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Somalilands Leader Riyaale and his murderous human rights abusing past!!

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Riyaale, Remnants and the rest of the people of Somaliland





Riyaale is not only guilty of gross ingratitude, shamelessness, greediness, arrogance and ignorance beyond bound, but also he is guilty of treason of a systematic destruction of the hopes, aspirations and dreams of Somaliland and the Somali Landers! {Although it could be debatable; who is really guilty of that destruction of Somaliland? {The people, the opposition or solely the remnants heading by Riyaale}


However, despite all that, he is insulting and laughing at the people of Somaliland, the people who are struggling to forget what he had done to them in Berbera as a chief of spy [NSS!] when he was there then, in1988 during the ethnic cleansing in Said Barre’s regime! This Riyaale, Somali Landers calling him their president was representing that regime at that time, for that human slaughtering scheme!


Riyaale insulted (SNM) those who established this 2nd republic of Somaliland!


He laughed at the constitution of the nation! He laughed even at decency!


He and his gang are undermining the stability and peace in Somaliland enacted, established and held by the people and their never-ending patience!


Riyaale was random occurrence of chance! Bad one! Indeed a curse descended on Somaliland!


As much to worry about Riyaale and his brain Awil as individuals who does evil, but dicing in the process of the demons staying in power by way of renewals like expired passports is the point of worry!


As for the people, they are in total or partial amnesia! Unfortunately unaware of how dangerously the remnants have damaged our basic values, principles, policies, the objectives of Somaliland and the rest of them continues and further degrade, coming close to the point of no return!


We cannot expect much of a people in amnesia, unless, someone help the people come to their conscience and that one was supposed to be the loyal opposition, which is in the ‘missing in no action list’, like the House of Representatives! Unfortunately true!


To be fair to them, the opposition tried several times but each time they un-ceremonially, unexpectedly, unfortunately and cowardly submit to the will of Riyaale and gang!


It seems to the author that some thing is wrong some where in the opposition side! May be some dishonest or even a sinister sabotage by some against the party!


Or may be an incompetence and lack of gutlessness on the part of the party! The author hopes the least evil- the last part to be the case even when that is not good!


The remnants seem having an empty play ground to run and roam around, as they see fit for their ungodly agenda. Therefore where are we now? [halkeebayno goognaa…halkeebay nogoogna…..!]


As we now know there is an activity in Washington, DC regarding Somalia!


Some entity with no real knowledge in contemporary political history of the Somali peninsula or otherwise intentionally disregarded every thing else and pursue a new project after sh. Shareef’s lumpy dumpy structure called a government which does not control beyond their houses in the capital city Mogadiho crumbled!


The author angrily, understandably so, called an office in DC, which is in this reconstitution of the old remnants of the genocidal regime of Siyad Barre business. A guy who refused to give his name to the author and claimed that he is a coordinator responded the call made by the author. And this is the conversation between them.


“ Are you guys out of your minds? How come you reach this horrible idea of calling back the remnants that ruined first the Somali Republic when they overthrew the civilian government, and then later ruined and put out of business the Somali Democratic Republic when they undertook an ethnic cleansing scheme in Somaliland, which was known as the Northern Regions? Are you guys out of your minds?” Wondered the author! “Are you not respecting human rights and dignity? Don’t you not recognize the crimes made by the remnants you are now recalling and reinstituting? Are you not recognizing what they did to Somaliland?


The mass graves are everywhere in Hargeisa and other cities! Are you not ashamed of your selves? Don’t you recognize that you are pushing the Somalilanders to take arms again? Don’t you see that you are expanding the flames of war instead of controlling it?” The author concluded.


“ Listen my friend” the guy called him self a coordinator responded.


“Long before we recalled the remnants, Somaliland recalled them!


The remnants are ruling there as we speak. And by the way, Somaliland is in peace” through and by that experience the idea of calling back the remnants came up” the coordinator said!


“Sir, it was not the remnants which created the endured (but now shaking) peace in Somaliland” the author replied. “ But the bottom line is that peace is there in Somaliland and the remnants are there, ruling S/L! If it worked in your end why are you saying it will not work in the other end-Somalia!” asked the coordinator! “ Listen, remnants are remnants! When you have them, don’t lecture others not to have them,” the coordinator shot back again!


“ Hay! Instead the UN undertakes de-faquashification in the Somali peninsula you are now reconstituting the evildoers back to Somalia. I think the whole thing is a New project for weld Abdulla, the UN representative for Somalia! The guy is using some mindless, moral less morons from Somalia! The maggots (UN agencies) are infesting Somalia for she is dead already“ The author said.


“ I don’t have much time but let me tell you sir a Somali saying which goes: an old lady with no teeth teased her husband in a moment of anger, and said, “you tooth less man!” The wife said. Her husband shot back and said, “ Are you talking about teethless mouth? Better not!”


