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Is this guy(c/yusuf) politician or Gang Nassib leh?

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He was in the military for many years before rising to this position just like the Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.


" a crafty political tactician," writes Dr. Micheal. "Yusuf was a great tactician," writes another, Martin Andrew. But I personally consider him to be both military tactician and politician.

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He was in the military for many years before rising to this position just like the Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.


" a crafty political tactician," writes Dr. Micheal. "Yusuf was a great tactician," writes another, Martin Andrew. But I personally consider him to be both military tactician and politician.

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^Good quote Camir, these guyz need to do more history reading, Odaga needs no introdution, his stunning return back in the political scene of Somalia after 17 years of war speak for itself.


Whether you call it Gang nasiib leh, dictator or politicium is all your personal choice, I tell you the old man has outsmarted, outmanouvered and gunned down most heavy weight contenders, that's a fact, whether you see that a nasiib or a skilled and very talented individual is another matter for you to decide...


Politics is grim and hard no remorse felt for an oppenent so is the world of gangism, what is the difference... the fundemantal principle is the Survival of the fittest, the old man proved to be taugh gun informidable who suvived for so long.

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^Good quote Camir, these guyz need to do more history reading, Odaga needs no introdution, his stunning return back in the political scene of Somalia after 17 years of war speak for itself.


Whether you call it Gang nasiib leh, dictator or politicium is all your personal choice, I tell you the old man has outsmarted, outmanouvered and gunned down most heavy weight contenders, that's a fact, whether you see that a nasiib or a skilled and very talented individual is another matter for you to decide...


Politics is grim and hard no remorse felt for an oppenent so is the world of gangism, what is the difference... the fundemantal principle is the Survival of the fittest, the old man proved to be taugh gun informidable who suvived for so long.

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^Indeed Im a very proud man to be led by any great leader like the said Old former Somali colonel.


I only shared my sister, the lucky gang is still in full force and being again and again, perhaps that is understatement more like skillful than ever before.

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I don't see any point we can compare A.yusuf iyo Musharaf.... The guy is Strong Gang Nassib leh.....


His last words was: Qanyaro meeyay, muuse meeyay, Hebel waa



P.s i Don't hate anyone base of clan, i am just sharing my oponin about the guy( the old man)

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^Indeed Im a very proud man to be led by any great leader like the said Old former Somali colonel.


I only shared my sister, the lucky gang is still in full force and being again and again, perhaps that is understatement more like skillful than ever before.

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I don't see any point we can compare A.yusuf iyo Musharaf.... The guy is Strong Gang Nassib leh.....


His last words was: Qanyaro meeyay, muuse meeyay, Hebel waa



P.s i Don't hate anyone base of clan, i am just sharing my oponin about the guy( the old man)

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