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Riyale visits Ethiopia while Silanyo incarcerates his party officials

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Pres. Girma holds talks with former Somaliland president



Addis Ababa, August 30, 2010 (Addis Ababa) - The President Girma Woldegiorgis and held talks with the former Somaliland president Dahir Rayalo Kahin here on Monday.


Somaliland President expressed gratitude for the government of Ethiopia for its support.


He said the recent presidential election is peaceful and free power transition carried out in peaceful manner.


He urged the Ethiopian government to continue its support.


President Girma on his part said president Dahir has contributed for greatly for people to people relation of the two parties.


President Girma lauds his effort for the peaceful power transition.

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Well done of our former Statesmen and leader of the opposition.


Atleast he is not exiled from his country to a Jemeni refugee camp.


JB, do you have pictures of Riyaale as a civilian or from his house close to the Presidential Palace?

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Well done of our former Statesmen and leader of the opposition.


Atleast he is not exiled from his country to a Jemeni refugee camp.


JB, do you have pictures of Riyaale as a civilian or from his house close to the Presidential Palace?

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“Waxaanu ka maqalay Saxaafadda in Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo xubno ka tirsan xukuumadiisii ay ku sugan yihiin Addis ababa, laakiin arrintaasi waa arrin iyaga u gaar ah haddii ay booqasho ku marayaan Itoobiya. Hawlo xukuumaddan ay kaga wakiil yihiin oo ay u hayaana ma jirto. Laakiin waa muwaadiniin xor ah oo mari kara dalalka jaarka. Laakiin arrin aanu isku ognahay ma jirto. Anagu waxaanu rajaynaynaa in Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland waa nin masuul ah oo dalkan xil illaa Madaxweyne ka hayay. Waxaanu filaynaa haddii uu fursad u helo inuu masuuliyiin kale oo wadamo aynu jaar nahay ama kuwo kale uu la kulmo inuu kollayba danaha qaranka wax waxtar u leh kala hadlayo oo ku saabsan sidii loo kobcin lahaa xidhiidhka labada geesood.”


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“Waxaanu ka maqalay Saxaafadda in Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo xubno ka tirsan xukuumadiisii ay ku sugan yihiin Addis ababa, laakiin arrintaasi waa arrin iyaga u gaar ah haddii ay booqasho ku marayaan Itoobiya. Hawlo xukuumaddan ay kaga wakiil yihiin oo ay u hayaana ma jirto. Laakiin waa muwaadiniin xor ah oo mari kara dalalka jaarka. Laakiin arrin aanu isku ognahay ma jirto. Anagu waxaanu rajaynaynaa in Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland waa nin masuul ah oo dalkan xil illaa Madaxweyne ka hayay. Waxaanu filaynaa haddii uu fursad u helo inuu masuuliyiin kale oo wadamo aynu jaar nahay ama kuwo kale uu la kulmo inuu kollayba danaha qaranka wax waxtar u leh kala hadlayo oo ku saabsan sidii loo kobcin lahaa xidhiidhka labada geesood.”


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Atleast he is not exiled from his country to a Jemeni refugee camp.

You may be speaking too soon. Silanyo is arresting Riyale's colleagues left and right. Don't you think he is sending a message to the former president to stay away from Somaliland if he wants to avoid prison?

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Atleast he is not exiled from his country to a Jemeni refugee camp.

You may be speaking too soon. Silanyo is arresting Riyale's colleagues left and right. Don't you think he is sending a message to the former president to stay away from Somaliland if he wants to avoid prison?

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