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Where is Sh. Hassan Dahir Aweys ??

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Ciidamadda Nabadsugida Eretria ayaa baadi goob ugu jira Gudoomiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta garabka Asmara Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys oo xalay saqdii dhexe ka baxsaday dalkaas.


Saraakiil ka tirsan Wardoonka Eretria ayaa sheegay inay Xasan Dahir ka baadi goobayaan kenya iyo Sudan hasse yeeshee ila wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa xaqiijiyay inuu ku sugan yahay Magaaladda Khartoum ee Dalka Sudan.


Sheekh Aweys oo ka mida ragga lagu asteeyay liiska argagixisada waxaa la rumeeysan yahay inuu gaari uga baxsaday Eretria ayna xadka Sudan ka qaadeen Ciidamadda amaanka dalkaas .


Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Xafiiskiisa Asmara ayaa sheegay in Sheekh Aweys uu kulan la qaadanayo Al Bashiirka Sudan kadibna ka degi doono Magaaladda Mogadishu si uu halkaas kaga dhawaaqo inuu taageeray dowladda uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Shariif Sheekh Ahmed.



Sedexdii bilood ee la soo dhaafay Xasan Dahir Aweys wuxuu ku jiray xabsi guri Magaaladda Asmara,waxayna Eretria tiro ka laba jeer ka hor istaagtay safar uu doonayay inuu ugu baqoolo gudaha dalka Somalia


Sheekh Aweys wuxuu mudo ku taamayay inuu tago degaanka uu dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeedo ee Dhuusamareeb iyo Guriceel hasse yeeshee waxay rajadiisa dhicisoowday ka gadaal markii uu ka war helay inay guud ahaan gobolkaas Galgaduud la wareegeen xoogaga Ahlusunna Wal Jameeca oo Xasan Dahir u arko aabaha Waahabiyadda Somalia.


Saraakiil ka tirsan Wardoonka Eretria ayaa socdaal ugu kala baxay Kenya iyo Sudan ,waxaana sidoo kale xaduudaha dalkaas la dhigay sawirka Xasan Dahir Aweys.


Eretria waxay Xasan Dahir u aragtay kaarka ugu muhiimsan ee ay kula gor gortami karto reer galbeedka,waxaana la rumeeysan yahay in baxsashadiisa ay tahay ka weyn Maskaxda Madaxweyne Aseys Afewark.


Xasan Dahir Aweys wuxuu ahaa,aas aasayaashii Ururka Al Itixaad,wuxuuna waqtigii golaha Maxaakiimta ee 2006 noqday Gudoomiyaha golaha shuuradda ee Maxaakiimtii inta badan goboladda Somalia laga barakiciyay 28 December 2008 ka gadaal markii ay iska xejin waayeen xoogagii isgarabsanayay ee Melleteriga Ethiopia iyo kuwii Maryacalastii Cabdullahi Yuusuf.


Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacadde oo ay hore isugu xirnaayeen Eretria ayey bishii la soo dhaafay kala furteen sababo loo tiriyay iyagoo ka goostay Mushaaraadkii ay u diri jireen.


Xuseen Maxamed faarax Ceydiid oo ah Gudoomiye ku xigeenka golaha dhexe ee garabka Asmara ayaa hore uga tegay Asmara wuxuuna haatan ku sugan yahay Magaaladda London.


Xiriirka Xuseen Ceydiid iyo Xasan Dahir Aweys ma wanaagsana sida laga soo xigtay dad xog ogaala,.waxaana bilahii la soo dhaafay Asmara ka jiray dib u xoreynta garabka Wadaniyiinta Soomaaliyeed iyo dib u xoreynta garabka Islaamiyiinta Soomaaliyeed.



Xigasho: Casuura Online

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Somali opposition leader quits Eritrea for Sudan



MOGADISHU, March 31 (Reuters) - Somalia's hardline Islamist opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has quit self-imposed exile in Eritrea for neighbouring Sudan and may return to Mogadishu soon, Somali media said on Tuesday.


