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Puntland's Progress: Construction of Somalia's biggest Airport

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This is a report about the progress of Puntland State of Somalia building the biggest and newest airport in Somalia.


It could be argued in fact it is the biggest development project achieved anywhere in Somalia for the past 17 years and Adde's Administration will be greatly and fondly remembered for that.


The airport is in its final stage of completion.


Enjoy inshallaah.

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Warbixintii Raadio Laascaanood:


Boosaaso: Garoonka diyaaradaha Bardarqaasim ee Magaalada Boosaso oo waayahaanba dhismihiisa la waday ayaa Imika waxaa la geliyey Shaqadiisii Xawli dheeraad ah.




Garoonka diyaaradaha Bardarqaasim ee Magaalada Boosaso oo waayahaanba dhismihiisa la waday ayaa Imika waxaa la geliyey Shaqadiisii Xawli dheeraad ah waxaadna la kulmaysaa hadii Booqatid shaqo dheeraad ah oo Ka socota Airporkaasi Magaalada Boosaaso,


Todobaadkii lasoo dhaafay ayaa waxaa soo gaaray Garoonka Qalab Baaxadleh oo isugu Jira warshado iyo Agab kale oo fara badan kuwaasi oo loogu Talo galay in lagu dhamaystiro Garoonkan waxaana ka mid ah Qalabkan dhowaantan Soo gaaray Airporka Warshaha dhagaxa Shiida kuwa Daamurka Shiila kuwo lagu kaydiyo daamurka Haamo waawayn oo loo Isticmaalo Oxygenka iyo Qalab aad U Tiro Badnaa oo aan Mar aan Saaka Booqday Airporka in dhahayga kusoo arkay.


Goobta imika ay shaqada ugu Balaaran ka socoto oo ah dhabaha ay diyaaraduhu ku ordaan oo shaqadiisu hada ay Tahay mida gacanta lagu Hayo ayaa waxaa ka shaqaynaya shaqaale Loo Carbiyey Habka dhisida Wadooyinka iyo Injineero ku kormeeraya oo Aqoon durugsan u leh Hawshan ay wadaan.


Meesha ay diyaaraduhu ku cararaan marka ay soo degayaan iyo Marka ay kacayaan oo loo yaqaano (Run way-ga) ee Garoonka Boosaso International Airport ayaa Marka aad aragtid waxaabad Moodaa in aanay waxba u Harsanayn Laami mooyaane waxaana lagu kordhiyey 15mitir shan iyo Tobon Mitir Isagoo awal ahaa 50 mitir halka imikana laga dhigay 65 mitir.


Gaadiid u badan Cagafcagafta dhulka Sinta Dumisana iyo Baabuurta iska Rogooyinka ah ee Ciida iyo dhagaxa gura ayaa kusugnaa Goobtaasi kuna hawlanaa shaqooyinkooda kala duwan iyagoo la arkayey Maanta Cagacagafyo dhowra oo simayey Dhulka iyadoo ay Mitir sheegaya Simida dhulkana ay la daba Taagnaayeen Khuburo ku Xeel dheer dhinaca dhismaha iyo Simida wadooyinka Noocaan oo kale ah.


Waxaan kula kulamy Goobta ay shaqadaasi ka socotay mr shiino oo isagu ah Madax qaybta Farsamada iyo Qalabka Lagu dhisayo Airporka waxaana ii ii sharaxay Qalabka kala duwan ee Meesha Yaala iyo shaqooyinka ay kala Qabtaan isagoo Tobaaxay Mr shiino in ay ku jiraan warshado Waawayn oo uu itusay kuwaasi oo Aad iyo aad muhiim u ah Isla markaasna Loo adeegsan doono Airpooro kale iyo wadooyin kale Marka kan lagu dhameeyo Mustaqbalka dhow in shaa alaah.


Sidoo kale waxaan Garoonka Bandar qaasi International Airport kula kulmay Ing. Warsame oo ah Ninka isagu hawshan wada isla Markaasna ah nin aqoon u leh Arimahan ayaa waxaa uu ii sheegay in uu garoonkaani yahay garoonka ugu wayn dalka Soomaliya lana doonayo in laga dhigo Garoon Heer International ah kaasi oo ay kusoo degi karaan diyaarado farabadan Hawshiisana mudo dheer lasoo jeedayey balse imika ay dhowdahay gabagabadiisu.


Mashruucaan ayaa waxaa uu Noqonayaa Mashruucii ugu horeeyey ee Noociisa ah uguna waynaa ee dalka laga Fuliyo Tan iyo intii day dhacday dowladii dhexe ee dalka Soomaliya Sanadii 1991dii.


Iskusoo wada duuboo arintan ayaa waxay Noqonaysaa Mid si wayn loogu Xasuusan doono Maamulka Madaxweyne Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi Cadde ee Haatan ka talisa Maamul Goboleedka Soomaliyeed ee Puntland Taasi oo Hirgelisay Garoonka Qaaliga ah ee Magaalada Boosaso.

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The road to the airport is already completed. On both sides of the road trees and greenry is all you can see.


You wouldn't be laughed at, if you would enquire if you're in Boosaaso northern Somalia or in some kind of Garden of Eden utopia. It is that beautiful and eye-catching.

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Great Pictures, during a tour of the construction site many women became emotional at what they saw. People have never seen anything like this, even during Siad's time no one has ever built an airport in Puntland (he built hamar's and hargeysa's). Even though the media wants to focus on fake news and crime that occurs all over Africa, the majority of Puntland's population are extremely proud of this administration. Initially the Ruler of Sharjah said he would pay all expenses, but later during the time of the ICU had a change of heart and claimed things were to dangerous for him to risk his money (some think he wanted to support them over us, and others think he never had any intention of paying). Puntlands administration reacted by putting a great deal of effort into building the airport themselves, which proved challenging because of their Finical and military support of the TFG. Also, most are unaware but the airports runway is the toughest and most costly part of this ambitious project. Puntlands admin has accomplished a lot and must focus on finishing this.

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Isn't this project being funded by very heavily by the U.S? There was an article posted on this site which said they wanted to use it "load and unload anything"! Anyhow, good progress!

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Good to see that progress is being made in the wake of many obstacles and barriers, Kudos to Puntland...


Sakhar thanks for the pics

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Thanks for the good news Sakhar. This is one of the major challenges for Cade admin. The other two are the restoring LA to its rightful owners and the security situation. If he accomplishes all three, then he will get re-elected.

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Good pics indeed, we need a time line for the project to finish, I would love to land in Bossaso for the firts time through the airport.


Good on the Cade admin, they started this project and credit to them.


Abu-Geeljire, there was no funding from the US with this project this came from the people of Puntland and the UAE city of Sharjah helped a little.

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