
Homegrown Somali fascism (fashiiste)

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I have always thought that fascism was something of the past and as an ideology it was a concept that was grounded in western political ideologies (communism, national socialism and far right extremist) and only came to African shores through regimes mimicking fascist beliefs, practices and aesthetics in order to create a genuine political phenomenon with identifiable characteristics to hold on to power.

I really thought fascism was a foreign concept for Somali’s that some might have flirted with in the last decade, only to discover that there is a homegrown, indigenous and hidden form of Somali fashiiste (fascist) political ideologies amongst our people.

To understand what I am talking about and to discover how this Somali version of fascist ideology look like and recongnise those that unconsciously and consciously are propagating this false and dangerous ideas and narrative, we need to first look at what fascism is and how it’s defines, looks like and it’s dangerous to communities and societies at large.


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You mean fascism in the idea of Somalism or tribal hatred towards each other.

"political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" Webster definition.

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56 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

You mean fascism in the idea of Somalism or tribal hatred towards each other.

"political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" Webster definition.

I mean fascism based on clan, but beyond the one dimensional hatred towards each other, but rather crafted as an elaborate and though through political ideology and movement.  

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Before we go in to how fascism looks like in the Somali context, let us first have a look at the ingredients or properties of fascist ideologies. Here is a list of 10 properties that are often imbedded components of fascist ideologies and movements;

1. “aggressive form of ethnic-nationalism”, also known as ethno-nationalism that incorporates the belief in own ‘superiority’ over the “inferior others” showcased through military subjugation. Political power derived from endorsing myth and promoting lies of group ‘superiority’. 

2. "Disagreement is treason" – fascism devalues intellectual discourse and critical reasoning as barriers to action, as well as out of fear that such analysis will expose the contradictions embodied in a false sets of beliefs and actions. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts not aligned with the fascist narrative.

3. "Fear of difference and diversity", which fascism seeks to exploit and exacerbate, often in the form of racism or an appeal against ‘other’ groups (ethnicities, clans, neighboring groups, etc). Oppose any initiatives or institutions that are inclusive, divers or ethnically harmonious.

4. "Obsession with a plot" and the hyping-up of an enemy threat. This often combines an appeal to xenophobia with a fear of disloyalty and sabotage from marginalized groups living within the society(domestic) working with external forces trying to destroy the ‘state’. The Identifications of “enemies”/scapegoats as a unifying cause. 

5. "There must always be an enemy to fight” justifying to build up the war machines intended to enforce supremacy of the military and embrace of paramilitarism  as. fascist arm people and justify and glorify violence as “redemptive”.

6. “Authoritarian, exclusionary leader”, highly  authoritarian political leadership and system with leader solely commands, directs, and coordinates the activities of the regime and all facets of government, parliament and courts. Loyalty to the leader is paramount and often more important than competence.The leader never admits mistakes and doesn’t tolerate criticism. 

7. “Obsession with security and extreme violation of human rights”. Obsession with national security, crime and punishment, and fostering a sense of the nation under attack.Imprison of media, intellectuals, opposition group leaders. Police apparatus that prevents, controls, and represses dissidence and opposition, including through the use of subversion, intimidation and organized terror.

8. “Fixation with perceived historic humiliation, or victimhood”, strong emphasize on narrow historical narratives of victimhood and Identifications of “enemies”/scapegoats to instill a sense of unified cause and blind loyalty to leader and political narrative and 

9. “Corruption, cronyism and control of corporate business, media and elections”. Control of Control of mass media and undermining “truth”, corruption and cronyism of corporate business often for leaders own gain and maintain check on capital power. Fraudulent elections and creation of a one-party state. 

10. “False historical narratives of own ethnic or group lineage superiority”. False narratives of hidden histories of the groups own ethnic or group superior lineage, proving a sense of justification for in-group rule, exclusion of those considered as out-groups 

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Arafaat, you are onto something,  

There is also echo chamber,  group think, stealing is everyone's priority,  somehow private companies are thriving but public sector going down

HSM or not, I believe current Somali leaders are not ready to take Somalia and Somalis out  off this hole, and we don’t have people whose priority is to bring Somalis together. 

It may take another 50 years for state building , to have a government with authority, or mostly like collapse and fragment

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So, you have not had enough of Siyadist legacy, and are now reminiscing, are you? 

Fascism: Of extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create “people’s community”, in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

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54 minutes ago, Arafaat said:

I am talking about a new emerging form. 

Then, come up with an original name on its own merit, lest it causes confusion for those with reason for concern. You could not doll up a pig, and present it as a lady Marmalade, could you?.

