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Raaso City--the cause of clan clashes in the Somali region of Ethiopia

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Raaso Cit

—the cause of clan clashes in Ethiopia


I first encountered the narrative but dismal condition of the starving Somalis in Raaso through a fund-raising project in the city I currently reside. Mohamed Shiine who works for the KPBS Somali TV in Minnesota devoted his time and resources to covering up the horrible condition of Raaso city. Almost 80,000 people live there without basic sustenance. They were uprooted by clan hostilities caused by clashes over scarce resources. As I was told, 99% of them are related to the people of Hooshingow, a village near Kismayo. They were uprooted by clan clashes between their clan and the clan of Godei. They fled from their varying settlements in the Somali region of Ethiopia and formed this little village, which harks back to the days of Baidabo—the man-made famine caused by Aideed and his adversaries. My point of raising this topic is to learn from history that keeps ringing in our ears. We should always remember that clan allegiances lead to such catastrophic conditions.


Here is a further enlightening dialogue Tribalism in Africa A dialogue from AGE-L

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I am very sorry for Raaso people to what has happened to them, but I believe that they are equally blameble, for the root cause of this problem. However I do believe that they deserve self-determination like anyone else, but not route they took.

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Ereyga 'raas' oo Soomaaliga ku jiro laguna magacaabay labada tuulooyinka labada gees ku kala yaalo ee Raascaseyr iyo Raaskambooni. Xaafuun xataa Raasxaafuun ayee ahayd.


Ereygaan 'raas' oo aan la wadaagno ereyga ee Amxaarada isticmaalaan, koleey Amxaarada waxee u yaqanaan head or head of state, waaba tan keentay Xeyle Salaase la baxo.


Again ereyga 'xeyle,' Soomaalida iyagana waala baxaan, oo saa u maleeyo isku micno ah kan Amxaarada.


Ereygaan 'raas' diinta ay heystaan kooxda Bob Marley ee ah Rastafari or Rasta wuu ku jiraa, oo laga soo qaatay micnaha kan Amxaarada.


Marka micnaha runta 'raas' ee Soomaaliga ilaa hada ma keenin, inkastoo aan u qaatay qarka sare laga wado, sida laan ama fiin camal, oo isku dhigmaan definitionka Amxaarada 'head' ah. Anyone?

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I think we need an advanced linguist that solely devotes himself to the gathering of homonyms in the Somali language because I have seen the good Miskiin abuse the meaning of this term countless times!

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Raas means Cape in ''somali''


Raas Xafuun

Raas caluula


in Arabic ra's means head or Cape


Ra's At-tib

Ra's Musandam


somali raas is derived from the arabic word

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The word "Raas" has different meanings therefore it must be considered in what context it is in.


Raas can be "Qoys", if it is derived from arabic word of "Ra'iz" then it may well be a head of a group or a place...

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Originally posted by David_Letterman:



Raas means Cape in ''somali''


Raas Xafuun

Raas caluula


in Arabic ra's means head or Cape


Ra's At-tib

Ra's Musandam


somali raas is derived from the arabic word

I have always wondered whether the assumption that many vocabularies Somali and Afaan Oromo shared with Arabic came from Arabic is right. Couldn't it be the reverse? The Arabs and the Cuhite people of the Horn of Africa have thousands of years of interactions, thus making it very likely that both groups adopted vocabularies from each other.

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Daa'uud Waraaqle, I believe ereyga raas is an original Soomaali word, related to that Amxaaro word of same spelling and close meaning.


And I thought "cape" in Soomaali meant jaan.


It isn't always every Carabi-sounding word in laga soo borrow gareeye Carabta. No. I even believe fircoon [fir and coon] is a true, original Soomaali word, that doesn't mean Carabs did not borrow it from us -- the Quraan always uses the original words, including fircoon, which doesn't state where it originated from.

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oromo brother there are chinese words that have a somali origin so your right it could well be the ''reverse'' when it comes to cushtic/arabic words because of the trade network in the past


MMA LOL @Daa'uud Waraaqle


i'm not saying it couldn't have been an original somali word but the fact that many languages have the same word with the same type of meaning makes me skeptical about it


and unlike the chinese the arabs(read ''arabs'' not ''muslims'') have a tendency to claim being the father of everything


there are many somali words that have the same meaning as ancient egyptian words but in reality that doesn't mean anything since..



-Ancient Egyptic(fircoons)

-Semetic(Ethiopian, Middle Eastern)







are all in the same language family

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