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Mudug Governor Bans Any Talks With SSC Political Movement

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by 'Liibaan':


Therefore Somalia should be united and we need to bring together all Somali people, that is why I support the TFG a national government led by President Sharif


You see I support Sharif, NOT Faroole

Originally posted by 'Liibaan':


In theory it was good that people of SSC joined their brethren of Mudug, Nugaal and Bari to form Puntland.

Are you hearing yourself?
Las Anod can be part of Puntland and United Somalia AT SANE TIME, just like Boosaaso is part of Puntland and United Somalia


Currently majority of SSC people want to have their own Regional State of Somalia (SSC=Darwishland), directly under President of Somalia Sheikh Sharif


People of SSC already have President Sulieman Xaglotoosiye, Vice president Ali Sbarey, SSC parliement/Khusuusi, SSC army, etc


Vancouvar is part of British Columbia and also Canada


Columbia is part of Ohio and and also United States


The key word is SOMALIA, because SOMALIA is the country


Puntland is part of UNITED SOMALIA




Galmudug is part of UNITED SOMALIA


Hiiraanland is part of UNITED SOMALIA



The Puntland State of Somalia was established in August 1998 after a decision made by local political and traditional leaders following several failed national reconciliation efforts in the wake of the Somali Civil War.



As stipulated in Article 1 of the Transitional Federal Charter of the Somali Republic, Puntland is a part of the Federal State of Somalia. As such, the region seeks the unity of the Somali people and adheres to a federal system of government.





Puntland is a region located in north-eastern Somalia, centred around Garowe (Nugaal

region), which leaders in 1998 declared it to be an autonomous state. The current

government apparently sees the move as an attempt
to reconstitute Somalia as a federal

republic. Unlike neighbouring Somaliland, it does not seek outright independence from



Puntland considered itself
as an autonomous state within Somalia.
In 1969, when

Somalia's government was toppled in a "coup d'état", years of war and chaos followed.

Somalia remained unstable and, in 1998, Puntland declared its autonomy. It is a tribalbased separation under the presidency of Mahamoud Muse Hirsi and has a nation with clan confederation as one of its top priorities. Since 1998, Puntland has been in territorial disputes with Somaliland over the Sool and Sanaag regions.


Unlike the self-declared state of Somaliland, Puntland is not trying to obtain international recognition as a nation.It seeks to become part of the united Somalia that is a federal republic. However, the two so-called "lands" have one thing in common: both base their support upon tribal elders and their way of organization along lines based on tribe and kinship.


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Originally posted by 'Liibaan':

Las Anod can be part of Puntland and United Somalia AT SANE TIME,

Can LA be part of Somaliland state of Somalia, why do they have to be part of puntland?

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by 'Liibaan':

Las Anod can be part of Puntland and United Somalia AT SANE TIME,

Can LA be part of Somaliland state of Somalia, why do they have to be part of puntland?

Can Burco be part of SSC/Puntland state of Somalia, why do they have to be part of Somaliland?


Why you care if Las Anod is part of Puntland or Hiiraanland, don't worry too much about Las Anod


I welcome the Somaliland state of Somalia, and I will be the first one to support for the sake of somalinimo, midnimo and islamnimo :D:D


People of LA and Mogadishu will always feel home at Somaliland state of Somalia, even if LA or Mogadishu is not part of it.


For people of SSC, it is same if LA is part of Hiiraanland state of Somalia, Somaliland state of Somalia, SSC state of Somalia, or Puntland state of Somalia


SSC and LA will never be part of Somalidiid and one-clan secession project


As I said before the key word is Somalia,


As long as we are one nation, one country, one flag, and somali people are united, and our country Somalia is United.


The important thing is UNITED Somali people (one big family), and UNITED house(Somalia), doesn't matter which room (Puntland, SSC, Galmudug, Somaliland, Hiiraan, Adal, Jubaland).

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Originally posted by Africaown Can LA be part of Somaliland state of Somalia, why do they have to be part of puntland?

Originally posted by Liban : Can Burco be part of SSC/Puntland state of Somalia, why do they have to be part of Somaliland?


LOL good answer Liban. Some people ask questions that doesnt even require much of thinking.


Africaown next time think before you ask lol...


Everyone should just stick to their few cities......daandaansigan hala iska dhaafo..


marka ka dib hadii somali wax lala qabsanayo iyo kii raba in uu goó asagay jirta..


tan kale ssc ma aha in ay puntland ka mid noqoto xita haduu faroole soo fakaro oo usoo hadii la taabto puntland sool saang iyo cayn wax alaalo ay u qabtaan ma leh..hadaad eegtid heer cafimadeed/ heer waxbarasho...iyo waxyaala badanba....marka qofkasta magaloyinkiisa ha u taliyo markaana somalinimo hala isku yimaado...halkanba soma la haysto different provinces. Ma province baa laga suga in ay province kale wax u qabato..taasi wa maya...midkasta finance keeda ayeey hesha oo magaloyinkooda wax ugu qabta.marka taasi wa taas.Intaasna waxaan ku daraya kuna adkeenaya hadalka in Somalinimo ay muhim tahay dadka somaliyeedna makala maarmaan laakin qofkasta waa in u danihiisa kasoo fakara magaloyinkiisa dhistaa marka wixi federal government uu qaban karo yaguna wa in ay u qabtaan dalka. intaas baan hadalka kuso xidhaya..


anyways somali siyaasadeda wa lugu wareerayaa..ilaahay faraj khyr qaba meel haka furo..



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