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Maybe instead of flirting with atheist communism, if we had embraced our indenegous pan-somali islamic legacy we would have arisen above tribalism and embraced pan-ethno-nationalim.  Your into something but somalis are far away from the foul decadent ideology of fascism. Read  Julius Evola, the chief ahcitect of fascism. He was into the occult and the idea tradition of fascism goes indeed the cursed one. We se a lot of ideologies but every ideology has chain. Marxism has its chain to materialism and atheism and then to the cursed one.  Their is a meta-physical world that we can not ignore. The best way forward is to embrace pan-somalism with our islamic heritage and morals. 


Liberalism, neo-liberalism, communism, marxim, fascism, nazism has no morals. When you see a ideology that has no definite morals no that their is a master hidden cursed one from these ideologies. Bizarre how we somalis were made to the read the workds of a racist jewish Karl Marx. 



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13 hours ago, Khadafi said:

Maybe instead of flirting with atheist communism, if we had embraced our indenegous pan-somali islamic legacy we would have arisen above tribalism and embraced pan-ethno-nationalim.  Your into something but somalis are far away from the foul decadent ideology of fascism. Read  Julius Evola, the chief ahcitect of fascism. He was into the occult and the idea tradition of fascism goes indeed the cursed one. We se a lot of ideologies but every ideology has chain. Marxism has its chain to materialism and atheism and then to the cursed one.  Their is a meta-physical world that we can not ignore. The best way forward is to embrace pan-somalism with our islamic heritage and morals. 


Liberalism, neo-liberalism, communism, marxim, fascism, nazism has no morals. When you see a ideology that has no definite morals no that their is a master hidden cursed one from these ideologies. Bizarre how we somalis were made to the read the workds of a racist jewish Karl Marx. 



Valid points indeed, and perhaps it’s the absence of morality combined with the murky intentions and hidden master is what eventually will lead to ruin. 

On the political doctrine and ideals for Somalis to aspire imbedded in faith and ethnic-nationalism makes sense. However, the type of pan-Somalism and Islamic politics one has seen so far from Somalis is one that has unsettled and agitated both the regional neighbors in Africa, Arab countries and the world at-large, even though for different reasons but nevertheless for valid reasons that you have to take in to account.

So why not go back to drawing board to re-conceptualize and reinvent a friendly and indigenous political doctrine that takes in to account valid concerns of external partners, without the sharp edges that might be perceived as mutual beneficial or at-least non-threatening by the neighboring countries in the Horn of Africa and Gulf regions? 

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The discussion in this thread is all theoretical but in reality, Somalis do not know where they have come from and where they are going. Ilaahay ummadaa ha u naxariisto.

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Talaabo, Your not aware of reer koonfurey mentality your reply is full of ignorance and arrogance. 

The saying goes as deeper you go to below the rivers the more weakended is the anarcho-tribalism of Somalis. You opended pandorax box so take the bullets. . Somalis are by ethnicity related but by culture far away . The Banaadiri Somalis, the B agadi G aladi, costal somalis, the bimal   all of the commmunities and even the Baidoa community had and still have a culture of absorbing locals and laying the grounds of a culture based upon peace This culture or ethos took centuries to make and was ultimately done by the islamic instututions.


 Why do you think the poems of the Hargeysa are about who stole camels and who killed that tribe, while most poems made   by somalis  in above communties have poems about life, labour,  love, or sufi poem?. 

Indeed, before the advent of the colonialists, somalis had strong islamic instututions. The late scholar somali christian scholar Said Samar mentions in his book that the italians failed their missioniry work by the strong non-clan based "universaty based xerow" community like baardheere, marka. The Shafite sunni  sufi orders under Shaykh Uweys-Barawi who had an immense impact (his son of one of the founders of SYL) and of a culture of in incorporating the above-mudug students and then sending them back. Shaykh Cali maye of the Rashidiya dariiqo (qs) diciple was Shaykh Cali m ajerteen. They all intermarried. Such was the ethos. 

For every catholic church our scholars built a local islamic school called mowlac. The late Prof who himself was a christian admitted that the catholic church failed miserably in Somalia becouse  of this while they succeeded in Eritrea by making 15% of the biilin ethnic group christians.  While the italians were brutal in their missionary and engaging in colonialism, the british missionaries gained a foothold  in Somaliland despite they did not inhabit the areas?  Why? The culture was diffirent, the ethos was diffirent.  What made  Mudug and above so adaptable to wahabism while most southerners remained  stuck to ethos of shafite madhab?.  I will give you a good example of a modern day example.  Shaykh Macalim Nuur Siyaad, a poor xerow gained influence during our flirt with the bizarre communist ideology. 

