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Somaliland: The Beginning of the Election Campaign

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Hargeysa(Waaheen)Maxamed Axmed Xirsi “ Geelle” ayaa maanta si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay Ololihii Doorashada Madaxtooyadu inuu sadexda Xisbi si rasmi ah ugu bilaabmi doono 3 bisha June oo ku beegan maalin khamiis ah


Sidaas waxa uu Af-hayeenka Komishanka Doorashooyinka Qaranka Maxamed Axmed Xirsi ka sheegay shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta ku qabtay Hotelka Imperial ee Hargeysa, waxaanu intaa ku daray in ay sadexda Xisbi ixtiraamaan nidaamka iyo Qorshaha loo dhigay, kaasoo maalin ba si gaar ah uu Xisbi u yeelan doono Dalka oo dhan inuu kalidii ka Ololeeyo


Waxaanu sheegay Maalinta ugu horeysa inuu Ololaha Dalka ka bilaabi doono Xisbiga UDUB, maalinta Ku xigtana Kulmiye, maalinta Sadexaadna UCID, taasoo ay ilaa iyo maalinta la soo gababaynayo Ololaha Doorashada sidaa isku weydaarsan doonaan Jadwalka


Komishanka Doorashooyinka ayaa wali ku guda jira bedelaadii kaadhadhka iyadoo uu Ololuhuna ku beegmayo maalmaha la gabagabeeyo uun Kaad-bedelka, sidoo kale xubno Komishanka ka mid ah ayaa iyana safar ugu maqan sidii ay u soo daabici lahaayeen waraaqihii Codaynta

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It starts on Thursday, the 3rd of June 2010.



First day UDUB, Second day KULMIYE and the Third day UCID .......... and it goes.

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Good news, let's hope Riyaale does not mugg the poor durriyada again....


It will be utter dissappointment to see that Villa Morgan will be occupied by former NSS Siad Barre spy again and again, not in 2010.

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The mugger rules there now and by force thus needs no introduction, I have no doubt that he will cling on to power being a former spy and the student of dictator Barre, but I hope the poor Siilaanyo gets it this time, knowing that Faysal Waalane has no chance.

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^One does not see the importance of your care, but one sees the importance of publisizing his hope and plea for the removal of spy Riyaale and sympathises with Siilaanyo's long cry and struggle to rule Hargeisa, one of the former legitimate leaders of the SNM rebel movement.

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I bet you consider me your enemy.


Riyaale bullies the likes of you in Hargeisa, and Silaanyo is a far distanced old rebel leader who lost hope to get grip on power in SL. I am not their enemy, if they percieve me to be their enemy as you do, I pety them.

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Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa:

Good news, let's hope Riyaale does not mugg the poor durriyada again....


It will be utter dissappointment to see that Villa Morgan will be occupied by former NSS Siad Barre spy again and again, not in 2010.

So you're telling me I should be dissappointed by the victory of the party I choose to support? :D

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African Own, of course you should, both opposition parties are from the same family, and even the vice-president right now is from that family. So it's rigged to make sure that they will always be 1 or 2! No reer Sool, no reer Sanaag!

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^^What you're forgetting to mention is my "family" doesn't rule anything, they're getting "muggeged". Its Riyaale with all the powers, ask your boy Kuun-Kuun about this.

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

^^What you're forgetting to mention is my "family" doesn't rule anything, they're getting "muggeged". Its Riyaale with all the powers, ask your boy Kuun-Kuun about this.


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