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VOA: Somaliland President has forcibly closed the parliament after Impeachment Motion

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Somaliland President Shuts Down Parliament After Impeachment Motion


The president of Somaliland has forcibly closed the breakaway republic's parliament after it began debating impeachment charges against him, just a few days after elections were indefinitely postponed. The speaker of Somaliland's Lower House of Parliament accuses of the territory's leader of dictatorship.


Security forces controlled by Somaliland President Dahir Riyale stormed into the parliament on Tuesday and removed the members. Since that time, security forces have locked up the parliament building and refused access to legislators.


Tensions flared up in the Lower House of Parliament after the body's legal advisor ruled that an impeachment motion from a member of parliament was constitutional and could be debated. The ruling resulted in a physical scuffle allegedly instigated by members loyal to the president.


After one member of parliament, known for being a staunch ally of the president, brandished a gun, police moved in and forcibly adjourned the meeting.


The speaker of the Lower House of Parliament, Abdurrahman Abdillahi, accused the president of purposefully orchestrating the brawl in order to justify stopping the impeachment proceedings.


"The plan was just either the motion would stop, or the parliament building would be confiscated by the security forces of the president. We have requested the president to remove these units from the parliament building, but there was no heeding," he said.


The president's move is just the latest in a string of actions that critics point to in accusing the Somaliland leader of abuse of power and systematic disregard for the law of the land.


Earlier this week, the election commission indefinitely postponed elections schedule for later this month, citing the deteriorating political environment and the president's decision to hold the poll without voter registration lists. It was the third announced delay of the vote that was originally supposed to take place 17 months ago.


A term extension granted to President Riyale is set to expire in October.


The speaker of the Lower House said the leader is turning the office of the presidency into a dictatorship.


"We think these are the characteristics of an immanent dictator. He does not respect the constitution, he does not respect the laws, and that is the normal characteristics of an immanent dictator," he said.


The Somaliland MPs have announced they and their staff will attempt to peacefully re-enter the building Saturday. The speaker said if this action fails, they will just keep trying until the situation is resolved.


Watchdog groups fear the political crisis in Somaliland is threatening the existence of its young democracy, rare in a region marred with conflict.


The territory declared its independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991 after the country's last functioning central government toppled. But the rest of the world has yet to recognize its statehood.

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Jamhuuriya: Shacbiga Somaliland Waxaan ugu Baaqaynaa inay u Diyaargaroobaan Sabtida Haddii Xildhibaannada Laga Horjoogsado inay Gutaan Xilkooda Distooriga ah”


Shacbiga Somaliland Waxaan ugu Baaqaynaa inay u Diyaargaroobaan Sabtida Haddii Xildhibaannada Laga Horjoogsado inay Gutaan Xilkooda Distooriga ah”


“Cidna lagama aqbali karo inay ishortaagto mudanayaasha iyo shaqaalaha, cidda is-hortaagta ayaana masuul ka noqon doonta wixii ka dhasha falkaas”


Digniin iyo hanjabaad culus oo ka soo baxday Shirguddoonka Wakiillada


Natiijada kulan Shirguddoonka Baarlamaanku la yeesheen Wakiilka Xoghayaha Fuud ee Qaramada Midoobay


Hargeysa (Jam)- Shirguddoonka Aqalka Wakiillada, ayaa ku hanjabay in aanay u dulqaadan doonin in golahoodu sii xidhnaado, iyagoo mudanayaashana ugu baaqay in ay ka soo qaybgalaan fadhi caadi ah oo goluhu maalinta Sabtida ku yeelan doono xaruntooda oo ciidammada ammaanku la wareegeen Salaasadii toddobaadkan.


Warsaxaafadeed xubnaha Shirguddoonka Wakiilladu shalay ka soo saareen magaalada Hargeysa oo ay ku caddeeyeen in aanay aqbali doonin, una dulqaadanayn in golahoodu si sharci-darro ah ku sii xidhnaado, kana waaban doonin inuu qabsoomo fadhi goluhu u ballansan yahay Sabtida, isla markaana ku lammaan yihiin baaqyo iyo digniino culus oo ay kula dareen mudanayaasha Wakiillada, shacabka Somaliland iyo cid kasta oo isku dayda inay shaqadooda ka horjoogsato, waxa uu isagoo faahfaahsan u qornaa sidan:


“Sida shacbiga reer Somaliland la socday waxa maalintii Salaasadii ee taariikhdu ahayd 8 September 2009 si sharci-darro ah ku qabsaday ciidamo ku gedaanaa xarunta Baarlamanka tobankii maalmood ee u dambeeyey, Shirguddoonka, mudanayaasha iyo shaqaalaha golahana waxa loo diiday inay xarunta golaha galaan.


Uma dulqaadan karno, mana aqbali karo in goluhu si sharci-darro ah ku sii xidhnaado, taas darteed waxa lagu wargelinayaa dhammaan mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiillada inuu jiro fadhigii golaha ee caadiga ahaa ee Sabtida 12 September 2009, isuguna yimaaddaan xarunta golaha.