Don not talk about Remnants sir, you don’t win this argument sir.” the coordinator advised the author. “Listen sir. Hallow, hallow…” line was cut, the coordinator hung-up the phone!


The author wondered how much remnants damaged the Somaliland case and cause and how much the guy’s point was valid regarding Somaliland and remnants!


Even though Allah has given man faculties and means of guidance, Somaliland people seem not using them right! Riyaale wouldn’t have been in their midst otherwise! Remnants are the “ bad tree with no fixture” ( shagaratul al khabeetha) Allah told us in the Quran!


The people:


The seed ye sow, another reaps [undeserved Remnants reaps, wrongly!]


The wealth ye found (created) another keeps [ungodly Remnants keeps, wrongly]


The robe ye weaved, another wears; [Remnants wear]


The arms ye forged, another bears, [Remnants, bear!]


[shelley, song to the men of England]



“The martyr’s blood is the seed of freedom tree!” but that tree is under the ax by the idiocy and the ingratitude of the very people the Mujahedeen attained martyrdom for them, and sacrificed for them!


“ They who for their country die filled an honored grave by the Devine power’s mercy


For what was to be the glory lights glittering the Muj’s tomb, and beauty weeps the brave.


The SNM Mujahedeen, who belongs to that praise and beauty, faced a vengeful fight from the remnants of Siyad Barre, ruling their country!


Those they (thought) defeated are now running the country; the country they liberated The Muj. Found them selves marginalized, despised and neglected! Their sick and weak are in the streets naked and hungry! They are marked as enemies of the remnants and equated that as thought they are the enemy of the country they sacrificed and died for. The history of the struggle is also corrupted, falsified, degraded and demeaned by the remnants! All these are happening before the people they liberated and before their eyes! Such things happens nowhere in the world but it is happening in Somaliland! Only in Somaliland!




“It is not Allah who deals unjustly with man in aught. It is man that wrongs his own soul” Allah said that in his holly book.


It is Somaliland that wronged her own soul when she embraced remnants that are ruining her! But the remnants found her abandoned as Somalia found her abandoned in the 60s!


The people of Somaliland changed what is in them selves thus deserving that! Can we say that?


Allah said in (Al Raad ch13, V11) “ verily will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. But when Allah willth a people’s punishment, there can be no returning it back, nor will they find besides him any to protect”


Allah is not intent on punishment. He created man virtuous and pure; he gave him intelligence and knowledge; he surrounded him with all sorts of instruments of His grace and Mercy. If in spite, man distorts his own will and goes against Allah’s will, yet is Allah’s forgiveness open to him if he will take it. It is only when he has made his own sight blind, and changed his own nature or soul away from the beautiful mould in which Allah formed it, that Allah’s wrath will descend on (man) him and the favourble position in which Allah placed him will be changed. And once the punishment comes there is no returning it back (Al ciyaado Billaah)


None of the things, which he relies upon other than Allah, can possibly protect him.


Idiocy, dormancy, lies, clannish conspiracy, cabalism, greediness, shamelessness, arrogance- none of these and others more can protect Somaliland, which like the Israelites of Egypt when liberated from the tyranny and enslavement of the Egyptian pharaohs by Allah through his prophet Moses turned back to worship the ‘calf of Samery’ instead of Allah!


Similarly Somalilanders returned back to the ****** after she was liberated from the genocidal regime of Siyaad Barre known as ****** by her sons and daughters, of SNM.



Riyaale and the Remnants:


Freeze, freez, thou bitter sky


Thou dost not bite so nigh


As benefits for got


Blow, blow, thou winter wind;


Thou are not so unkind;


As man’s ingratitude;


Thy tooth is not so keen;


Because thou are not seen;


Although, thy breath, be rude.


[shakespeare, as you like it]


This was the unkindest cut of all [not only Riyaale cut the people but he cut the country as a whole!]


For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,


Ingratitude, more strong than traitor’s arms


(Shakespeare, Julius Caesar)


Riyaale’s teeth are so keen and severe especially after Germany!


Riyaale’s ingratitude is worse than the winter wind, then the blazing heat of Barbara where he supervised a mass murder degreed to be slaughtered under the ethnic cleansing act by Siyaad Barre’s genocidal regime when he was the chief spy there!




Riyaale and remnants are what was left of the defeated regime of Siyaad Barre. They are one in all and all in one. They are void of any moral compass, no conscience! They are foreign to vision and forwardness. What they have inherited and they know best is sending untrained kids to shoot the national leaders who disagree them. They are vicious “******” remnants that ought to be saved from the hard won New Somaliland!


