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hello,my friends.....I am new

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Talking of new people, and at the risk of igniting a new storm, I’d like to attract the Admin’s attention to the imaginative name of our latest member. As I logged into the site to see and take part in the latest paltry arguments, I was assaulted by the powerful rays of our fellow alien’s creative nickname. It leaves me in no doubt as to the abilities of this latest addition to this little farm house of ours and I hereby send a plea to the administrators of the site to extend a helping hand (dhirbaaxo) to this ingenious creature. One can’t help but chuckle at the folly and vulgarity of youth.



Just in case you’re unsure of whom I speak, I humbly invite you to check the front page of the site and view the great spectacle that is our newest nomad’s name.



It’s quite fortunate that a cool head such as mine is what spotted this disturbance in the force first. One can not imagine the ensuing carnage had one of our hot headed Nomads noticed it first.

and pucca thanks for da wlc


would you 2 stop speaking in codes :D what is the name!!! i wanna know, its no longer there me i think.

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He is a SHE...

socod badne is a SHE? :confused: since when? wait...nevermind.



*odd...i could have sworn...oh dear*

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