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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

^Adeer, if you were made out of money, you would be counterfeit 100% for sure. Lol!

Well I am thankful, then, that my Lord did not make me into mere piece of paper.

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

^Adeer, you didn't get it. lol, you're fake! Bogus. keep us amusing.

No I got it, what you did not get it and will not get with your one-state mindset is mines. smile.gif

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It wasn't so long ago when some one was accusing Horn,and used school related terms.According to the accuser,horn was a high school kido.Not my words,but his words.Well horn,u protested then and now u are using the same cheap shots in the very same forum.It's a shame,but before that,maybe there was some truth to ur previous accusation.

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Horn you know it's never 'done' until it is really done and I say so, understand!


You know it's done, when I come up with something, here it is below, enjoy I say:


I’m not a politician but a flip-flop

I’m going to drip that in a voice drop!

My name is Hornafrique Jr

Juvenile of Hiiraale senior MR.

Hiiraale is my hero love him non-stop

To you I propagate him as father tip-top!

You would call him a ‘G’ if it was hip hop!

If you don’t believe me I’m going to use on you a drop-kick

Better believe and join the new church Yoonis be sick!

He hasn’t yet killed anyone intentionally

Swear that to you he did only conventionally!

Thus qualifying him becoming priest unintentionally

Love him regardless and too,

As me and my fellow Hiiraale crew

Use him pleasurably to skin-pop

Everyday ‘Hiiraale’ SPing at our bus-stop!

What would Seattle be without me?

I’m its hottest mc!

Just listen to my lyrical talent

And its satirical gallant

This makes you spew for days

Castro and his likes in a state of haze

Yoonis put us on his ways

And he has put on us his mystical sways

We salute you my majesty here is your praise

We believe now in the TFG hear our yeas

The TFG is here to stay and you my honour

We declare you the King!

Rule us like a Afrikaner!

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Nothing I have written is contradictory, Taakow! If you can relate to the people of Xamar in the spirit of walaaltinimo and Islaamnimo, I apologize. However, that is not the perception of you and some other TFG supporting individuals that I have formed. Now instead of admonishing me for having that perception, is it not more appropriate to question the reasoning that led me form? Yonis is another case altogether, but the general insensitivity and outright dismissal of the feelings and wishes of the people of Mogadishu is the same reason why I butted heads with multiple individuals on the Kismaayo issue and the lack of respect towards the wishes of the people there.

Perception is not 9/10 of the law, or is it now? Especially across a computer screen it becomes harder to judge through perception. You have to base/formulate your opinion against my words. The people of Xamar and the ones that I have spoken too are supporting the Government, not out of clannish fervour, but out of the simple fact that they want governance. I have in-laws in Xamar who are well into their elderly life and they say they are sick and tired of lack of governance. They may not like/favour Yusuf/Geedi et al. But they certainly favour them against no government.


When you say TFG supporting. Weren't you also, atleast lately amongst those TFG SUPPORTERS ? Or was it a case of, side with my enemy (TFG) against my bigger enemy THE ICU , to get my main man Hiraale back to his Thrown.


Or is this just my PERCEPTION of YOU ?



I remember men such as Sophist of all people dismissing the public refusal to accept the ICU force as a "khat-dealing women's revolt" when I had even provided proof to him that protests and public disturbances had begun as the ICU was entering the city and continued to ensue way past their decrees. I consider what is going on around here on par with that and I am truly disgusted to say the least. The reason why we are in a cycle is the outright inability to relate to our brethren beyond our clan circles and the lack of respect towards their feelings and wishes.

Sophist might be rightfully speaking. Many of the people who suffered in Kismayo were Khat dealers. Rightfully or wrongfully so, they didn't base their outright disapproval of the ICU based on ideology, but their means of survival (Read:Khat) was banned.


Needeth proof? Check here.



This is a transitional government built on a platform for
. Reconciliation Taakow, reconciliation. This is not an existing government with functioning institutions. This government has no functioning institutions whatsoever but it was meant as a precursor of good things to come by setting the stage so the play can take place!

Transitional government I agree. Nevertheless a transitional government can have insitutions. Such as a functioning army, police stations, ministries which actually operate and we've seen that albeit, the government is only in it's weaning stage. Throw basic measures such as allowing the government's citizens to contact a police station, (NOTE: All stations are functioning in the capital and some in many other places) it is providing a public service through one of its institutions.



But from what I am noticing, the stage-setters have fantasized themselves to be the actors and that is why I believe the people of Mogadishu are reacting this way. The objective of reconciliation is totally missing in an environment where none is taking place.

Who are these 'stage-setters' if I may ask ? Your level of ambiguity is profound saxiib. You should be more clear. Are you referencing it to a clan, the President or Prime minister? Or some of its ministers? Be more clear so I can answer your statement better.



Taako, you are logically trying to proof the illogical. There is no way to logically ascertain how things are happening in Mogadishu because you know and I know and we all know it is nearly impossible to truly assert what percentages exist in a decade ungoverned city of two million people. Of anything, do not give me
good Taako, do not. All we can do is look at local headlines as they are happening and realize things are not as they seem. That suffices at this given moment in time and you understand that full well I presume.

So you are saying that the actions of a few which can pull headlines around the world show the overall climate of violence in a city and represent the total feelings of the general population? :confused: That is illogical.


For instance Camden, Jersey (Note: Camden has/had one of the highest per capita rates of murder in the United States) might experience a murder. The murderers are confined to a few individuals or local gang(s). The headlines will read camden "THE MURDER CAPITAL". Buta ren't the majority of camdens residents outright against the situation the criminals pose to their good name? Are the majority of camdens residents against these 'stage-setters' or are do the acts of a few represent the whole?


It's like a section of mogadishu who abused the national treasury for their own pursuits. They are linked through the clannish spheres of Somalis to the Former President Siad Barre. Would it be right to label for instance your parents (either one) a national treausry thief? Heck No.

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I can hardly keep up the nonsensical response to every single quote you are trying to drive me towards but from what I have gleaned from your post, your whole difference with me comes down to this; be a TFG supporter and do not speak contrary to it. I am sorry but that is not something I can do Taakow! It is the spirit of reconciliation that the TFG is capable of that makes me support it provided it is working towards that reconciliation.

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MKA Yoonis, I nver knew you for a deserter, but hey the opposition need any help, a funny thread indeed.


As for Mogadishu, its under control and life is getting on. I dont get this idea of these random attacks, which have so far killed civilians, who ebenefits from this?

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