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Are Women Late More than Men?

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Batuula: I hate being the 1st in the class..which happens all the time.. :mad:


Men: I think they usually late coz they're lazy or just don't want to be on time..


Women: women can't help being take some of us for ever getting ready!


So, I'll say girls are mostly late.......... ;)

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loooooooool R_V.. :rolleyes: even home? i don't think so..//

-There were 117 female students on time and 27 female students late; thus, approximately 23% of the female students who walked through the front entrance were late. On the other hand, 105 of the male students were on time and 15 were late, so approximately 14% of the male students who walked through the front entrance were late. :mad:


- jobs? :confused:

- home alwys late. ;)

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