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Xaaji Xunjuf

Puntland cabinet members resigned

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Garoowe:-War Deg Deg ah:- Wasiiro Is Casilay

23. november 2009





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Warka Hada na soo Gaadhaya Garoowe ayaa sheegaya in Laba Wasiir oo ka mid ah kuwa Pl Ugu Tunka wayn ay is Casileen Goor dhawayd Wasiirka Maaliyada Faarax Maxamuud Af-Balaar, iyo Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka Jiir, Warka is Casilada ayaa waxa Xaqiijiyay Saraakiisha Sar Sare ee Aqalka Madaxtooyada Garoowe.


Warka oo ah War deg deg ah ayaanay Noo suura Galin inaan Helo Faah Faahin dheeraad ah, hase yeeshee waxa la sheegay Labada Wasiir inuu dhawaahan Khilaaf u dhexeeyay iyaga iyo Dr Faroole, war kale ayaa sheegaya in General Ilka Jiir iyo Faroole isku khilaafeen Qodida Buurta Majiyaha oo Faroole sheegay inuu ciidamda Ethiopia ah ku dalbandoono.


Warar dheeraad ah oo aan wali la Faah Faahin ayaa ****olka ka qaadaya in Is Casilada Labadan Wasiir ay dhabar Jab wayn ku tahay Maamulka Puntland ee sagaal Bilood Jirsaday, waxana Macquul ah in Wasiiradaasi ay Beelaha ay ka soo jeedaan ay Kalsoonida kala Noqdaan Maamulka Puntland.


Qof qariyay Magaciisa oo Garoowe Joogayaa si Hoose Noogu soo Dusiyay in ay Jiraan wali wasiiro badan oo iyana is casilaya, sida, Wasiirka Dekeda Eng C/Saaq Xuseen Gacayte, Wasiir ku xigeenka Amniga Coll Cabdi Yaasin Xirsi.

Ilo wareed Muhiim ah ayaa sheegaya in Garabyada is Casilay iyo kuwa u Hanqal taagayaa ay wadaan si gaashaan Buuraysi ah in Gobolka Isha dhaqaale ah ee Bari Looga dhawaaqo Maamul Gooni ah taasi oo ah mid Suur Gal ah marka loo eego dhaqaalaha ka soo Xerooda Dekeda Bosaaso.


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Garoowe:-Faroole"***** Waan ka Maaranaan"

23. november 2009





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Faroole Madaxwaynaha Pl ayaa sheegaya ka dib is Casiladii Wasiirada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Maaliyada inuu Beelaha ay ka soo jeedaan ay Puntland ka Maaranto, Dr Faroole ayaa ****olka ka qaaday inaan Jagooyinkaasi Cidna Loo waayayn.


Madaxwayne Faroole ayaa sheegaya inuu Ciidamo Beeshiisa ah u dirayo Gudaha Bosaaso si ay u Jooojiyaan Bosaaso, oo ah Magaalada Ganacsi, ee Puntland.


C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa ku Cel Celiyay inuu Puntland dhaxaltooyo **** isla markaan uu Wiilkiisa Maxamed uga Tego Booska waa sida uu Hadalka u dhigaye.



Xaalada Guud ahaan deegeenada Pl ayaa Kacsan waxana Macquul ah in Kacdoon Shacab ay ka dhacaan Magaalooyinka Bosaaso iyo Gaalkacayo Garoowe


[ November 24, 2009, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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I haven't seen any other websites verify this, but if it is true - it would be a significant event. In less then a year, 2 ministers resign, very important ones to.

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

I haven't seen any other websites verify this,

I've checked Donald Payne's site and there no comment there either.

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Originally posted by AYOUB:

quote:Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

I haven't seen any other websites verify this,

I've checked Donald Payne's site and there no comment there either.
lol :D

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Big news.


Warka oo ah War deg deg ah ayaanay Noo suura Galin inaan Helo Faah Faahin dheeraad ah, hase yeeshee waxa la sheegay Labada Wasiir inuu dhawaahan Khilaaf u dhexeeyay iyaga iyo Dr Faroole,
war kale ayaa sheegaya in General Ilka Jiir iyo Faroole isku khilaafeen Qodida Buurta Majiyaha oo Faroole sheegay inuu ciidamda Ethiopia ah ku dalbandoono.

That's an absolute lie. I can assure you that this is a fabrication. Trust me. smile.gif

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Mr. Paragon (we agree on something), at least I am not the only one that is NOT naive. Who won't believe everything that is written and never questioned them? Especially! Somali sites that aren't scared of being sued. I agree this story is big, but I am yet to find a site that has reported it as well, which is weird. Still, it might be completely true.


These NW Somalis and Southerners want us to believe their news against Puntland. We are not going to start living in your imaginary world. Where you are the good guys and we are the villains.

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Originally posted by Mr.Paragon:

That's an absolute lie. I can assure you that this is a fabrication. Trust me.

Are you talking about the "resignations" or the given "reasons"?



Thanks, but that was a tap in. smile.gif

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^The whole news, Ayoub. I only highlighted how rediculous the reasons stated are, and hence how baseless the resignations are. Some folks might have a grudge to spread malicious rumours such as this.


ThankfulSP, indeed agreed, though you called me a non-puntlander in another thread. But you could be forgiven for that. I and Che are periphery-puntlanders, and our political party is forthcoming. smile.gif


The news is all a lie. A lie. I refuse to believe otherwise.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Garoowe:-Faroole"Cali Saleebaan Waan ka Maaranaan"

23. november 2009





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Faroole Madaxwaynaha Pl ayaa sheegaya ka dib is Casiladii Wasiirada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Maaliyada inuu Beelaha ay ka soo jeedaan ay Puntland ka Maaranto, Dr Faroole ayaa ****olka ka qaaday inaan Jagooyinkaasi Cidna Loo waayayn.


Madaxwayne Faroole ayaa sheegaya inuu Ciidamo Beeshiisa ah u dirayo Gudaha Bosaaso si ay u Jooojiyaan Bosaaso, oo ah Magaalada Ganacsi, ee Puntland.


C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa ku Cel Celiyay inuu Puntland dhaxaltooyo Maxaxmuud Saleebaan isla markaan uu Wiilkiisa Maxamed uga Tego Booska waa sida uu Hadalka u dhigaye.



Xaalada Guud ahaan deegeenada Pl ayaa Kacsan waxana Macquul ah in Kacdoon Shacab ay ka dhacaan Magaalooyinka Bosaaso iyo Gaalkacayo Garoowe

How did garoweonline end in the above news article from allpuntland? Were the authors of the above, allegedly true, news article trying to cite as their source?


Or are they simply confused or frenzied with hate so as to write this other article: Faroole"Cali Saleebaan Waan ka Maaranaan" ?


Source for the latter piece: here.

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Xaaji Xayraan baa beeta soo daabacay, dheg ha'u dhigin. Saxib you loose credibility when you yourself write fake news. Or may be not, claiming a fake country to fake news.

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