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Deeq A.

Job Vacancy: Consultancy service for the development of strategic plan 2023-2028 for MoECC

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Deeq A.   

Airport Road, Next to Jazira Hotel



Issued on April 16, 2023 – Closing date: April 21, 2023


The Federal Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC) has recently been formed, by upscaling the previous Directorate of Environment and Climate Change (DoECC) with the aim of providing institutional leadership at the national level for  environmental protection and climate actions. The Ministry essentially leads the efforts to maintain a balance between effective environmental conservation, development activities, and the sustained management of natural resources in the age of rapid climate change for generations to come through decentralized structures of governance. To fulfill this Vision the Ministry is mandated to:

  • Integrate environmental concerns into the national planning and management processes and provision of guidelines for overall wellbeing of Somali people.
  • Undertake the protection, conservation and improvement of the environment and the implementation of policies and programs relating to conservation of the country’s natural resources.
  • Monitor the impacts of climate change on human and natural capital and ensure climate-responsive policies, plans and programmes are implemented to mitigate the negative impacts that undermine social and economic indicators of the country
  • Negotiate national position on environment and climate change at the global level and align national responses to Multi-lateral Agreements, Global Conventions and Protocols as these relate to environment and climate change
  • Promote  of public involvement in environmental preservation through mass awareness and community mobilization.
  • Build resilience against climate change, and mobilise investments for disasters mitigation, preparedness, adaptation, mitigation, and develop climate smart skills and transfer of appropriate technologies
  • Lead the development of environmental and climate policies and support legislation for adoption at national level
  • Formulate effective strategies for the implementation of environmental policies and mainstream environment and climate in sectoral policies
  • Ensure climate change and environment interventions  are mainstreamed  in sectoral line Ministries at Federal and Federal Member State level,
  • Coordinate the contributions of line Ministries at Federal and Federal Member State level to mobilize climate finance resources,
  • Ensure line Ministries at Federal and Federal Member States level are involved in the climate chanage and environment Fora,
  • Initiate and coordinate activities that support central and decentralized institutions, communities and civil society to adopt nature-based solutions and climate responsive practices.

With this, the Ministry seeks to develop a 5-Year Strategic Plan for the Period 2023-2028. The Ministry intends to undertake this strategic planning exercise through the guidance of a consultant.


The main objective of the consultancy is to review the performance of DoECC and develop a 5-Year Strategic Plan (2023-2028) with a sustainable framework for the Ministry through a participatory process involving key stakeholders.


At the end of this consultancy, we expect that the Ministry will have a new strategic plan building on the achievements brought forward from previous strategic plans of the Directorate of Environment and Climate Change. To achieve this, the consultant will review and guide the Ministry in clearly defining: –

  1. Review of the performance of DoECC,
  2. Institutional Analysis of the Ministry including stock taking of human and financial resources,
  3. Vision, Mission, strategic areas, and objectives based on the outcomes of the review; including priority focus areas for the strategic plan period.
  4. Stakeholder map and identify relevant strategies to engage with them to advance the stated objectives.
  5. Situational context, through a SWOT, PESTEL, and other relevant analysis.
  6. Facilitate consultative meetings with Ministry staff, students, other Government Ministries, Federal States, development partners, and other stakeholders.
  7. Sustainability component; including proposals for effective financial and human resource strategies.
  8. Risk analysis and management approaches.
  9. Functional institutional and coordination structure.
  10. Monitoring and evaluation framework to enable effective tracking of the strategic plan.
  11. Costing of the strategic plan.

At the end of this consultancy, the consultant (individual/ firm) will be expected to have submitted the following key deliverables:

  1. Inception report outlining the procedures, methods, strategies, and timelines involved in undertaking a rapid evaluation and development of the Strategic Plan.
  2. A Stock-taking: Report of the Previous Department of Environment and Climate Change.
  3. Strategic planning and validation workshops for the MOECC staff, and other stakeholders.
  4. A five-year elaborate strategic plan covering the period 2023-2028 alongside a theory of change, SWOT, PESTEL analysis, detailed implementation matrix for 2023-2028, corresponding implementation budget, and reviewed organogram.
  5. A detailed donor mapping and associated resource mobilization plan relevant to MOECC.
  6. An operational annual targets detailing strategies, key activities, performance indicators, targets, budget and responsibilities.
  7. A robust M&E Framework, with clear monitoring, evaluation, and learning activities for the strategic period.
  8. A consultancy report that includes the major activities of the consultancy, highlights of the strategic planning and validation workshops, and the evaluation of the workshops.5. EXPERT PROFILE

In order to be selected for this assignment, the Consultant must possess the following among other Academic and Professional qualifications:

  1. A minimum of a post-graduate qualification in the field of Strategic Management, Public Administration, Organizational Development, and/ or management or in a related field.
  2. Minimum of 10 years of experience in strategic planning in the Public Sector.
  3. Knowledge of the Environment Sector or Natural Resource Sectors (Water, Land) as well as Climate Change issues is desirable,
  4. Excellent communication and facilitation skills.
  5. Highly motivated and committed to the Ministry’s values.

The consultant will submit a Proposal to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, including the following:

  1. A suitability statement; including commitment to his/her availability for the entire assignment.
  2. Updated curriculum vitae that clearly spells out qualifications and experience in relation to this assignment.
  3. Contacts of 3 institutions/ organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out a similar assignment.


All documents and data collected in the process of the consultancy will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate the consultancy assignment. All information to which the consultant shall receive access to shall at all times be treated as the property of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and shall not be disclosed saved for where express permission has been granted as such.


The strategic planning exercise is expected to be fully completed by 30th June 2023. The consultant will submit a detailed plan of work as part of the Proposal.


Interested individuals and or firms to submit a technical and cost proposal to the Ministry detailing the methodology on how to carry out the assignment, a work plan, consultants’ level of experience, detailed CV, and professional fees. In addition, at least 3 references of similar assignments you have successfully undertaken in the last 3 years.

The proposal should reach the Ministry not later than COB April 21, 2023. The proposal should be submitted in PDF format to:

And copied to:

Only candidates short-listed for interview will be contacted.

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