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Ku socoto Soomaalida damiirka leh ee inta ku jiro

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I just realized some of you dalkiina jecel frequently use that non-existent entity's official suuqa caalamka ugu qaraabato name, which has a 'dowlad' word in its phrase.


I completely erased it from my vocabularly list since Xabashadda air-bombed Beledweyne in December 24 of last year.


To me, there is no dowlad, only dowlad ku sheeg, that dishonours the very word of it.


Those dowlad ku sheeg u horboodaayo murderous thugs, led by the octogenerian Stooge of Xabashada, are not 'dowlad' and far from anything that has to do with 'dowlad.' They do not, in strictest and lowest flatter terms, deserve a regime titlement, either, and nor a junta. Those at least rule their countries and lands.


They don't even control their own kastuumooyin; they are a loose group of genocide-committing crooks and bandits calooshood u shaqeystiyaal Xabasho u adeego, shacabkoodana ku laayo, una daran a few doolars.


Do not legitimize pawns, puppets Xabashada usoo adeegay and still u adeego, in the process committing the senseless carnage that Xamar became -- by legitimizing and giving this fictitious, illegitimate, non-existent entity dowlad ku sheeg a 'dowlad' title, we are unwittingly -- and allow me to liberally suggest -- condoning the massacre Xabashada did commit in Xamar. We are also disrespecting the word 'dowlad,' and a bunch of Xabashi assembled and selected war criminals, led by the a frail Stooge of Xabashada, cannot and will not be a 'dowlad' iyo wax u dhaw -- in fact far, far from it.


In the name of these innocent and massacred civilians, and forced residents of Xamar since the Xabasho invasion, the least you and I can do for them is directly acknowledging who committed the massacre: Xabashadda oo adeegsanaayo the stooges. Not any 'dowlad' or wax la mid ah.


We need to address our real culprit enemy: Xabashadda, who are the real taliye of the occupation forces. At least knowing well our age-old, historical foe, nemesis baa dhaanto than honouring an irrelevant, treacherous entity overwhelming Soomaalis do not acknowledge at all.


Someone called this group recently a maqaarsaar thugs. That person was on the point. They indeed are, and if may I suggest more: They are xaaqin.

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