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Deeq A.

Floods Turn Jidka Soddonka into a “Small River” in Mogadishu

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Deeq A.   

Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — Torrential rains have turned parts of a major thoroughfare, Jidka Soddonka, into small river. Between Bar Ubah and Black Sea Restaurant rain water has reached knee high and forced families near the road to evacuate their properties.

Inaugurated in 1979 Jidka Soddonka has had its sewage system clogged by sand since 1991, when the former military regime was overthrown. Some of the water has been diverted via Hawo Tako neighbourhood centre so the water can flow into an area near Hamar Jadid primary school.

A video clip of the impact of floods on Bar Ubah and Black Sea Restaurant area in Mogadishu.

Hawo Tako neighbourhood is one of the areas adversely affected by seasonal rains in Mogadishu. The area is not too far from Bakaaraha Market. No solution has yet to be found for seasonal floods that cause disruptions in the area.

“I call on the Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu to visit here and do something about the situation” said a resident of the area. Business affected are in the Hawlwadaag area of Jidka Soddonka. Hawlwadaag is the smallest of the four districts that Jidka Soddonka passes through along with Hodan, Wardhiigley and Towfiiq.

© Puntland Post, 2023

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