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Bring on the Americans..!

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Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadaha oo ka hadlay warbaahinta Caalamka



Guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamka ee Muqdishu, Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, oo ah Hoggamiyaha Dagaalyahannadda haatan gacanta ku haya inta badan Magaalladda Muqdishu, ayaa waxa uu uga digay Dowladda Dalka Maraykanka inay kharaj badan kaga bixin doono haddii ay isku dayaan inay ku soo duullaan dalka Somalia.



Guddoomiyaha, waxa uu arrinkaasi ku sheegay wareysi gaar ah oo uu siiyey Wargeyska Asharq al-awsat ee laga leeyahay dalka Sacuudiga, kana soo baxa Magaalladda London, wuxuuna Guddoomiyuhu ku nuuxnuuxsaday inay Dowladda Maraykanka soo food-saari doonto Masiibo ka daran tii ay la kulmeen Qabsashaddii uu Sannadkii 1993-kii ku qabsaday Dalka Somalia oo lagu dilay 18-Saraakiil Ciiddan oo oo Maraykan ah iyo 300- oo qof oo Soomaali ah.


â€Haddii ay Ciiddamadda Maraykanka faragelin toos ah oo lid nagu ah ku soo qaadaan Magaalladda Muqdishu, waxaan diyaar u nahay inaan barno Cashar lama illaabaan ah oo aysan weligooda illaabi doonin oo ka xanuun badan jabkii ku dhacay sannadkii 1993-kii†ayuu yiri Sheekh Shariif Sh.Axmed.



Sheekh Shariif, waxa uu beeniyey Eedeymaha Maamulka Maraykanka ku sheegaan inay Midowga Maxkamadaha oo ka kooban 11-Maxkamadood ay gacan-saar la leeyihiin Shabakadda Argagixisadda ee Al-Qaacida, wuxuuna yiri:- “Annaga, ma nihin Argagixiso, waxaana Maraykanka arrintaasi kala hadalnay boqolaal jeer inaysanArgagixiso joogin Somalia iyo inay arrimahaasi yihiin siyaasad la soo dhoodhoobay†ayuu yiri Guddoomiye Sheekh Shariif, oo intaasi ku sii daray:- “Annaga, wax gacan-saar ah lama lihin arrimaha uu Maraykanka nagu eedeynayo Maraykanka oo ah Dalka ugu weyn Argagixisadda ee ka dhisan Caalamka, iyagoo weliba sheeganaya inay xushmeeyaan Dimuqraadiyadda iyo Xuquuqda saxa ee Aadanahaâ€.



Guddoomiyaha Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee Muqdishu, Sheekh Shariif, waxa uu wareysiga uu siiyey Wargeyska Asharq Al-awsad, waxa kaloo uu ku sheegay inay Dowladdaha Maraykanka iyo Ethiopia heshiis ku galeen sidii ay hawlgallo ugu fulin lahaayeen Dalka Somalia, wuxuuna xusay inay taasi ugu wacan tahay kaddib, markii ay Isbahaysiga Argagixsa-la-dirirka loogu itaal-sheegtay Magaalladad Muqdishu.



Mar wax laga weydiiyey inuu hawlaha Maxkamadaha sii wadayo, waxa uu ku nuuxnuuxsaday inuu xilkaasi iska casilayo, waxa uu ku sababeeyey inuu doonayo in Madax kale oo cusub u hantaan Hoggaanka Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka, wuxuuna yiri:- “Waan gutay waajibkii I saarnaa, markaas waa inay Madax kale hawsha la wareegto si ay ula jaan-qaadaan Marxalladdan Cuusbâ€.



Sheekh Shariif, waxa uu ahaa Macallim dhiga Maadada Juqraafiga ka hor intuusan Hawlaha Maxakmadaah ku soo biirin, kana gaarin Guddoomiyaha Maxkmadada Islaamka ee Deeganka Sii Sii oo uu ilaa iyo haatan ku magacaaban yahay iyo Xilka kale ee Guddoomiyenimadda Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee Muqdishu

Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee Muqdishu, waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay inay diyaar u yihiin inay DFKMGS la galaan wada-xaajood aan shuruud ku xirnayn.



Xigasho:- Wargeyska Asharq al-awsad ee ka soo baxa Magaalladda London



Wadha yadha he mid kaani yadh ya la taaliya...the Americas of today are not the same of those in 1990. They are now ruthless , indifferent to International laws and human rights . To compare to himself the 1993 incident in which Aideed was more tactful and US were slightly adhering to International governing laws is showing the Sheikh is out of touch and does not know his ability. Furthermore the so called Islamic courts should be courting diplomacy as opposed to aggresiveness since they are now by right the rulers of Banadir region. For example responding and cooperating with gestures made by Geedi would actually really be beneficial to them and in general the state of the region and for once bring an end to the farce,atrocity and anarchy that has engulfed Mogadishu for a long period of 16 years. Well that is what I think at least.

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I think they will go as far consodilating their power in the Benadir region, and then engage peacefully with the rest of the country. They know perfectly they can't take on the US armed forces, and have already sent press release reassuring the big players.Hopefully, they will stick to what they stated, and bring about peace in the south rather casting themselves as the defenders of the faith taking on the infidels.

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I think they will go as far consodilating their power in the Benadir region, and then engage peacefully with the rest of the country. They know perfectly they can't take on the US armed forces, and have already sent press release reassuring the big players.Hopefully, they will stick to what they stated, and bring about peace in the south rather casting themselves as the defenders of the faith taking on the infidels.