Aweys, 62, is on a U.S. list of terrorism suspects. He is a former chairman of the Islamic Courts Union that ruled Somalia's capital in 2006 until being ousted by Ethiopian troops.


He worked alongside his country's moderate Islamist president, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, in the Islamic Courts and they later founded the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia.


Earlier this year, Ahmed was elected president by lawmakers at U.N.-hosted talks in Djibouti.


Radio stations in Mogadishu said Aweys was in Khartoum and held talks on Tuesday with two senior Sudanese officials. They said he was expected to fly to the Somali capital later to offer his support to Ahmed's new administration.


The endorsement of Aweys would be a boost for Ahmed, who faces the daunting task of trying to establish a new national security force and persuade heavily-armed Islamist guerrillas to back his government in the interests of peace.


But it could prove difficult for the United Nations and Western countries, which were once wary of Islamists being in power but now see Ahmed as the best hope for bringing peace to the failed Horn of Africa state after 18 years of violence.


A close ally of Aweys in Mogadishu, who asked not to be named, told Reuters Aweys was expected to arrive in the city within two weeks. The ally said Awey's plans were not yet clear, but he denied he had met any Sudanese officials.


One senior Somali source in Sudan confirmed Aweys was in the country, and said it was possible Ahmed might travel to Khartoum to meet him there. He gave no other details.


In a Reuters interview by telephone from Asmara earlier this month, Aweys denounced Ahmed as just another Ethiopian stooge and said he was a traitor to the Islamic faith. [iD:nL4915892]


Aweys is on the U.S. list of foreign terrorists, as is the hardline Islamist insurgent group al Shabaab, which controls much of southern and central Somalia. Ahmed has been pushing to have Aweys removed from the list.


Washington accuses Somalia's hardline Islamists of having ties to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda and fears the chaotic country could be used by foreign groups to destabilise the region.

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^LooooooooooL...I was right. I heard the US will take him of terrorist list, and will 'make up' with Sharif and go back to Mogadisho. They might meet in Cairo.

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Somalia: Sheikh Aweys 'to return to Mogadishu'

3 Apr 3, 2009 - 1:01:57 PM




KHARTOUM, Sudan Apr 3 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's leading Islamist opposition figure, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, is reportedly planning to return to the country's capital Mogadishu for the first time since 2006, Radio Garowe reports.


Sheikh Aweys has been living in the Eritrean capital Asmara ever since Ethiopian troops intervened in southern Somalia in Dec. 2006 to oust the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), which was then led by Sheikh Aweys and Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, Somalia's new UN-backed president.


In recent days, Sheikh Aweys has reportedly reached the capital of Sudan, Khartoum, where he met privately with Sheikh Abdirahman Janakow, the Somali Justice Minister and formerly a senior ICU official.




Gen. Jama Mohamed Ghalib, Sheikh Aweys' deputy in the Eritrea-based Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) faction, confirmed reports that the Islamist opposition leader has reached Khartoum to take part of mediation efforts.


"There are ongoing efforts to reconcile the ARS-Eritrea and the government of [President] Sheikh Sharif, but the main dispute remains the presence of AMISOM," Gen. Ghalib said, referring to a 4,000-strong African Union peacekeeping force serving in Mogadishu.


However, the spokesman for the Eritrea-based ARS faction, Sheikh Hassan Mahdi, told journalists in the southern port of Kismayo that reports of mediation between ARS-Eritrea and Sheikh Sharif's government are "baseless."


But sources close to Sheikh Aweys said that the Islamist leader will travel to Mogadishu as part of an ongoing reconciliation effort between him and President Sheikh Sharif, his former ally.


Sheikh Aweys is on the U.S. government's terror list, although recent reports have indicated that the Somali President has been leading efforts to remove him from the list.


Source: Garowe Online

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In an interview with the BBC, Sheikh Sharif said he is hoping Sh. Aweys will join his government and come to Mogadishu soon. He was so positive about it.

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