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Somali government forces seize ground in capital

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Somali government forces seize ground in capital



By Ibrahim Mohamed and Abdi Guled

Tuesday, June 02, 2009



MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali government forces drove Islamist insurgents from two districts of the capital on


Tuesday in another day of heavy fighting that killed dozens of people, residents and officials said.


Hardline rebels with links to al Qaeda stepped up attacks in Mogadishu in early May and government forces have been battling to recapture lost ground. Fighting has killed more than 200 people since then and nearly 70,000 residents have fled.


"We have swept them from the area. Madina and Dharkenley districts are now in our hands," Abdiqadir Odweyne, a senior police officer, told Reuters.


Abdifatah Shaweye, deputy governor of Mogadishu, told Reuters government forces had also ousted the insurgents from a police station in Yaqshid district in the north of the capital.


The battle for Mogadishu is the stiffest test yet for new President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, a former Islamist rebel who joined a U.N.-brokered peace process last year and was elected by parliament in January.


Advances by the insurgent group al Shabaab and allies have been worrying Western powers and neighbors as they fear the Islamist rebels may use Somalia as a base to destabilize the region's two biggest economies, Kenya and Ethiopia.




The gains by pro-government forces came after a second day of heavy battles in the capital and residents emerged from their homes on Tuesday to survey the damage.


"I just came out of my house now. Fighting was fierce," said Mohamed Ali, who lives in Dharkenley. "Government forces are everywhere and we do not see any opposition fighters."


Residents reported seeing dozens of bodies in the streets of the capital -- Islamist insurgents, civilians and policemen. No confirmed death toll was immediately available.


The United Nations' refugee agency said 10,000 residents had fled Mogadishu since last week, taking the total number of displaced since the upsurge in violence in May to 67,000.


Since the new administration came to power this year, it has struggled to stamp its control on more than a few districts of the capital and some central regions.


In a bid to recapture more territory outside the capital, Internal Security Minister Omar Hashi Aden went to Baladwayne on Tuesday for the first time since taking office.


"Omar Hashi has just arrived. He has just passed the toll street to the town. He is escorted by thousands of troops and has driven toward the center of the town," resident Ali Haji Mahamud told Reuters from Baladwayne.


Baladwayne is the capital of Hiran region north of Mogadishu and is close to the Ethiopian border.


Source: Reuters, June 02, 2009

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Intee niri dagaal waa xunyee, nabad inoo daayya

lol...xiin oo galka seefta kala baxay. Ilaahay shacabka ha badbaadiyo, sharwadeyaasha hanna dhaafiyo, dowladdana xoog ha u yeelo mid caddaalad wax ku xukuntana haka dhigo!

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Ceel barde

the Sufis are holding the central regions

almost near jowhar

and still defending Muqdishu, I officially wish this government luck, seems like victory is near.

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This sinister football game will only end with a political agreement.


Otherwise it'll be capture, lose, re-capture, lose again, and so on, with all the neighborhoods in Xamar.

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Filimkaan hore ayaa loo soo galay; Dabadheeg, wasn't this a-hole the warlord who terrorised the residents of Beledweyne?


Madina (Dharkenleey is mor-yaan created area)has been peaceful for a large part of this decade; now this government has orchestrated bloodshed in the relatively peaceful oasis.


Did you read that Indha-cade is also posed to attack Gubadleey?


Your government, Yaa xiin, is a war-lord government; and it will fail.

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Is it good news that thousands have fled their homes in Xamar???? I guess good news in your world and Xiin's world is when thousands are forced to leave their homes. This kind of good news has been with us for 18 years.

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So says the anarchist whom the survival of his political views is contingent upon the continuation of violence.


Dabadheeg’s reported return though admittedly awkward is irrelevant in the big scheme of things. An analogy may suffice.



When I was growing up, we once awhile used to see an angry kid with broken bottle in the soccer field vowing to disrupt the game. It was normal to see all the rival teams, and the spectators at times, unite to remove the heckler from the field. Naturally the kid would complain way laygu goobtay …but the soccer game would continue and the audience would have a game to cheer for.


The kid with a broken bottle in his hands= alshabaab.

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So says the M-oryaan supporter; he is in love with Dabaddheeg, abdi qeybdid, indha cade, yalaxow, qanyare, cismaan caato and the rest of the the pigs.


I would rather be an anarchist than lend my support to a government that kills its own people; a government that gains support from Mor-yaans who have raped our nation.

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^^ :D:D


The Moryans will be absorbed into the system. They will be a mere footnote to the steady moving caravan. When one aspires higher goals, it’s prerequisite for one to have the capacity to forgo mechanical retributions.


But again one knows what irks you is not that Sharif has Moryans in his ranks but the fact that he failed to see the significance of your mythical ‘deep south’.

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Yeah ,, i heard the gov is making some progress in the city which is slow but sure.


I hope it ends soon and allow those people to live their lives free from anarchy ,,,,,

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