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Peace-keepers or Troublemaker Unprincipled Mercenaries?

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Here are the opinions on the BBC "Have your say forum":



Can peacekeepers succeed in Somalia?


Should the African Union continue deploying peacekeepers in Somalia?


A cargo plane transporting Ugandan soldiers to Somalia's capital caught fire as it landed in Mogadishu, officials say.


A Somali Islamic group has claimed it shot at the aircraft, but Uganda's army spokesman told the BBC investigations so far suggest a technical problem.


AU peacekeepers are in Somalia to back up Somalia's transitional government.


Can AU peacekeepers bring stability to Somalia? Will the current attacks and threats jeopardise the planned deployment? Should the troops’ peacekeeping role and duties be re-assessed? Considering that the AU mission in Darfur is failing to halt the violence there, do you think that they can succeed in Somalia? most recommended opinions....................................................



From what I've seen of 3rd world police forces and military organisations, (which is fairly extensive with my job) I have to say that the level of training and discipline among such groups is rather shocking.


They are often corrupt, incompetent and possess a tendency to 'rush-to-judgement' administering summary executions and other brutalities. I hope I am wrong but for now I remain sceptical that a multi-nation African force will have enough control 'on the ground' to get the job done.


Johnathan Collins, Lincoln



Recommended by 41 people







Islamists don't like peace. See Iraq.

Rob, London


Is that the same Iraq that was invaded by Christians twice in 15 years?


Islam IS a religion of peace. (Did The IRA's Eniskillen bomb represent Christianity?) Study The Crusades and look at the dignity with which Saladin tried to deal with the treacherous invading Europeans. Muslims are no more violent than Christians!


If you wish to find mistrust (which leads to conflict), look in the mirror!


colin colin, United Kingdom



Recommended by 35 people






Let the Somalis sort out their own country. Let everyone sort out their own country. England did, US did, etc.


Peter Hyde, Toronto, Canada



Recommended by 27 people

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