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how to disarm the militia?

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Bacda Salaan


the truth is there will never be peace in a house full of spears. unless this new government finds a way to disarm the thugs roaming the streets of somalia, its destined to fail.


so here is the delima, how would you, yes you, disarm them?


your mission: Disarm the Militia in Muqdisho?


please give details, be specific, and be logical and rational about it.


- what is the source of the problem?

- who must be disarmed?

- who are the suppliers(Importers)of guns?

- what role does drugs play, (Qad) in particular?

- what resources would you need to accomplish your task?

- how much will all this cost?

- how would you fund it? Diplomacy?

- would you use force? if not what?

- would you use foreign troops? if not who?


* ps. the issue is greater than just one city, but we'll use Muqdisho as a patient representing the whole country.



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