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Greece have won the Euro 2004

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The outsiders have won and I say this is a good night for football! Do people here think this is a good night for football???


Remember guys, before this tournament, Greece had never won a match in the finals of any major football tournament. I call this football for the people and by the people (since Greek players are not super stars!).


Who would have thought of this a month ago!

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Originally posted by Q:

Do people here think this is a good night for football???

dono about that

i don't like the Greeks defensive style of game..

but it was great to see a team without a overated, overpaid show ponies win it



this was something though :D



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Qac Qaac   

Yes it is good to see Greece win... of course after all this year, is the year of underdogs.


Look Florida Marlins beat New york Yankees. in baseball.


NBA... Detroit Pistons beatu L.A. lakers.


NHL... Tampa Bay vs. Calgory in stanley cup.


this is good for sports, as longs as there is no dominant team that wins every time. everyone should get a chance to win, so competition gets better.


Good Job. Greece

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Well done to greece and they deserved full credit.. about there style of play, well thats how italy got there name isnt it??

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if it was down to me,

i would wipe anything greek from the face of the earth because those bloody greeks made me lose my shopping money for the next three weeks and you have the nerve to ask me if it is good for football? :mad: .


it is good for nobody be it football or for my pocket so throw the bloody hungry to the sharks including their german coach :mad: :mad:

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