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Mayor of Yagshid district assasinated...tragic

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It is risky to work for bloodsucking A/Y amxaar and his mafia in Muqdisho.


Pictures speak for themselves:











Pi and others above, with the exceptin of mystic and kashafa, are usually soundng a note of sympathy while they justifed endlessly the death of the innocent. Who will take them serious when they pray??


A/Y and his organziation are engaged in killing the innocents, kidnapping sheekhs and imams.

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Correction, these traitors were murdered not ASSASSINATED.


Cabdi Rashid (RIP) was assassinated. Kennedy was assimilated. Warlords and their followers get murdered.


There is a difference.

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Correction, these traitors were murdered not ASSASSINATED.


Cabdi Rashid (RIP) was assassinated. Kennedy was assimilated. Warlords and their followers get murdered.


There is a difference.

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Correction, these traitors were murdered not ASSASSINATED.


Cabdi Rashid (RIP) was assassinated. Kennedy was assimilated. Warlords and their followers get murdered.


There is a difference.

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Israsaaseyn xoogan ayaa ka dhacday goordhaweyd Xaafadda Albaraka ee degmada Hodon ee magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo israsaaseyntaasi wali aan la soo sheegin qasaaraha ay geysatay.


Iska horimaadkaan oo socday daqiiqado ayaa u dhaxeeyay ciidamo madani ah oo deegaanka ah iyo kooxo watay sida la sheegay gaari Hoomeey oo doonayay in ay hoobiyeyaal ka tuuraan xaafaddaasi.


Wali lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay iska horimaadkaasi oo ahaa mid aad u culus oo la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan, iyadoo dadka deegaanka ay ku kala carareen halkaasi .


Iska horimaadkaana waxa uu yimid, ka dib markii ciidamada madaniga Albaraka ay ishortaag ku sameeyeen kooxo aan la garaneyn oo doonayay in hoobiyeyaal ay halkaasi uga tuuraan ciidamada Ethiopia.


Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco

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Israsaaseyn xoogan ayaa ka dhacday goordhaweyd Xaafadda Albaraka ee degmada Hodon ee magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo israsaaseyntaasi wali aan la soo sheegin qasaaraha ay geysatay.


Iska horimaadkaan oo socday daqiiqado ayaa u dhaxeeyay ciidamo madani ah oo deegaanka ah iyo kooxo watay sida la sheegay gaari Hoomeey oo doonayay in ay hoobiyeyaal ka tuuraan xaafaddaasi.


Wali lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay iska horimaadkaasi oo ahaa mid aad u culus oo la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan, iyadoo dadka deegaanka ay ku kala carareen halkaasi .


Iska horimaadkaana waxa uu yimid, ka dib markii ciidamada madaniga Albaraka ay ishortaag ku sameeyeen kooxo aan la garaneyn oo doonayay in hoobiyeyaal ay halkaasi uga tuuraan ciidamada Ethiopia.


Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco

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Israsaaseyn xoogan ayaa ka dhacday goordhaweyd Xaafadda Albaraka ee degmada Hodon ee magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo israsaaseyntaasi wali aan la soo sheegin qasaaraha ay geysatay.


Iska horimaadkaan oo socday daqiiqado ayaa u dhaxeeyay ciidamo madani ah oo deegaanka ah iyo kooxo watay sida la sheegay gaari Hoomeey oo doonayay in ay hoobiyeyaal ka tuuraan xaafaddaasi.


Wali lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay iska horimaadkaasi oo ahaa mid aad u culus oo la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan, iyadoo dadka deegaanka ay ku kala carareen halkaasi .


Iska horimaadkaana waxa uu yimid, ka dib markii ciidamada madaniga Albaraka ay ishortaag ku sameeyeen kooxo aan la garaneyn oo doonayay in hoobiyeyaal ay halkaasi uga tuuraan ciidamada Ethiopia.


Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco

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THe men was not member the of TFG ,



He was local leader and the Mayor of Yaaqshid that was killed sadly.....


Who ever was behind his killing just made TFG stronger ... Why because today the people are setting up checkpoints and are patroling their district therefore they are not allowing the trouble makers to hide behind the civilians and Throw mortars ......


If the residents are taking arms againts those who are making trouble ,,, why are some here still supporting them ..Its clear message that the people of xaamar are supporting TFG and are wellcoming any party that can bring peace and stability .

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THe men was not member the of TFG ,



He was local leader and the Mayor of Yaaqshid that was killed sadly.....


Who ever was behind his killing just made TFG stronger ... Why because today the people are setting up checkpoints and are patroling their district therefore they are not allowing the trouble makers to hide behind the civilians and Throw mortars ......


If the residents are taking arms againts those who are making trouble ,,, why are some here still supporting them ..Its clear message that the people of xaamar are supporting TFG and are wellcoming any party that can bring peace and stability .

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THe men was not member the of TFG ,



He was local leader and the Mayor of Yaaqshid that was killed sadly.....


Who ever was behind his killing just made TFG stronger ... Why because today the people are setting up checkpoints and are patroling their district therefore they are not allowing the trouble makers to hide behind the civilians and Throw mortars ......


If the residents are taking arms againts those who are making trouble ,,, why are some here still supporting them ..Its clear message that the people of xaamar are supporting TFG and are wellcoming any party that can bring peace and stability .

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