“Un regenerated man is arrogant! Ignorant man is arrogant! Truth and righteousness expose all his pretences! He hopes by underhand plots to undermine truth and destroy it, but he is caught in his own [trap] snares while truth marches forward triumphant”


Riyaale and his brain Awil will be exposed some day. They will be called accountable to their mischievous and treasonous acts! If they however slip away in the dark of night and take flight from Somaliland, they cannot run away and take flight from the wrath of Allah. And in the end they may wonder astray despite the looting they did to Somaliland! And Somaliland will stay put waiting for renovation and renewal after they vanish in thin air to a place they will be undesirable and despised!


If the ‘due’, the wicked ( Riyaale and Awil) two, plot and burrow there in, but they only plot against their own souls Do they have the normal souls we have? Indeed they don’t! Theirs are evil souls, however they perceive it not!


Allah’s wrath and that of the betrayed people of Somaliland descends on the Remnants, the deviants, the liars, the land grabbers, transgressors and pretenders- those who say they did what they did not, those who commit the above crimes and more!


Riyaale and his brain Awil never believed what the people do believe! People believe a respected, sovereign Somaliland among nations. The ‘due’ don’t! No argument here, their actions and inactions prove this. What do they believe then? Their belly and their never filling pockets! They went everywhere and did every thing to realize their intent. They travelled to every place, said every thing and signed every paper to achieve their personal pursuit and profit and until now they are undisputed in that arena of evilly!


On account of their evil doings in the land and their plotting of evil, but the plotting of evil will hem in only the authors [Riyaale and Awil] thereof


Allah knows and [some] the people know the truth of what they mend against the hopes and aspirations of the people of Somaliland who slept when the last word they heard was –peace-. The people did not hear the factors that could destroy the peace it self after that!


Poor people they slipped in to amnesia knowing not what is going on!


Opposition did not wake them up! Probably they slept with the people, or worse still waiting the people to do what the opposition was supposed to do! Therefore the evil force, the remnants are now infest that situation like the maggot infests the dead!




No nation can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in insisting the truth, and the rule of law rather dancing around them, and that is where Somaliland is in, now! Dancing around them!


Confront the realities and face the truth and don’t dance around!


Unless atonement is sought, change, good change, will not come!


Unless change is sought, change will not come!


Unless the people change themselves to the better, good change will not come!


Unless sanity is restored a government which steels from the people, loots the natural resources and sells the public properties and the rest of it will not be changed!


Only a gutsy, courage and honest to God leadership from the people with gut level connection with the people will redirect Somaliland to the right route, thus much will move to the right direction, and the remnants can not stay any more in that new reality! But where are we now? We must start the debate from there! But we have to do the job!


Those who cling power through debauchery, deceit, deception, and demagoguery need to know that they are on the wrong side of history


“Praise be to Allah, the lord of creation, the merciful, the compassionate


Ruler of the day of judgement


Allah is nigh, His mercy is abundant and around


Help us Allah; lead us in the path, for we are aloof, alone and lost. Somaliland is lost again!”


The author prayed for (S/L) the Mother. And you pray for her too. Let us do this all together with peaceful action based on the law of the land even when the remnants don’t adhere to that!


However peace!


Ibrahim Mead

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So much for freedom of expression, there isn't even freedom to listen to what you want!!!


Somaliland Army Men Detained For Listening to Radio Horyaal News


Six Somaliland soldiers stationed in the eastern front had been released from a detention facility located in Oog district of Sool province for listening to a news programme on Radio Horyaal last week, according to senior military officers who spoke to Somaliland.Org over the telephone on condition of anonymity.

The soldiers disobeyed an unlawful order from the Somaliland Military High Command calling for all members of the armed forces, wherever they happen to be in the country, not to listen to Radio Horyaal- an opposition radio broadcasts beamed into Somaliland from Europe.


“The soldiers were arrested after being caught listening to Radio Horyaal news programme. It appears that they have simply ignored the order not to do so,” said one of the officers who asked for anonymity.


The Somaliland Military High Command had secretly issued unlawful orders, at least three times in the past, to members of the armed forces warning them against listening to Radio Horyaal. However, in most cases, soldiers based in the remote areas of the country often ignore the order and secretly listen to Horyaal radio station.


“The reason why we prefer Radio Horyaal is simply because it is the only Somaliland radio station that has the broadcast capacity to reach this remote area of the country,” said one of the soldiers based in Adhi Addeys barracks who also declined to give his name. “Previously, we used to listen to Galkayo radio and other stations that belong to Puntland”.


It is not the first time that the soldiers stationed in the barracks of the eastern front of Somaliland have been arrested for listening to Radio Horyaal. In the past, soldiers were handed down punishments ranging from automatic dismissal from the Army to an indefinite detention.


The Somaliland state-owned Radio does not have broadcast capacity beyond a 5-mile radius from central Hargeisa, the capital city of Somaliland.

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