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Now Nuur Cadde Wants Ethiopians to Stay

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Ra'iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG Nuur Xasan xuseen Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in uu danaynayo in ciidamada Ethiopia ay sii joogaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya inta laga keenayo ciidamo Caalami ah oo nabadda ilaaliya si ay u badalaan ciidamada Ethiopia.


Nuur Xasan xuseen (Nuur Cadde) oo magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya kula hadlayay wakaaladda wararka Associated Press ayaa waxaa uu muujiyay sida uu u doonayo in ciidamada Ethiopia ay sii joogaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya inta ciidamo Caalami ah laga helayo si ay u buuxayaan boosaska ay bameeyeen.


Ra'iisul waraare Nuur Cadde waxaa uu ugu baaqay QM iyo Beesha Caaalamka in ay taageeraan dowladiisa oo haatan u muuqata mid sii liiceysa waxaana uu sheegay in ay muhiim tahay in ay Soomaaliya u soo diraan ciidamo nabad ilaalin ah si marka ay Ethiopia u baxdo loo helo kuwa suga amaanka dadka Soomaaliyeed.


Waxaa uu Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde) uu mar kale soo hadal qaday kooxaha burcad badeeda Soomaalida isagoo beesha caalamka ka codsaday in ay wax ka qabtaan kooxahaasi maadaam uusan dalkiisa iyo dowladiisa ay la dagaalami karin oo aysan wax ka qaban Karin.


Hadalka Ra'iisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG Soomaaliya ayaa ku soo aadaya xili inta badan wadanka Soomaaliya laga hadal hayo ka bixitaanka ciidamada Ethiopia sida uu dhigayo heshiiskii Dalka Jabuuti ay ku wada gaareen dowlada KMG Soomaaliya oo uu horkacayeen Ra'iisul wasaare Nur Cadde iyo isbahaysiga dib u xoraynta oo uu isna hor kacayay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.

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looool @ Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in uu danaynayo in ciidamada Ethiopia ay sii joogaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya inta laga keenayo ciidamo Caalami ah oo nabadda ilaaliya si ay u badalaan ciidamada Ethiopia. Sheekadaasi waa tii uu Yey lahaa oo laga maqli waayey yaa hadda ka dhageesanaya N Cadde.


Shalay markii Yey & amxaaradu isku team aay ahayeen waxaa ay Nuur cade & Sharif u ol-ololeenayeen in amxaaro guurto, hadda oo amxaaro & Yeyna kala baxeen (kala dhinteen) waxaay kuleeyihiin amxaaro ha inoo joogto ilaa iyo inta "wax" iskak badalayaan ama askar africana naloo keenayo. :rolleyes:

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looool @ Nuur Cadde ayaa sheegay in uu danaynayo in ciidamada Ethiopia ay sii joogaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya inta laga keenayo ciidamo Caalami ah oo nabadda ilaaliya si ay u badalaan ciidamada Ethiopia. Sheekadaasi waa tii uu Yey lahaa oo laga maqli waayey yaa hadda ka dhageesanaya N Cadde.


Shalay markii Yey & amxaaradu isku team aay ahayeen waxaa ay Nuur cade & Sharif u ol-ololeenayeen in amxaaro guurto, hadda oo amxaaro & Yeyna kala baxeen (kala dhinteen) waxaay kuleeyihiin amxaaro ha inoo joogto ilaa iyo inta "wax" iskak badalayaan ama askar africana naloo keenayo. :rolleyes:

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U see he is worried about a power vacuum. It also confirms the new alliance have no support at the ground level. cause if the Ethos leave maanta, any new coalitions will be on the terms of Islamic Courts/Shaabaabs rather than that of the TFG/jabuuti group.

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U see he is worried about a power vacuum. It also confirms the new alliance have no support at the ground level. cause if the Ethos leave maanta, any new coalitions will be on the terms of Islamic Courts/Shaabaabs rather than that of the TFG/jabuuti group.

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Nur Adde is becoming a joker if he thinks he can keep power by having ethiopian tanks in somalia.


We will end up hanging in the highest tree for he's treason and support for the ethiopian occupation of somalia.

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Nur Adde is becoming a joker if he thinks he can keep power by having ethiopian tanks in somalia.


We will end up hanging in the highest tree for he's treason and support for the ethiopian occupation of somalia.

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Originally posted by Hassan6734:

Nur Adde is becoming a joker if he thinks he can keep power by having ethiopian tanks in somalia.


We will end up hanging in the highest tree for he's treason and support for the ethiopian occupation of somalia.

It worked for Yey for a while,NO?

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Originally posted by Hassan6734:

Nur Adde is becoming a joker if he thinks he can keep power by having ethiopian tanks in somalia.


We will end up hanging in the highest tree for he's treason and support for the ethiopian occupation of somalia.

It worked for Yey for a while,NO?

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