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Fuad Adan cade's troops join Puntland forces in Xudun SOOL.

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My dear Rahima, its a fact that the Dervish freedom fighters were located in SOOL or the NUGAAL as it was called then. Their base was Talex and they suffered the most at the hands of the British. Even the Britishaccounts will tell you that.


They the people of SOOL and SANAG never signed the protectorate agreement with Britian.


Also the borders finalised in 1943, which is only 17 years before independence.


So 17 years of colonial map is more important than the 44 years since Somalia has been a free nation.... :D

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Rahima are you saying that the Darwish were anything other than the people of sool and Nugaal with a small number of people here and ther from Mudug and Bari regions?.if you believe otherwise then my sister go back and learn your history.Sayid Abdula hassan from Zona 5 his second in command Abshir Dorre from Mudug

Most other commanders and of course all the forces from the regions i mentioned majority coming from Sool and Sanaag.Let us get it right please.

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Rahima are you saying that the Darwish were anything other than the people of sool and Nugaal with a small number of people here and ther from Mudug and Bari regions?.if you believe otherwise then my sister go back and learn your history.Sayid Abdula hassan from Zona 5 his second in command Abshir Dorre from Mudug

Most other commanders and of course all the forces from the regions i mentioned majority coming from Sool and Sanaag.Let us get it right please.

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Lighten up boys; honestly you guys take this to heart a bit too much ;) . Hmm, I wonder why :cool: ?


I can guarantee that you Smith would not display such feverishness had these soldiers been from elsewhere (like say Hargeysa), so buddy ol’ pal let’s not talk about Somalia like you are a proud nationalist. I say this simply because of your cheap shot at Somaliland; allow me to remind you dear sir:


Somaliland is built on British colonial memory, SOOL is built on the blood of the dervishes.

I may not know Somali history (I am not really interested considering half of it is biased anyway :rolleyes: ) like the two of you, but bias has a filthy stench I can even smell all the way from down under :D . Basically what you were trying to say (in a more diplomatic fashion) was that whilst the people of Somaliland were British *** -kissers, the folks of SOOL were the fighting mujaahidiin against the infidels. I pretty much summed it up for you, no?


Anyway boys be it right, be it wrong, it matters not here, your attempts to belittle Somaliland here were as I said cheap. Go and find something else to dabble with, preferable a massage ;) , you guys are so tense icon_razz.gif .

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Lighten up boys; honestly you guys take this to heart a bit too much ;) . Hmm, I wonder why :cool: ?


I can guarantee that you Smith would not display such feverishness had these soldiers been from elsewhere (like say Hargeysa), so buddy ol’ pal let’s not talk about Somalia like you are a proud nationalist. I say this simply because of your cheap shot at Somaliland; allow me to remind you dear sir:


Somaliland is built on British colonial memory, SOOL is built on the blood of the dervishes.

I may not know Somali history (I am not really interested considering half of it is biased anyway :rolleyes: ) like the two of you, but bias has a filthy stench I can even smell all the way from down under :D . Basically what you were trying to say (in a more diplomatic fashion) was that whilst the people of Somaliland were British *** -kissers, the folks of SOOL were the fighting mujaahidiin against the infidels. I pretty much summed it up for you, no?


Anyway boys be it right, be it wrong, it matters not here, your attempts to belittle Somaliland here were as I said cheap. Go and find something else to dabble with, preferable a massage ;) , you guys are so tense icon_razz.gif .

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Rahima, I agree no Somalis should be called British asskissers.

Yet these gentlemen try to tell you that the history of the people of Sool is a tragic and special one.

They deserve to be called more patriotic than other, for they have spilled more blood than others for a nationalist cause.


My dear, Taleh has been carpet bombed by the British, not Hargeisa.

Eastern Sanag's clan leader has been banned to the Seychelles, while Hargeisa and other clan leaders were given salaries.

The people of Sool have been decimated, not the people of Hargeisa.

The Darwish were the only opposition against the British.

The clan of Sool is the only clan that never signed an agreement with the British.


This will be a sufficient summary, and I haven't even started about the opposition against the Italians.

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Rahima, I agree no Somalis should be called British asskissers.

Yet these gentlemen try to tell you that the history of the people of Sool is a tragic and special one.

They deserve to be called more patriotic than other, for they have spilled more blood than others for a nationalist cause.


My dear, Taleh has been carpet bombed by the British, not Hargeisa.

Eastern Sanag's clan leader has been banned to the Seychelles, while Hargeisa and other clan leaders were given salaries.

The people of Sool have been decimated, not the people of Hargeisa.

The Darwish were the only opposition against the British.

The clan of Sool is the only clan that never signed an agreement with the British.


This will be a sufficient summary, and I haven't even started about the opposition against the Italians.

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You see, in this is where I differ from all of you.


Walaahi as Allah is my witness, I love Sayyid Maxamad (I acknowledge he had flaws, no man doesn’t) - a man ahead of his time. He was undoubtedly great to see the aims of the gaalo and fight them off for the cause of his people, for the cause of Islam. I prefer to think of him as a mujaahid rather than a nationalist (considering that Nationalism is xaraam). I also love those who helped him in the proper ways for the proper reasons regardless of qabiil. This is just like how I love the mujaahidiin who fight in Somali galbeed and those who fought the Americans in Xamar (just because caydiid was there does not tarnish their intentions, there were many wadaado who died in that struggle).


The point is though, does it matter who fought with him, which qabiil or region they hailed from? Likewise, does it matter who opposed him, in terms of region and qabiil? Why must everything return to qabiil (or region considering that they are used interchangeably)?


What makes me sick is that certain people use his efforts as cheap shots against their fellow Muslim Somalis. This is wrong and personally I find it disgusting. To use it in such a manner would be to say that he fought in vain.

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You see, in this is where I differ from all of you.


Walaahi as Allah is my witness, I love Sayyid Maxamad (I acknowledge he had flaws, no man doesn’t) - a man ahead of his time. He was undoubtedly great to see the aims of the gaalo and fight them off for the cause of his people, for the cause of Islam. I prefer to think of him as a mujaahid rather than a nationalist (considering that Nationalism is xaraam). I also love those who helped him in the proper ways for the proper reasons regardless of qabiil. This is just like how I love the mujaahidiin who fight in Somali galbeed and those who fought the Americans in Xamar (just because caydiid was there does not tarnish their intentions, there were many wadaado who died in that struggle).


The point is though, does it matter who fought with him, which qabiil or region they hailed from? Likewise, does it matter who opposed him, in terms of region and qabiil? Why must everything return to qabiil (or region considering that they are used interchangeably)?


What makes me sick is that certain people use his efforts as cheap shots against their fellow Muslim Somalis. This is wrong and personally I find it disgusting. To use it in such a manner would be to say that he fought in vain.

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