta beesha Ciise Muuse ayaa raaligelin ka bixiyay hadal naxli xambaarsan oo ka soo yeedhay nin suldaan sheegtay oo la yidhaahdo Yuusuf Kabo-dheere waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.

Salaadiintu waxay sheegeen in ninkaasi ahay suldaan iyo caaqil midna hadalka uu ku sheegay in qoriga buurta Gacan-libaax lala fuulay uu ku fooraro beesha Ciise Muuse.

Suldaab Aadan Cawil ayaa sheegay in beelaha Habar-yoonis iyo Ciise Muuse ay walaalo yihiin wuxuuna tilmaamay in shaqaaqadii deegaanka Cali-saahidna ay ku dhammaatay su walaalnimo leh.

Waxa kaloo uu intaas in aanay jirin wax colaad iyo xumaan ah oo beelahaas walaalaha ah dhex taallaa.

Sidoo kale salaadiin kale oo halkaas ka hadlay ayaa raaligelin ka bixiyay ninkaas suldaanka sheegay oo ay ku eedeeyeen inuu fidmo abuurayey isla markaana aanay beel ahaan la qabin wixii uu ku hadlay.


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