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Ciidamada Riyaale oo Shacabkii Rasaas Nool La Dhacay iyo Xildhibaano la Garaacay

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Hargeysa (Sooyaalnews) 12/09/09 :- Wararka iminka ka imanaya caasimada Haregeisa ayaa sheegaya in caasimadii Hargeisa xabadi ka dhacayso. Wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in shacab gadoodsan ay ciidamadii Madaxtooyadu ku ridayaan xabado. Ilaa iminkana waxaa ku dhintay lix dhalinyaro ah, dhaawacana ilaa iminka tiradooda lama hayo. Ilaa iminka lama soo sheegin magacyada dhalinyarada dhimatay.


Waxaa kale oo Madaxweyne Riyaale dalbaday Ciidamadii Milatariga, haseyeeshee waxaa Janankii Milteragi diiday in ciidamada Milatargu aanay soo gali doonin caasimada dalka, maadaama kacdoonkani yahay mid Shacbi.


Iminka waxa ay rasaastu ka dhacaysaa Kaabiyadii guriga shaqaalaha horteeda, dagaal xun ayaa meeshaas ka socda, waxana rasaasta ridaaya ciidamadii Madaxtooyada , oo gaadhay ilaa halkaas markii lala kacay Booliiskii yaryaraa oo mid waliba shan xabadood haystay, oo rasaastii ka dhammatay. Qaar dadweynaha ka mid ah shacabkii ayaa sheegay in ay Idaacadii haystaan, oo iminka ay ku gudo jiraan. Askartii ilaalinaysayna qoryihii ay ka qaadeen, oo meeshaanu ku dhex haystaan.



















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Allaaha weyn ee qaadirka waxaanu ka baryaanu inuu dadka soomaaliyeed khaasatan maatada iyo ciyaalka inuu ka badbaadiyo dhibaatada socota, bil ramadaana oo barakeesan baa lagu jiraa ee Illaahay dhibta dadka haa ka xijaabo, niman siyaasiin iskusheeg ah oo warlords ah baa dana gaar ka wata.

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Allaaha weyn ee qaadirka waxaanu ka baryaanu inuu dadka soomaaliyeed khaasatan maatada iyo ciyaalka inuu ka badbaadiyo dhibaatada socota, bil ramadaana oo barakeesan baa lagu jiraa ee Illaahay dhibta dadka haa ka xijaabo, niman siyaasiin iskusheeg ah oo warlords ah baa dana gaar ka wata.

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‘Md Rayale Marku Arkay In Xil Ka Xayubin Lagu Samenayo Ayuu Golahi Xidhay’ Shir Guddonka Wakiiladda


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org) Shirgudonka golaha wakiiladda oo maanta shir jaraaid ku qabtay magaaladda Hargeysa aya ka hadlay dhacdooyyinki ka dhacay magaaladda Hargeysa maanta. Ugu horeyn Guddomiyaha golaha wakiiladda Md Cabdilaahi Maxamed Cirroo isaga oo arrintas ka hadlaya waxa uu ugu horeyn u mahad celiyey shacabkii isu soo baxay ee rabay inay difaacan oo garab istaagan xildhibanadoda iyo golahoda xukumadu weerarka kuso qaaday. Guddomiye Cirro waxa uu sheegay in xukuumadda Rayale golaha wakiiladda weerar kusoo qaaday salaadaddii hore, kadib marki ay ka warheshay in uu golaha hor yaalo mooshin xilka lagaga qaadayo Md Rayale.


Waxa uu guddoomiyahu yidhi isaga oo sharaxaya waanwaan la bilaabay kabacdi saladi: “Waxaad ka war-qabtaan in Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ay shalay iclaamiyeen Anagana noo sheegeen inuu Madaxweynuhu ogolaaday in Goluhu si nabad gelyo ah u furmo, waxaana jirtay in salaadiinta Somaliland qaarkood ay xalay noo keeneen furre, saaka 7:00 subaxnimo waxa ila soo xidhiidhay shaqaalihii Golaha iyo Xoghayihii Golaha oo ii sheegay in loo diiday Golihii oo Xildhibaanadii tagayna loo diiday. Markaa waxaanu la xidhiidhnay Guddoomiyaha Guurtida iyo salaadiintiiba, waxana Guddoomiyaha Guurtidu noo sheegay inaanu haynin war ka dambeeyay warkii uu Madaxweynuhu ku fasaxay Golaha,.