Cidna lagama aqbali karo inay ishortaagto mudanayaasha iyo shaqaalaha, cidda is-hortaagta ayaana masuul ka noqon doonta wixii ka dhasha falkaas.


Shacbiga reer Somaliland waxaan ugu baaqaynaa inay ugu hiiliyaan golaha ay soo doorteen xaqa iyo sharciga, una diyaargaroobaan Sabtida haddii xildhibaannada laga horjoogsado inay gutaan xilkooda distooriga ah.”


Geesta kale, shirguddoonnada labada gole Baarlamaan [Guurtida iyo Wakiilada], ayaa kulan saacado qaatay oo ay la yeesheen wakiilka Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland Mr. Axmed Wallud Abdalla oo shalay booqasho ku yimi Hargeysa, waxa ay ugu gudbiyeen warbixin ay ugu faahfaahiyen khilaafaadka cakiran ee xilligan dalka ka aloosan, gaar ahaan tallaabada gurracan ee xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayaale albaabada ugu xidhay Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland.


Ma jiro war rasmi oo labada dhinac ka soo saareen kulankaas iyo waxyaabaha lagaga wadahadlay toona. Hasayeeshe, sida ilo xogogaal ah Jamhuuriya xalay u xaqiijiyeen, waxa xubnaha shirguddoonnada Baarlamaanku u gudibiyeen wakiilka xog-warran la xidhiidha in Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin masuul ka yahay qalalaasaha siyaasadeed ee dalka ka taagan iyo dib-u-dhacyada faraha badan ee ragaadiyey qabsoomidda doorashooyinka Somaliland ee beesha caalamku aad u danaynayaan.


Waxa kale oo ilahaasi xuseen in shirguddoonnada u caddeeyeen weftiga Qaramada Midoobay in ujeeddada ka dambaysa ee Madaxweynuhu uga caga-jiidayo doorasho xor iyo xalaal ah oo dalka ka dhacda, isla markaana xukuumaddiisu u qaadayso tallaabooyinka liddiga ku ah hannaanka dimuqraadiyadda Somaliland ka hirgalay ay salka ku hayaan sidii markale loogu samayn lahaa muddo-kordhin aan qiil u laabnayn oo uu kursiga ku sii fadhiyo, taasoo ay sheegeen inay horseedi doonto kacdoon shacbi iyo burbur culus oo ku habsada xasilloonida iyo degganaanshaha ka jira Somaliland oo saamayn weyn ku yeesha mandaqadda Geeska Afrika.


Sidaa awgeed, waxa shirguddoonada labada gole ee Guurtida iyo Wakiilada ka dalbadeen Mr. Wallud Abdalla inuu ka hawlgalo sidii uu Madaxweyne Rayaale ugu cadaadin lahaa inuu xilka iskaga dego, ‘Maadaama,’ bay yidhaahdeen; ‘taasi tahay xalka keliya ee lagu badbaadin karo geeddi-socodka dimuqraadiyadda iyo xasilloonida dawladnimo ee Somaliland ku naaloonayso.’


Wakiilka xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay, ayaa isaguna dhinaciisa u muujiyey xubnaha shirguddoonnada sida uu uga xun yahay marxaladda qallafsan ee Somaliland ee madaxa la gashay waqtigan, islamarkaana UN-ku beesha caalamka la wadaago walaaca sii kordhaya ee laga qabo khilaafaadka sii xooggaysanaya iyo dib-u-dhacyada sii fogaynaya rajadii laga qabay qabsoomidda doorashooyin xor iyo xalaal ah oo dalka ka hirgala, waxaannu dhinacyada ismaandhaafka u dhexeeya oo u soo jeediyay inay arrinta ku soo dabbaalaan wadahadal iyo isu-tanaasulkii shacabka Somaliland looga bartay ee ay ku soo caano maaleen.



Jamhuuriya Online

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Jamhuuriya: Madaxweyna Rayaale oo Aqbalay in la Furo Xarunta Golaha Wakiillada


Madaxweyna Rayaale oo Aqbalay in la Furo Xarunta Golaha Wakiillada


Hargeysa (Jam)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ayaa la sheegay inuu aqbalay in xukuumaddu xayiraadda ka qaaddo xarunta Golaha Wakiillada, isla markaana dulqaado ciidammada haysta.


Sida warar ku dhowdhow Madaxtooyadu u xaqiijiyeen Jamhuuriya waxa kulan fool-ka-fool ah oo ay xalay qasriga madaxtooyada ku yeeshay Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Shirguddoonka Golaha Guurtida, ayaa labada dhinac kaga wadahadleen sidii xal loogu heli lahaa khilaafka xooggan ee ka dhashay tallaabadii xukuumaddu albaabada ugu xidhay xarunta Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland.


Kulanka dhexmaray Madaxweynaha iyo xubnaha Shirguddoonka Guurtida oo la sheegay inuu ahaa codsi ka yimi dhinaca Madaxtooyada, ayaa sida ilahaasi xuseen waxa Guddoomiye Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan ku wargeliyey Madaxweyne Rayaale in tallaabada xukuumaddu ku xayirtay golaha sharci-dejinta tahay mid duminaysa jiritaanka Somaliland, si weyna waxyeellaynaysana xasilloonida guud ee dalka, sidaa awgeedna loo baahan yahay inuu degdeg uga noqdo, ciidammadana ka dulqaado si looga badbaado in nabadgelyada qaranku faraha ka baxdo.


