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Bosaso: Yemen's CAC Bank delegation arrive in Puntland; PICS

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Wefdi kasocda Bangiga Yemen oo Soo gaarey magaalada Bosaaso (Sawiro)


October 29, 20100


Wefdi kasocda Bangiga Co-operative and Agricultural Credit (CAC) ee Yemenayaa shalay soo gaarey magaalada Bosaaso,waxaana soo dhoweeyey masuuliyin ka tirsan Dawladda Puntland oo la qaatay kulan ay kaga hadlayeen arimo badan.


Habeenimadii xalay ayaa wefdiga Bangiga CAC ee Yemen oo lagu magacaabo Axmed Xamiid casho sharaf loogu sameeyey Hotel Juba ee magaalada Bosaaso,waxaana goobjoog ka ahaa Gudoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Puntland Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim,Siyaasi Cali Cabdi Awaare iyo Ganacsato kala duwan.


Labada dhinac ayaa qaatay kulan ku saabsan sidii labada wadan ee Puntland iyo Yemen ay u yeelan lahaayeen iskaashi balaaran dhanka ganacsiga.


Gudoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Puntland Maxamuud Xayir Ibraahim oo maanta saxaafada la hadlaayay ayaa sheegay in wefdiga kasocda Bangiga Yemen uu u yimid degaanada Puntland sidii ay xarun uga furan lahaayeen maadama dhowaan dalka Yemen ay kulan kuwada qaateen masuuliyinta Bangiga iyo Wefdi u hogaaminaayo Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Faroole.


Wuxuu intaas ku daray in Axmed Xamiid xubinta kasocda Bangiga CAC uu booqasho ku sameeyey Maxjarka Bosaaso,xarunta rugta ganacsiga Puntland iyo goobo kale.


Gudoomiyaha Rugta Ganacsiga Puntland ayaa sheegay in ay talaabadan ay soo kordhinayso horumar aad u balaaran ayna soo dhoweynayaan ka ganacsato ahaan.


Si kastaba Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ayaa safar dhowaan uu ku tegay dalka Yemen la kulmay masuuliyinta Bangiga CAC ayna kawada hadleen in ay xarun ka furtaan degaanada Puntland.


Horseed Media

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Great Progress, the Presidents trips abroad with the likes of Awaare who is an insider in such affairs always are productive and produce opportunities such success stories as this one and it is clear that the President was hard at working because there's always a follow up and a delegation of sorts visiting Puntland in return as a direct result of the meetings the President held abroad.

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Great Progress, the Presidents trips abroad with the likes of Awaare who is an insider in such affairs always are productive and produce opportunities such success stories as this one and it is clear that the President was hard at working because there's always a follow up and a delegation of sorts visiting Puntland in return as a direct result of the meetings the President held abroad.

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