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You need to keep ur husbands/bf moral .......

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I'll be happy to nag him, and occasionally slap him around, to ensure that he always tells the truth on his tax returns and insurance claims, never views morally-questionable materials and imagery, and so on and so forth.



Valenteenah mey kudheheen, rageedii aa tahay.



Nuune, bf/gf wey jiran. Why aa isaga dhigee inaad waxaas oqoon.


Hadaba, sheekadii aboo aboo aa wadaa

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Yaabka Yaabkiis, wax la is weydiiyo maxumee, what are they bringing to the table iyagana (nimanka)?


I tell you, I manage one thing very well and one thing only and that is money :D If he has lots of it, and I mean L-O-T-S of it, we can then nigotiate on how 'I' can keep his 'moral happy and satisfied'...Hadiikale 50/50 ee sheekada taagnaanee ilaa rigoore rigoore la isla gaaro... :D:D:D


Layzie, bf/gf intee kumaqashay? Waxaas ma jiraan ee xishoo, yaana afkaaga laga maqlin...Ceeb caleek...Hada styleka wuxuu noqday: waaku arkay, waaku caashaqay, waa la'is guursaday, waa la'isku dhalay, waala kalabooday...Beelo finito...

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Underdog, sorry i did not see ur Q, here it goes:


Morality is a fundamental and pervasive aspect of human functioning with both interpersonal and intrapsychic components: more specifically, it refers to voluntary behaviors that have, at least potentially, some social and interpersonal implications and that are governed by internal psychological (i.e., both cognitive and affective) mechanisms.


There are several things to note about this perspective on morality. First, it holds that morality entails not only the interpersonal aspects of life (in that it regulates our interactions, orders our relationships, and adjudicates our conflicts) but also the intrapsychic aspects (in that it also references our fundamental goals and values, lifestyle, and identity). These intrapsychic aspects of moral functioning have obvious implications for our interpersonal interactions because our values, goals, and character are directly played out in our relationships with others. Second, this definition of morality claims that moral functioning is inherently multifaceted, involving the dynamic interplay of thought, emotion, and behavior. For example, moral emotions such as empathy or guilt always occur with some accompanying cognitions. Thoughts about one's personal values or one's relationships always have some emotional tone. Thoughts do have an impact on behavior, either directly in overt action or indirectly through behavioral dispositions. Voluntary behaviors always have some intentional basis that determines their moral quality. Third, this definition holds that everyday life is refused with moral implications, that morality is a pervasive

We all conceptualize well-being as Happy marriage. We understand an increase in well-being as a "lasting marriages" and a decrease of well-being (as in "The noise gave me a headache"). When two people interact causally with each other, they are commonly conceptualized as engaging in a transaction, each transferring an effect to the other. An effect that helps is conceptualized as a gain; one that harms, as a loss.

what i do believe is: woman can change her husbands mind-set or increase his positiveness if she only capable of managing interpersonal aspect and intrapsychic aspect( that is what most somali women are not good at), AND THAT IS WHAT KEEPING YOUR HUSBAND'S MORALITY HAPPY AND SATISFIED ENTAILS. Somalida waxey dhahdaa Ninka Guri fiican kaso baxay iyo Ninka Guri xun kaso baxay iskumid maaha. Man is the head of the house and Woman is the integral part and source of marriage existence. she is the source of her husband's outgoing behiours, successes, but if you set there and have mind that is full of what is happening around; You will be divorced oneday..


Waxaan umaleena hada CLEAR waaye....

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Yaabyaabkis, you are being biased in your statements. The key to good relationship is giving as much as you take and that goes for both females and males. If a brother wants to be happy he gota make his wife happy and vice versa.

If You make him happy, sure he will make you happy, if you only know WAXA FARXAD GELINAYO...

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Originally posted by Be-Happy:

kool kat, lacag beel,

Aboow maxaa inkaarta keenay? Iyaah, xaankaa suubshay ani? Lacag xisaabis iyo lacag maamul waa waxaan ku taqasusay, wax xun ma'aha nooh... :D

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Waar North iyo Hunguri waxba ma haystaane inanta ha lug goyinin ,,,,,,,,,

Iigu soo celibo maxaa dhahday, labadaan bari dhagaha sifiican wax ugama maqlo?


Yaabka, lacagtaan ka hadlooyo Canada aanku xisaabinaa, no need that far inla'aado...Wax caloolweyna seelayeelaa, macalooshaa la maamulaa mise lacagtaa la maamulaa, wah? :D

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