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think they will go as far consodilating their power in the Benadir region, and then engage peacefully with the rest of the country. They know perfectly they can't take on the US armed forces, and are already sent press release reassuring the big players.Hopefully, they will stick to what they stated, and bring about peace in the south rather casting themselves as the defenders of the faith taking on the infidels.

Good analysis of the situation. They know what happened to the Taleban and Iraqi Sunni's.

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think they will go as far consodilating their power in the Benadir region, and then engage peacefully with the rest of the country. They know perfectly they can't take on the US armed forces, and are already sent press release reassuring the big players.Hopefully, they will stick to what they stated, and bring about peace in the south rather casting themselves as the defenders of the faith taking on the infidels.

Good analysis of the situation. They know what happened to the Taleban and Iraqi Sunni's.

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^^I am sure its hard for you to admit the bravery of your brothers, when at ease you cowardly applaud for the enemy's blow to the Muslims.


What type of Muslim are you, except a plain Hypo..! :mad:

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^^I am sure its hard for you to admit the bravery of your brothers, when at ease you cowardly applaud for the enemy's blow to the Muslims.


What type of Muslim are you, except a plain Hypo..! :mad:

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lol. Question my Islam all you like, Mr Clan court supporter. A man who follows "shiekh" Inda Cade and the like should not speak one about hypocricy.

Your ignorance knows no bounds, the Taliban lost and so did the regime of the Sunni's in Iraq. Both events pains me but they happened because of ****** boast such as "Bring the Americans" on and the ' Mother of all battles".


Fakeness as in your case will not do the cause of the Ummah any good.


The test for you as a card carrying memebr ofIFKAHALIN is will and can these courts perform any better than the USC before it. Will the clan occupations and looted properties be addressed in an Islamic way. Or will they just [despense justice] throuth shooting members of Unarmed clans as they have done before. ????


Address the question, dont avoid it by hiding behind the noble faith.Or pointing out that il-President is from my clan? :D

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lol. Question my Islam all you like, Mr Clan court supporter. A man who follows "shiekh" Inda Cade and the like should not speak one about hypocricy.

Your ignorance knows no bounds, the Taliban lost and so did the regime of the Sunni's in Iraq. Both events pains me but they happened because of ****** boast such as "Bring the Americans" on and the ' Mother of all battles".


Fakeness as in your case will not do the cause of the Ummah any good.


The test for you as a card carrying memebr ofIFKAHALIN is will and can these courts perform any better than the USC before it. Will the clan occupations and looted properties be addressed in an Islamic way. Or will they just [despense justice] throuth shooting members of Unarmed clans as they have done before. ????


Address the question, dont avoid it by hiding behind the noble faith.Or pointing out that il-President is from my clan? :D

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Duke, in due time looted properties will be addressed whether in a legitimate working government or through the Islamic Courts. However, the process is long and should not be rushed. Let things take their course sxb and stop berating Alle-ubaahne because he supports the Maxaakiimi Islaami.

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Duke, in due time looted properties will be addressed whether in a legitimate working government or through the Islamic Courts. However, the process is long and should not be rushed. Let things take their course sxb and stop berating Alle-ubaahne because he supports the Maxaakiimi Islaami.

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Why should the process take long, it is unjust to attack populated areas while allowing the likes of Inda cade to keep their feifdom in Lower Shabbele. My point is simple someone like Alle Ubahane who is simply a clan court supporter should not claim to be closer to the Holly faith. Abdurd that he will never address the true issues that are holding thousands of families in bondage. Are the people of Barava, Marka, Afgoyee not Mulsim? Do they not deserve protection from the clan supremicist of Inda Cade, Goobaale, and the like?


Mr Alle Ubahane will take swipes at President Yusuf and call him names, Yusuf was elected who the hell elected the occupation of these men he supports? I will not differentiate INda Cade and Xasan Dahir because they are colleques, they work together and fight on the same side, thus they are both part of the same illegal and inhumane occupation. The charcoal trade, the alleged drug business. I will tell it as it is, Mr Alle Ubahane bring it on. Lets debate the workings and the hypocracy of the courts, if they are Islamic they would and hopefully will protectt he trees never mind the people.


As for you Horn, dont get involved in this. Mr Ubahane seems to confuse me for someone he knows.

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Why should the process take long, it is unjust to attack populated areas while allowing the likes of Inda cade to keep their feifdom in Lower Shabbele. My point is simple someone like Alle Ubahane who is simply a clan court supporter should not claim to be closer to the Holly faith. Abdurd that he will never address the true issues that are holding thousands of families in bondage. Are the people of Barava, Marka, Afgoyee not Mulsim? Do they not deserve protection from the clan supremicist of Inda Cade, Goobaale, and the like?


Mr Alle Ubahane will take swipes at President Yusuf and call him names, Yusuf was elected who the hell elected the occupation of these men he supports? I will not differentiate INda Cade and Xasan Dahir because they are colleques, they work together and fight on the same side, thus they are both part of the same illegal and inhumane occupation. The charcoal trade, the alleged drug business. I will tell it as it is, Mr Alle Ubahane bring it on. Lets debate the workings and the hypocracy of the courts, if they are Islamic they would and hopefully will protectt he trees never mind the people.


As for you Horn, dont get involved in this. Mr Ubahane seems to confuse me for someone he knows.

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