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Somali warlords refuse to end militia battle

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Somali warlords refuse to end militia battle


March 29 2006 at 02:06AM


Mogadishu - A group of Somali businessmen calling themselves the Alliance for Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism vowed on Tuesday to continue battling militias allied to the Islamic courts in Mogadishu, rejecting mediation efforts to broker a peace deal.


"The solution will be the barrels of our guns and we will continue the war until we succeed," said Mohamed Dere, a warlord from the Shabelle region who went to Mogadishu to attend a coalition meeting.


An uneasy calm returned to Mogadishu after four days of fierce fighting - said to be the worst in recent years - that killed 70 people and wounded hundreds more as the Islamic courts try to wrest control of the city in the hands of warlords since Somalia's government was overthrown in 1991.


The sharia courts also continue to hold rallies in a bid to explain the ills of the warlords who have run for Mogadishu for 15 years, and why a moral takeover of the war-scarred city was necessary.


"I summon all of the people to fight the jihad against the devils' coalition," said Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, chairperson of the Islamic courts union. He warned that "we will give the oppressors another unprecedented lesson from which they will never recover".


The warlords-turned-politicians formed the new alliance, said to be supported by the United States, to curb the growing power of the brutal but efficient courts, currently the only functioning law enforcement agency in the war-scarred city.


Meanwhile, the European Union has expressed concern at the continuing tension in Mogadishu. EU president Jose Manuel Barroso gave an assurance of the EU's continued support to Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed, president of the Somali Transitional Federal Government, and Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Ghed. - Sapa-dpa

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Midowga maxaakiimta oo ku baaqay in gacan laga siiyo sidii loo soo qaban lahaa dadka dhubaatada wada




Mogadishu 31 March. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Midowga maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka codsaday shacabka in gacan ay ka siiyaan si ay u daafacaan naftooda iyo maalkooda.



Sheekh Shariif, Gudoomiyaha midowga maxkamadaha


Midowga maxkamadaha islaamiga ayaa waxa ay shacabaka Soomaaliyeed u sheegeen in ay taageeraan howlaha ay ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho, oo ay sheegeen in ay kaga hortagayaan kuwa geeysta falalka dilalka ah ee aan la garaneyn xiliga ay dhacaan iyo cidda geysata intaba.


Sidoo kale waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka hortagi doonaan dilallka loo geysto aqoonyahanada, culuma udiinka, ganacsatada iyo kuwa u adeega bulshada intaba.


Gudoomiyaha midowga maxaakiimta Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa sheegay in ujeedada loo aas aasay maxkamada ay tahay sidii shacabka ay ugu adeegi lahaayeen, isla markaana ay uga hortagi lahaayeen wax kasta oo hagar daamo ku ah bulshada.


Sheekha ayaa ugu baaqay ganacsatada iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee dhaqaalaha heeysta in gurmad deg deg ah ay la gaaraan dadka tabaaleysan ee ku sugan xerayaha dadka soo barakacay ee magaalaada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan dadkii ku barakacay dagaaladii dhowaan ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho.


Dhowaan ayay aheyd markii dagaal qaraar uu ku dhex maray magaalada Muqdisho ciidamada Midowga maxaakiimta islaamiga iyo kuwa isbaheysiga soo celinta nabadda iyo la dagaalanka argagixisada.


Shabelle Media Network, Somalia

Daawo bogga sawirada abaaraha

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