During the drought the late of the 70-ties and the decay of the 80-ties Mucalim Nur Siyaad AUN  created center that thousands of drought stricken ppl from Mudug and Above and Soomali Galbeed were made to move in. These people were assimilated and many became his diciplies.   Quraanka, Axkaamta, naxwiga, cilmiga qalbiga (tasawuff ama sufism) fiq flourished. These instututions were supported by the semi nomadic ppl and the costal ppl.  The late somali qari Shaykh Abdul rashid Sufi said in his biopgraphy that he engaged in his islamic studies, coming from lands far away.  His first shaykh was a coastal Somali  that he studied basic shafite fiq.   Everyone in costal towns knew students were theire and would donate food and alms.  No such viable instututions existed in Hargeysaa or in Puntland

The only place that I can make a claim that had a viable instutution was Harar.. 

So what does all above had to do with the topic. Talaabo people will come to your conlusion becouse of your lack of understanding the culture and the ethos among somalis. When the ignorant realises that shouting about poems and stealing camels is ethically wrong, progress will begin. When the general society starts to understand the culture of the common good is better just as the costal cities did before the advent of colonialism.. A city that produced scholars like Shaykh Cali Suufi Shaykh dead 1904  Sh Axmad Xaaji Mahdi, Shaykh Uweys al Barawi ,  The late Shaykh Sufi   that produced the litany of the cayniyada, a litany that every somali quranic school schild memorized  fromJabuuti to Nfd and Jigjiga, when those somalis understand the common good and I say it once again the,  once that  ethos  is revived  only then can  we have a common based pan-somali etnobased ideology with its islamic form.  

Sad to see that the Hargeysa is now full in controll of Saudi based wahabis, the same goes  for puntland. Mudug and above  and By Mudug southern Gaalkacayo is included, as I said were quick to jump to a unknown jumpwagon that caused havoc and terror. Not a single intelectuall talked  about this. Its tragic really. You hardly see a bosnian hanafi, a pakistani hanafi, or morrocan maliki abandoning his sunni creed for something that even dares to question the legitimacy of your islamic heritage.  Marka saaxibo.   Ever wonderd why it is taboo among southerners to ask the question "yaa tahay,, while the norm in Hargeysaa is "qolomodeee ahayd" ` Thats ethos in a nutshell. It Takes instututions to change that, Not flags or slogans. Inluce Sool  sanaag and every part damn of those dusty ghost towns..







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On 6/7/2023 at 3:23 AM, Khadafi said:

Maybe instead of flirting with atheist communism, if we had embraced our indenegous pan-somali islamic legacy we would have arisen above tribalism and embraced pan-ethno-nationalim.  

You reminded me an interview my old man laga qaaday back in 2000. He was asked about Siyaad Barre. He said markuu Siyaad xabsi guriga ka sii daaye in around '73 ayuu saraakiil u soo diray madaxtooyada geeyey. Markaas Siyaad aabo Xamar ku soo wareejiyey, asagoo faan ka ah iyo waxqabadka dowladii Kacaanka tustusaayo. Talo ayuu weydiiyey. My old man said hal talo aan ku siiyo. Dugsiyada iskoolaadka diinta laguma dhigtee ee maado diinta ku dar manhajka. Siyaad Barre iima jawaabin yiri laakiin soon after maadada Carabi iyo Diin ayaa lagu daray manhajkii dalka.

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On 6/12/2023 at 2:24 AM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

You reminded me an interview my old man laga qaaday back in 2000. He was asked about Siyaad Barre. He said markuu Siyaad xabsi guriga ka sii daaye in around '73 ayuu saraakiil u soo diray madaxtooyada geeyey. Markaas Siyaad aabo Xamar ku soo wareejiyey, asagoo faan ka ah iyo waxqabadka dowladii Kacaanka tustusaayo. Talo ayuu weydiiyey. My old man said hal talo aan ku siiyo. Dugsiyada iskoolaadka diinta laguma dhigtee ee maado diinta ku dar manhajka. Siyaad Barre iima jawaabin yiri laakiin soon after maadada Carabi iyo Diin ayaa lagu daray manhajkii dalka.

AUN I think the 8 june 2012 was the day he returned to Allah. AUN to  Aiyaad too  Barre, had that habit. My Old man was also released during those times. He simply declined to be apart of the madness. Kolley dhamaantooda Allaha ha naxariisto.

Barre was not a communist,  but he waisted many years building the ideological basis of pan-somalism with mumbo jumbo.



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