
Taliye Odawaa is gone

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Jeneraal Odowaa oo xilka laga qaaday iyo taliye cusub oo la magacaabay

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa xilka ka qaaday taliyaha ciidamada xoogga dalka Jeneral Odowaa Yuusuf Raage, ayada oo la magacaabay taliya cusub.

Waxaa xilka Taliyaha cusub ee ciidanka xoogga dalka loo magacaabay Ibraahim Sheekh Muxiyadiin, oo horey usoo noqday madaxii hab maamuuska madaxtooyada iyo ilaalada Madaxtooyada Koofiya Casta madaxtooyada muddo xileedkii hore ee Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh.

Qoraal kasoo baxay xafiiska ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa lagu yiri “Golaha Wasiirrada ayaa ansixiyey soo jeedinta Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga ee magacaabista Taliyaha Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo loo magacaabay General Ibraahim Sheekh Muxyadiin Caddoow.”

“Taliyaha cusub ee Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed ayaa horey u soo qabtay xilal ciidan oo kala duwan, taasoo ay kamid yihiin Taliyaha Guutada 60aad Ilaalada Madaxtooyadda Qaranka.”

Ma cadda sababta xilka looga qaaday Odowaa oo taliyaha ciidanka xoogga dalka soo ahaa tan iyo 2019.

Tallaabadan ayaa imaneysa ayada oo uu hakad galay dagaalkii ka dhanka ahaa kooxda Al-Shabaab, oo aysan dowladda muddo bil ah qaadin wax howlgal ah oo ka dhan ah kooxda.

Si kastaba, waxaa bilihii dhowaa dowladda ay sheegeysay inuu billaaban doono wejiga labaad ee dagaalka, inkasta oo aanay weli hadalkaas ficil u beddelin.

Xil ka qaadista Odowaa ayaa imaneysa maalin kadib markii sidoo kale xilka laga qaaday guddoomiyihii gobolka Hiiraan Cali Cusmaan Jeyte, oo isna hormuud u ahaa dagaalka ka dhanka ah kooxda Al-Shabaab.


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Taliyaha oo xilka haaye afar sano ku dhawaad, probably tried to remove isbaaristiyaasha Baraawe weeraray. Mahad Kawaanle whispered to Xasan Socdaal's ears to remove him instead.

Shalay Jayte, maanta Odawaa. Meesha waxaa ka cad la dagaalankii kuwa afka duubnaa la rabin.

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The country is being destroyed again by these bloody damul jadiid. All the gains we built in 5 years they want to destroy. They want a destroyed and broken country once again. 

Why didn't Odawaa go to Turkey and seek their assistance and carry out a coup against these animals?



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8 minutes ago, shuss1 said:

The country is being destroyed again by these bloody damul jadiid. All the gains we built in 5 years they want to destroy. They want a destroyed and broken country once again. 

Why didn't Odawaa go to Turkey and seek their assistance and carry out a coup against these animals?



Turkiga arrimaha Soomaaliya markee aragtay qaabdarada lagu hoggaaminaayo wey ka gaabsatay.

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Just now, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

When Turkey saw the lack of leadership in Somalia, it stopped.

I can't understand really mentality of President Farmaajo. From the moment he won should have been thinking how I install 1P1V. He needed a metropole. Turkey would have been a good fit. Secure a defence treaty. Give Turkey have a navy base.

Secondly every one of those damuljadiid should have been arrested and left to rot in prison and their families. There would be no uprising in Xamar. The people just want to survive and live. 1991 is fresh in their memory.

He controlled the army and NISA and yet he did nothing. 

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Just now, Dhagax-Tuur said:

^it would have caused more problems 

What kind of problems?

 There would be no uprising in Xamar. The people and especially the Mogadishu Clan just want to survive and live.

1991 is fresh in their memory.


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^Somali psyche is wild and unpredictable.  Tribalism is great in the heRt of a Somali. 

I've heard of grown men who grew up in Somalia's heyday and worked in say, 'for Farmaajo to be there,  I would rather see Mogadishu go to dust '. 

Don't underestimate Somali and tribal sentiments. 

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19 hours ago, shuss1 said:

The country is being destroyed again by these bloody damul jadiid. All the gains we built in 5 years they want to destroy. They want a destroyed and broken country once again. 



Shuss1, you are blinded with Farmaajos' support. There was no gain in Farmaajo's time. HSM is corrupt, we all know that but Farmaajo is also incompetent. None of them is good for Somalia.

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3 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said:


Shuss1, you are blinded with Farmaajos' support. There was no gain in Farmaajo's time. HSM is corrupt, we all know that but Farmaajo is also incompetent. None of them is good for Somalia.

No gain??? What are you talking about. The country was stabilising. Look at it today. the army given to UAE who destroyed yemen and will do the same again. The SNA is gone just a bunch of clan militias. The country is finished. 

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6 hours ago, shuss1 said:

No gain??? What are you talking about. The country was stabilising. Look at it today. the army given to UAE who destroyed yemen and will do the same again. The SNA is gone just a bunch of clan militias. The country is finished

 The country is finished now and it was finished then when Farmaajo was in office. I agree he was marginally better than HSM but not much, you tell me any tangible thing he achieved when in office.  AMASON still here, we still using 4.5 not 1q1c, Lacagteenu ma jirto we using US dollar, the country was divided more than now where he could not even talk to his D states madoobe and Deni,  our army was not unified was still state and tribal based, our constitution has been in draft state for over 15 years, no constitution court and so on. Don't came and lecture Farmaajo here, he was autistic whose main goal was cadoownimada uu u qabay hal qabiil from Putland and that blinded him doing any thing else. If he was smart and bring Deni and Madoobe on his fold he could have achieved much better and we would not have been were we are now, he did not and he failed.

The only president who saw Puntland a strength not a threat was Shariif and he was the only of the last four (Shariif, HSM, Farmaajo, HSM) president who managed to leave something long lasting. The goverment moved from Transitional to Full federal and draft constitution was adopted both in less than a year. 

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Qurac, Farmaajo iyo Xasan Socdaal maa isla barbardhigeysaa? Naga daa yaaqeey. Qabyaaladda yeynan kaa dhigin indhoole arkin waxqabadkii uu qabtay. Tayada iyo heersare gaarsiinta ciidamada iyo sirdoonka qaranka kaliya ayaa kugu filan, Xasan Socdaalna hal sano ku burburiyey labadaan hay'adood halbowle u ahaa dowladnimo.

Farmaajo iyo Xasan Socdaal waa qurac iyo qansax see u kala duwanyihiin.

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1 minute ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Qurac, Farmaajo iyo Xasan Socdaal maa isla barbardhigeysaa? Naga daa yaaqeey. Qabyaaladda yeynan kaa dhigin indhoole arkin waxqabadkii uu qabtay. Tayada iyo heersare gaarsiinta ciidamada iyo sirdoonka qaranka kaliya ayaa kugu filan, Xasan Socdaalna hal sano ku burburiyey labadaan hay'adood halbowle u ahaa dowladnimo.

Farmaajo iyo Xasan Socdaal waa qurac iyo qansax see u kala duwanyihiin.


MMA, i agree with you, nothing is worse than HSM, but to make Farmaajo an angle is my problem, not to support HSM.

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