Guddomiye Cirro isago hadalkisa si wata waxu yidhi “Hase yeeshee Salaadiintu waxay noo sheegeen in saqdii dhexe amarkii lagu fasaxay Golaha in la furo la joojiyay xukuumaduna joojisay.


Dhinaca kale guddomiye ku xigenka golaha wakiiladda Cabdicasiis Samale oo shirka jaraaid ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Md Rayale uu weerar kuso qaaday golaha wakiiladda kadib marki uu arkay in golaha uu horyaalo mooshin xil ka xayubin lagu samaynayo Madaxweynaha. Waxaanu shegay Md Samaale in Md Rayale uu keli talisnimadisa is tusay in uu xidho golaha, haddii ay samayn waayan waxa uu isagu rabo.#


Somaliland.Org Hargeysa News Desk

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‘Md Rayale Marku Arkay In Xil Ka Xayubin Lagu Samenayo Ayuu Golahi Xidhay’ Shir Guddonka Wakiiladda


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org) Shirgudonka golaha wakiiladda oo maanta shir jaraaid ku qabtay magaaladda Hargeysa aya ka hadlay dhacdooyyinki ka dhacay magaaladda Hargeysa maanta. Ugu horeyn Guddomiyaha golaha wakiiladda Md Cabdilaahi Maxamed Cirroo isaga oo arrintas ka hadlaya waxa uu ugu horeyn u mahad celiyey shacabkii isu soo baxay ee rabay inay difaacan oo garab istaagan xildhibanadoda iyo golahoda xukumadu weerarka kuso qaaday. Guddomiye Cirro waxa uu sheegay in xukuumadda Rayale golaha wakiiladda weerar kusoo qaaday salaadaddii hore, kadib marki ay ka warheshay in uu golaha hor yaalo mooshin xilka lagaga qaadayo Md Rayale.


Waxa uu guddoomiyahu yidhi isaga oo sharaxaya waanwaan la bilaabay kabacdi saladi: “Waxaad ka war-qabtaan in Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ay shalay iclaamiyeen Anagana noo sheegeen inuu Madaxweynuhu ogolaaday in Goluhu si nabad gelyo ah u furmo, waxaana jirtay in salaadiinta Somaliland qaarkood ay xalay noo keeneen furre, saaka 7:00 subaxnimo waxa ila soo xidhiidhay shaqaalihii Golaha iyo Xoghayihii Golaha oo ii sheegay in loo diiday Golihii oo Xildhibaanadii tagayna loo diiday. Markaa waxaanu la xidhiidhnay Guddoomiyaha Guurtida iyo salaadiintiiba, waxana Guddoomiyaha Guurtidu noo sheegay inaanu haynin war ka dambeeyay warkii uu Madaxweynuhu ku fasaxay Golaha,.


Guddomiye Cirro isago hadalkisa si wata waxu yidhi “Hase yeeshee Salaadiintu waxay noo sheegeen in saqdii dhexe amarkii lagu fasaxay Golaha in la furo la joojiyay xukuumaduna joojisay.


Dhinaca kale guddomiye ku xigenka golaha wakiiladda Cabdicasiis Samale oo shirka jaraaid ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in Md Rayale uu weerar kuso qaaday golaha wakiiladda kadib marki uu arkay in golaha uu horyaalo mooshin xil ka xayubin lagu samaynayo Madaxweynaha. Waxaanu shegay Md Samaale in Md Rayale uu keli talisnimadisa is tusay in uu xidho golaha, haddii ay samayn waayan waxa uu isagu rabo.#


Somaliland.Org Hargeysa News Desk

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Jaw! Saw adigu maad bixin amarka lagu xidhay Golaha





Mr. President it is time for you to Resign!


Mr. President it is time for you to Resign!


