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Religious warlords and their shameless drive for power: Going after the IDP's

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Halkii lagu barakacay oo ay ugu daba tageen kooxaha xukun doonka


Iyadoo Nus malyan ruux ay ka barakaceen dagaalada aan dhamaadka laheyn ee ka socda Muqdisho, una dhaxeeya kooxaha xukunka dalka ku loolamaya, ayaa shacabka noqday kuwa midida loo soofeysto hadba dhinac laga jaro.


Shacabka soomaaliyed oo ah kuwo dhibaatada joogto u noqotay cad bistiisna ah ayaa wali la daala dhacayay gaajada iyo abaaraha heysta tiiyoo ay u sii dheer tahay dagaalada lagu dhex dagaalamayo ee lagu barakacshay.


Kooxaha isku haaya siyaasada soomaaliyed ayaa noqotay kuwo danaheeda siyaasadeed eegata, kuwaasoo ugu siraad koraya daadinta dhiiga shacabka oo ah mansab ay ku gaaraan Kursi.


Boqolaal kun oo u barakacay meelo banaan ah sanadkii 2007-dii kadib dagaaladii Itoobiyaan iyo kooxaha kacdoonka kala horjeeday ayaa waxay hada labo sano kadib goobaha loo barakacay noqdeen kuwo bilicsan una muuqaal ekaatay mid ka mid ah magaalooyinka waa weyn ee soomaalida.


Sidaas oo ay tahay ayaa barakacayaasha u qaxay Ceelasha Biyaha oo isaga naaloonayay nolol iska dhex dhexaad ah oo ka madax banaaneyd dhinacyada ku lugta leh dagaalada ay kaga soo carareen Muqdisho ayaa hada waxay u muuqdaan in laga daba yimaaday.


Kooxaha mucaaradka ayaa mar kale door biday inay xukun ku siraad koraan oo ay barakacayaasha degay inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye si siyaasadeysan u xukumaan, deetana isticmaalaan awaamiiro gaar ah.


Si kasta oo ay tahay ayaa waxaa wali muuqanaya xukun jaceylka kooxaha dowladda ka soo horjeeda oo ay ku doonayaan inay la wareegaan talada dalka, oo ay ku doonayaan inay meel kasta hogaankeeda noqdaan.


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

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The religious pretenders contributed to the displacement of more than 200.000 people from Mogadishu city just to attain selfish goals: political power.


After the masses were displaced and as such left behind an empty, destroyed city to the power-hungry factions the religious pretenders have gone to the safe havens of the masses and want to ''rule'' them?


That alone shows that these religious pretenders are after political power and as such will even introduce socalled ''Laws'' to civilians that are faced with inhumane living conditions.


Why not provide for the internal displaced masses and give them shelter and food? Why are ''foreign'' organizations (mostly NON-MUSLIM) providing food, shelter and health care to the more than 400.000 muslim civilians?


Those are questions to ponder on for those shameless amongst ourselves who support these religious warlords.

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The religious pretenders contributed to the displacement of more than 200.000 people from Mogadishu city just to attain selfish goals: political power.


After the masses were displaced and as such left behind an empty, destroyed city to the power-hungry factions the religious pretenders have gone to the safe havens of the masses and want to ''rule'' them?


That alone shows that these religious pretenders are after political power and as such will even introduce socalled ''Laws'' to civilians that are faced with inhumane living conditions.


Why not provide for the internal displaced masses and give them shelter and food? Why are ''foreign'' organizations (mostly NON-MUSLIM) providing food, shelter and health care to the more than 400.000 muslim civilians?


Those are questions to ponder on for those shameless amongst ourselves who support these religious warlords.

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They all pretenders, aren't they? I have yet to see non-pretender "religious" men in Somalia. I am talking about those always barking and on media spotlights.

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They all pretenders, aren't they? I have yet to see non-pretender "religious" men in Somalia. I am talking about those always barking and on media spotlights.

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