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Somalia speaker has words for Ethiopian parliament

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NAIROBI, Somalia Nov 30 (Garowe Online) - The parliament speaker of the interim Somali government has opined that the Ethiopian parliament made the “wrong decision” in authorizing the Meles Zenawi government the right to take “any legal action” against Somali Islamists.


Speaker Sharif Hassan, who was interviewed Thursday by the BBC Somali Service, said that he can’t think of any reason why Ethiopia and the Islamists would fight.


The issue is “between the [islamic] Courts and the [somali] federal government, who share ethnicity and a country,” Speaker Sharif said.


On Thursday, the Ethiopian parliament voted in favor of Prime Minister Zenawi’s military plans against the Islamic Courts in control of central and southern Somalia, challenging the authority of the Ethiopian-backed interim government.


Zenawi accuses the Islamists of terrorism and has injected thousands of Ethiopian troops into Somalia in support of the Baidoa-based government, for which Sharif Hassan is the parliament speaker.


Speaker Sharif and some 60 legislators have been in Mogadishu since early November to promote open dialogue with the Islamists, despite disapproval from government leaders.


He flew into Mogadishu briefly on Thursday after holding talks on Somalia with officials in Djibouti.


The Speaker, leading a 15-member parliament delegation, flew to Nairobi later on in the day for further talks with regional diplomats.

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Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan: “Soomaaliya Soomaali baa leh, ciidanka Itoobiya ciideena haka baxo"


Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan oo asaga iyo wefdi uu hogaaminayo ay shalay ka soo degeen garoonka dayuuradaha caalamiga ah ee Muqdisho ka dib markii uu booqasho ku tagay dalka Jabuuti lana soo kulmay madaxwaynaha dalka Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geele ayaa isla shalayba ka dhoofay Muqdisho wuxuuna u dhoofay Nairobi, Kenya si uu ugu gudbiyo beesha caalamka heshiiskii uu la soo galay Maxaakiimta iyo xaalada uu ku soo arkay Muqdisho.


Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan oo warbaahinta la hadlay saacadihii uu shalay Muqdisho joogay ka hor intii uusan u dhoofin Nairobi ayaa sheegay in madaxawayne Ismaaciil Cumar Geele iyo shacabka reer Jabuuti ay si wanaagsan u soo dhaweeyeen ayna isku afgarteen qodobadii ay isla gorfeeyeen oo ay ugu waynayd joogitaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya ee Baydhabo iyo gobollo kale.


Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan ayaa yiri:


“ Dal madaxbanaan in dal deris ah ciidamo iska soo geliyo waa khalad. Waxaan aad ula yaabanahay in Baarlamaanka Itoobiya uu ansxiyo in ciidamo la geeyo dal madax banaan. Waa arin nasiibo darro ah oo dhibaato wayn ka dhex abuuri doonta shacabka Soomaaliya iyo kan Itoobiya. Go’aanka Baarlamaanka Itoobiya waa mid aad iyo aad khalad u ah shacabka Soomaaliyeedna wuu is difaaci doonaa sida aan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ku aqaano. Waa arrin khalad ah, khalad ah, oo khalad ah , Itoobiyana uma roona Soomaaliyana uma, roono. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaan leeyahay waxa jira waad u jeedaan idinkaa la idinka raaba xalka Soomaaliya. Soomaaliya Soomaali baa leh, dawladnimadooda iyo sharaftooda ayagaa soo ceshan kara. Waxaan caalamka ka codsanayaa in ciidamada Itoobiya na looga bixiyo dalkeena oo ciideena laga bixiyo oo ay ciidamadooda ku noqdaan dalkooda, dersinimo iyo walaalnimo aan ku wada noolaano. Ma suuroobayso in wadan wadan kale oo madaxbanaan inta uu iska soo galo wuxuu rabo uu iska samaysto.”

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There is no doubt,I have known this for long time now,the problem wasn't even going to be the ICU vs. TFG,in my view that is minor thing that could be solved with relative ease,however,the problem is the Tigray regime in Addis which that has its hand in the jar.


If the Shariif is a important member of the TFG and thus can get along with the ICU then why can't they Abdullahi Yusuf and Geedi do the same?


well,there can be only one answer to that,the parliament speak of the TFG followed his heart in realizing what is right thing to do at the moment,Abdullahi Yusuf and Geedi simply don't have the guts to do the same,the Tigray regime is watching over them you see.

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Originally posted by Red Sea:

There is no doubt,I have known this for long time now,the problem wasn't even going to be the ICU vs. TFG,in my view that is minor thing that could be solved with relative ease,however,the problem is the Tigray regime in Addis which that has its hand in the jar.

Mr. Red Sea,

This might work on some ethiopian menelik or mengistu supporters website, but evryone here knows and remembers one thing.

For a moment forget ethiopia. Think Yemen. Its only thanx to Yemen and its efforts the speaker came to Baydoa in the first place otherwise he was OK with the warlords and others in Mugadishu standing against the TFG.


Next you can also forget everything and this is what the speaker said:

The issue is “between the [islamic] Courts and the [somali] federal government, who share ethnicity and a country,” Speaker Sharif said.

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^Yemen has also its own interests in Somalia which is different from that of the somali people.


So for moment,think about the Somali people and what is that good for them,the ICU not the Yemeni/Tigray fueled so called transitional government yaa "Friend".

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This might work on some ethiopian menelik or mengistu supporters website, but evryone here knows and remembers one thing.

For a moment forget ethiopia. Think Yemen. Its only thanx to Yemen and its efforts the speaker came to Baydoa in the first place otherwise he was OK with the warlords and others in Mugadishu standing against the TFG.

Yemen? LOOL. You funny my brother. Remember that no country do something for another country for the love of it. It is all interests.


Now, What makes you think that Shariifka was against the TFG. The shariifka was always against the hidden hand that shapes and controls the TFG, Who ETHIOPIA. SO YOU SEE MY BROTHER Shariifka always stood and still standing strong with god's will for what he believes in and that is a long lasting peace for Somali as a whole and A somali that is fully controlled and run by its own PEOPLE.


So please you guys need to stop tainting this man's image for your own sick agenda.



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The Speaker of the Parliment was a politically expedient tool, hardly politically astute. He's an expired product. And expired products are not so useful.

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Originally posted by Pi:

The Speaker of the Parliment was a politically expedient tool, hardly politically astute. He's an expired product. And expired products are not so useful.

So as soon as someone gets off Ethio's agenda,they get dropped as "expired product",that is insane..what is wrong with you?

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