Confrontations between demonstrator and the police caused a number of deaths and wounded in Hargeysa today. The disturbance was caused when crowds gathered to watch members of parliament attempting to re-enter the Parliament building after the Somaliland administration closed the building down when a resolution to impeach the president was introduced in the chamber earlier in the week.


Allowing the Parliament to come back to session today came to being after negotiation between the president and the chairman of the Elders (Guurti) Mr. Suleban Mohamud Adan. Apparently the president expected the impeachment proceedings to be tabled now that he has allowed Parliament to come back to session, and the chairman of the Guurti was under the impression that there were no conditions attached to allowing the parliament to come back into session, nor could he negotiate on behalf of the Parliament.


When it became clear to the president that the Parliament was not backing down from the issue of impeachment, the decision was made to impede and block some members of the opposition parties to enter the building; this in turn created the condition that sparked the confrontation between the people and the police.


The president is calling for young people to stay home and not protest any longer, but it is hard to say how that message will be received by people who feel neglected and abused for so long. What tomorrow will bring is anyone’s guess as everyone is scrambling to find a way out of this train wreck and UN Special Representative Mr. Ould Abdallah is back again in Hargeysa after visiting there last week.


All indications are that the Rayale administration is having some serious misgivings about the intricacies of democracy when it comes to the separation of powers and conducting timely elections, and with this latest incident the president has lost the only trump card left for him, and that is to safeguard the existing peace. It is difficult to claim that one is for peace, when one is engaged in the very actions that destroy the peace he is asking others to safeguard.


If there was ever a doubt that this president should be impeached, such doubts are no longer viable ones, and for the benefit of the nation and whatever dignity the president has left in him, he should resign and allow this country and these people to resume their natural progression toward democracy and continued stability.


The alternative is more bloodshed and misery, but the outcome will be the same, your reign is over Mr. president, your legitimacy is shattered and the outcome is a foregone conclusion, the only thing in doubt is whether you will leave office willingly or unwillingly.

For the sake of our nation we hope you choose the former.


Mahdi Gabose


East Africa Policy Institute

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Jaw! Saw adigu maad bixin amarka lagu xidhay Golaha





Mr. President it is time for you to Resign!


Mr. President it is time for you to Resign!


Confrontations between demonstrator and the police caused a number of deaths and wounded in Hargeysa today. The disturbance was caused when crowds gathered to watch members of parliament attempting to re-enter the Parliament building after the Somaliland administration closed the building down when a resolution to impeach the president was introduced in the chamber earlier in the week.


Allowing the Parliament to come back to session today came to being after negotiation between the president and the chairman of the Elders (Guurti) Mr. Suleban Mohamud Adan. Apparently the president expected the impeachment proceedings to be tabled now that he has allowed Parliament to come back to session, and the chairman of the Guurti was under the impression that there were no conditions attached to allowing the parliament to come back into session, nor could he negotiate on behalf of the Parliament.


When it became clear to the president that the Parliament was not backing down from the issue of impeachment, the decision was made to impede and block some members of the opposition parties to enter the building; this in turn created the condition that sparked the confrontation between the people and the police.


The president is calling for young people to stay home and not protest any longer, but it is hard to say how that message will be received by people who feel neglected and abused for so long. What tomorrow will bring is anyone’s guess as everyone is scrambling to find a way out of this train wreck and UN Special Representative Mr. Ould Abdallah is back again in Hargeysa after visiting there last week.


All indications are that the Rayale administration is having some serious misgivings about the intricacies of democracy when it comes to the separation of powers and conducting timely elections, and with this latest incident the president has lost the only trump card left for him, and that is to safeguard the existing peace. It is difficult to claim that one is for peace, when one is engaged in the very actions that destroy the peace he is asking others to safeguard.


If there was ever a doubt that this president should be impeached, such doubts are no longer viable ones, and for the benefit of the nation and whatever dignity the president has left in him, he should resign and allow this country and these people to resume their natural progression toward democracy and continued stability.


The alternative is more bloodshed and misery, but the outcome will be the same, your reign is over Mr. president, your legitimacy is shattered and the outcome is a foregone conclusion, the only thing in doubt is whether you will leave office willingly or unwillingly.

For the sake of our nation we hope you choose the former.


Mahdi Gabose


East Africa Policy Institute

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