Warku waxa uu intaa ku daray in Md. Rayaale aqbalay furitaanka iyo xayiraad-ka-qaadista Golaha Wakiillada oo ciidammada ammaanku la wareegeen Salaasadii toddobaadkan si goluhu u guto hawl-maalmeedkiisa distooriga ah ee xayiraaddu saaran tahay, lagana wada shaqeeyo iyo dejinta xaaladda cakiran ee ka dhalatay go’aankii xukuumaddu ku xidhay xarunta Baarlamanka, isagoo dhinaca kalena Shirguddoonka Guurtida ka codsaday inay ka hawlgalaan joojinta isu-soo-baxyada dadweyne ee ay sida wadajirka ah ugu baaqeen Sabtida berri labada xisbi mucaarad iyo Shirguddoonka dibad-wareegga ah ee Wakiillada.


Sida ilaha xogogaalka ah tibaaxeen Shirguddoonka Golaha Guurtida ayaa la filayaa inuu Jimcaha maanta si faahfaahsan uga warramo natiijada ka soo baxday kulankii ay xalay la yeesheen Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin.


Qalalaasaha khilaafka siyaasiga ah ee ka aloosan Somaliland ayaa cirka isku sii shareeray, kadib ciidammada xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayaale Salaasadii toddobaadkan albaabada u xidheen, lana wareegeen xarunta Golaha Wakiillada ee shacabku soo doorteen, arrintaas oo keentay in khilaafku gaadho heerkii ugu sarreeyey abid, iyadoo si weyn looga cabsi qabo iska-horimaadyo dhaawaca nabadgelyada guud oo dalka ka qarxa.


Dhinaca kale, waxa maalmihii ugu dambeeyey ilaa xalay socday gobollada dalka oo dhan ka socday abaabullo dadweyne oo lagaga soo horjeedo tallaabada sharci-darrada ah ee xukuumadda Rayaale qufulka ugu jebisay dhismaha xarunta Golaha Wakiillada, kuwaasoo laga werwer qabo inay sababaan qalalaase iyo isku-dhacyo khalkhalin kara xasilloonida Somaliland, haddii aan xal degdeg ah laga gaadhin muranka aloosan inta ka horreysa Sabtida berri ee loo ballansan yahay bannaanbaxyada ballaadhan.



Jamhuuriya Online

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"We fought bravely and liberated our country...

We are an independent country...

We are called Somaliland...

We are democratic..."


Ha ha ha... eat dirt silly secessionist troglodytes.


This is NOW Riyaale country.


Tell does Riyaaleland sound?? :D

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:



"We fought bravely and liberated our country...

We are an independent country...

We are called Somaliland...

We are democratic..."


Ha ha ha... eat dirt silly secessionist troglodytes.


This is NOW Riyaale country.


Tell does

Riyaale has mugged your people in LA. Made thousands leave their home..and you're throwing stones at the "secessnionst"? Riyaale should be your biggest problem not us :D

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I take it you, Poker, have the thought in your head that you are an 'intelligent' marfishlander, OK.


I'd be interested in having you explain how you arrived at this rather hopeful conclusion. Is it me, or are you just simply so out of touch with reality to understand the serious madness Riyaale has unleashed upon the population of the northwest? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt at this point inasmuch as you seem to be a little wide-eyed in astonishment and terror, concerning the violence unfolding in Hargaysa today.


Saaxiib, this guy won't leave quietly nor quickly. Marka, care to explain to us, how he will be removed without affecting the relative peace Shankaroonis enjoy? Remember, becoming another Xamar is not an option...

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^^Why do you care about the population of the "North West?


Like I said OUR internal issues will be RESOLVED one way or another. Us, SOMALILANDERS, have our own way of dealing with adversity.

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^^^Well put. Somalilanders have risen above the ashes once before. This is mere cake walk compare to our experience in the past. Insha Allah khayr.

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What is the latest saaxib? I know the situation is calm at the moment. But what is the chatter in the fadhi ku dirir hot spots? I assume alot of folks are angry.

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Originally posted by Poker:

^^Why do you care about the population of the "North West?


Like I said OUR internal issues will be RESOLVED one way or another. Us, SOMALILANDERS, have our own way of dealing with adversity.

I know you loudmouthed secessionists live in a dreamland and think you can actually wish away the genuine concerns fellow Somalis have for their brethren in Hargaysa, but braying aimlessly about so-called 'internal affairs' wont stop us from being worried about the suffering of our Somali brother and sisters.


So, Poker, I urge you to AT LEAST give me the benefit of doubt and accept that, I do indeed care about the sad plight facing the north west.


Now if war breaks out, Hargaysa will simply become another Xamar and that just unbearable. In my opinion, the best strategy against Riyaale is peaceful resistance.

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