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Courts vacate their line of defense in Saakow?

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Maleeshiyooyinkii Maxkamadaha Ee Ku Sugnaa Degmada Saakow Oo Maanta Isaga Baxay

Nov 27,2006

by Jubbada Dhexe-Gedo-NN

Wararka laga helayo dhinaca deg.Saakow ee Gobolka J/dhexe ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyooyinkii maxakamadaha islaamiga ee mudooyinkaanba ku sugnaa degmadaasi iyo agagaarkeeda ay halkaasi isaga baxen maanta barqadii kadib markii ay la soo deristey cabsi.


Ilaa iyo iminka lama yaqaan halka ay u ruqaansadeen maleeshiyooyinkaasi, laakiin dad jooga Saakow oo ka gaabsadey magacooda in la shaaciyo ayaa Gedonet u xaqiijiyey in maanta duhuradii in la arkayey maleeshiyooyinkaasi oo mar qura bilaabay inay halkaasi isaga baxaan taasi oo jahwareer ku dhalisey dadka reer saakow oo beryahii la soo dhaafey ciidamadaasi ay ku hayeen cadaadis dhinac waliba leh.


Warar kale oo laga helay dhinaca Tuulada Jawaarey oo ka tirsan isla degmadaasi 40km kaga toosan dhinaca Bari ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyooyinkaasi ay ku sii jeedaan dhinaca degmada Diinsoor,kadib markii ay cabsi la soo deristey dhaqdhaqaaqa ciidan ee hadda ka socda dalka awgeed,taasi oo qasab kaga dhigtey inay baneeyaan fariinsinkooda.



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Dib u gurasho maahan laakiin. Sxbadood reer Buur-hakabo yey u dhawaadeen just in case the going gets tough and one or the other needs a gurmad. icon_razz.gif

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^^ And that makes you a happy man, huh ? I forgot, there was the whole tribal subtext that colors our vision. Still mourning Kismayo, are we Jalle ? And now Abudwaaq, Ouch. Since they've fallen into the hands of the 'enemy'(lol) I feel your pain, brah. ii atkeyso. The Ethos will help liberate you. At least, they'll try. What's left of them that is.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

^^ And that makes you a happy man, huh ? I forgot, there was the whole tribal subtext that colors our vision. Still mourning Kismayo, are we Jalle ? And now Abudwaaq, Ouch. Since they've fallen into the hands of the 'enemy'(lol) I feel your pain, brah. ii atkeyso. The Ethos will help liberate you. At least, they'll try. What's left of them that is.

Maandheey hadalka inta iska daysid orod oo dagaalka clan courts-ku dalbadeen aad.

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^^ Aight, brah, maybe I was a lil bit out of line, but the point I was tryna make is this: As we speak, Etho forces are preparing for all-out war on SOMALI land assisted by traitors. They plan to spare no man and aim to eradicate this growing threat(real Islam, not the lazy apolitical one) before it reaches full blossom. Because when it does reach full blossom(God-willing), it'll tear apart their shaky empire and they know it. The last thing we need is to show glee or joy at the Court's setbacks because of tribal differences. The last thing we need is kalaam like "The Courts brought this on themselves" You know why ? Because "themselves" is me, you, and every Somali living in the Horn of Africa. If the Ethos can unite on aggression, why can't we unite on defending our land ? Good God Almighty, since when were the friggin' Ethos our pals and allies ? Amxaar ? Yo, that's a cuss word. How any true Somali can entertain thoughts of inviting our historical enemy onto our land is beyond me.


When will we grow out of this petty mind-set and embrace a larger vision ? Hey, I don't know about you, but I want something bigger and better for Somalia than a patchwork of tribal fiefdoms and no-go-zones. And if it takes bullets and offending tribal protocol(Zone A is for Tribe A, Zone B is for Tribe B), then so be it.


Well I for one am greatly surprised you know Caabudwaaq, Kashafa. You're picking up there adeer

Six months ago, I couldn't tell Qanyare from Qeybdiid or Bur-hakabo from Baidabo. Now, I can respectfully hold my own in any fadhi-ku-dhirir, starting off with "Waxaa la yedhi".... Waa kala daathinaa :D Thanks to SOL's Politics page veterans

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